🚨 “You Don’t Need to Know the ‘How’ ” Is the Biggest Lie—Here’s What No One Tells You

author coding abundance law of attraction manifesting zinnette zorzos Feb 21, 2025

Article by Zinnette Zorzos

🚨 “You Don’t Need to Know the ‘How’ ” Is the Biggest Lie—Here’s What No One Tells You

For the longest time, I was caught between two worlds.

I believed in energy, alignment, subconscious reprogramming. I had seen things shift too fast, too perfectly, to chalk it up to coincidence. But at the same time? My mind was too structured, too logical to accept the ‘just believe and it will happen’ narrative.

I wanted the steps. The blueprint. The actual HOW. But every time I asked, people gave me vague, poetic answers like, ‘You don’t need to know the how, just trust.’

And that? That frustrated me to no end.

The Moment That Changed Everything

Then I realized something that flipped my entire perspective:

The reason they couldn’t explain the how… is because they weren’t actually doing it.

They weren’t manifesting with precision. They weren’t consciously rewiring their reality. They were throwing things into the void, hoping the universe would catch them.

And I? I was done waiting. I needed something real.

Breaking the Woo-Woo vs. Logic Split

So I stopped asking for the ‘how’ from people who didn’t know it. I studied, tested, and coded my own process. And what I found was this:

🚀 Subconscious reprogramming is NOT about blind faith. It’s about rewiring your entire response system to reality.

🔥 ‘Alignment’ is not a waiting game. It’s a byproduct of taking action that reinforces your new identity.

💡 You don’t need to sit in perfect energy to manifest. You need to become the person who moves towards what they want—even when it doesn’t feel magical.


Don’t Let the Simplicity of the Steps Fool You

The hardest part of this process? It’s not the steps. It’s not the techniques. It’s how deep down the rabbit hole you’re willing to go to discover yourself.

Because once you see yourself clearly, there’s no going back. And that? That’s where most people hesitate.

Here’s a Quick HOW—Because No One Else Will Give It to You

The next time you feel doubt creeping in—don’t fight it. Don’t suppress it. And for the love of everything, don’t listen to the ‘gurus’ who tell you to immediately switch back into alignment or else you’ll block your manifestations.

🔥 Bullshit.

🔥 I could cry my heart out in pain and STILL manifest my desires.

Doubt isn’t the enemy. It’s programmed to show up. It’s part of the system. But here’s how you break it:

🔹 Lock yourself in a battle with doubt.

🔹 See who can outdo the other in their own domain.

🔹 Can you out-gratitude your doubt, or will doubt consume you?

Every time doubt creeps in, list gratitudes for where you are right now. Not forced, not fake. Real. Authentic. Battle-tested.

Because the truth is? The ones who win this game aren’t the ones who never doubt. They’re the ones who refuse to let doubt win.

Doubt vs. Gratitude? It’s just like fighting with your sibling.

You know how when you and your sibling get into an argument, neither of you actually care about the original problem anymore? It’s not about logic—it’s about who wins. You could be fighting over who gets the last cookie, but suddenly it escalates into a battle about who’s always been the favorite child, and at that point? There’s no stopping.

That’s exactly how doubt works.

It doesn’t care if your manifestation is possible or not—it just wants to win.

And I would know—I have two kids. Watching them fight is like watching my doubt and gratitude go to war. Vicious but effective.

And what do you do when a sibling is trying to get under your skin? You fight back, relentlessly, until you drown them out. Doubt wants to keep talking? Cool. Let it. But you? You start spitting out gratitude like rapid fire.

“I’m grateful for the fact that I even have the energy to be questioning this right now.”

“I’m grateful that I’ve already seen small proof that this works.”

“I’m grateful that I have the ability to choose how this goes.”

Outlast doubt the way you outlast an annoying sibling. Because the second it realizes it can’t shake you? It shuts the hell up. 😏🔥

Practical Application for the Readers

So if you’ve ever felt stuck between believing in this stuff but not knowing how to actually make it work for you? You’re not crazy. You’re not missing something.

You’re just ready for the next level—the level where you don’t just wait for reality to shift. You make it shift.

👉 And that’s exactly what I’ve broken down inside ‘Coding Abundance.’ Not theory. Not fluff. But the actual system I built when no one could give me the ‘how.’


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