What I’ve Learned About Building an Online Business

canadian business carole marole mcleod women in business Mar 12, 2025

If you’ve ever thought about starting an online business, you’re not alone. The idea of making money from anywhere, creating financial freedom, and taking control of your time is something most people dream about. But here’s the reality—while many people are interested, only a small handful actually take the leap and commit to making it work.


After building my own online business and navigating the ups and downs, I’ve learned a few key lessons that can make or break your success. If you’re just starting out, or even if you’ve been trying for a while but feel stuck, keep reading—this might be exactly what you need to hear.


  1. Everyone Wants Financial Freedom—But Few Take Action

I’ve seen this time and time again. People love the idea of making money online, but when it comes time to actually do the work, doubt creeps in.


❌ What if it doesn’t work for me?

❌ What if I don’t know enough?

❌ What if my spouse or family doesn’t support me?


I get it. Stepping into something new is uncomfortable. But here’s what separates those who succeed from those who don’t—they take the first step anyway. They lean into the fear, find the right support system, and keep moving forward even when they don’t have all the answers.


If you wait for the “perfect time,” you’ll be waiting forever.


  1. Expect Challenges—They Don’t Mean It’s Not Working

A huge mistake I see people make is assuming that if things aren’t easy, something must be wrong. But let’s be honest—when has anything truly worthwhile ever been effortless?


Building a business requires learning, adapting, and pushing through moments of doubt. It’s no different than any other skill—whether it’s learning to cook, play an instrument, or get in shape.


Instead of expecting overnight success, set realistic expectations for yourself. If making a million dollars in a month doesn’t happen (😂), that doesn’t mean you’re failing. It just means you’re in the process of building something sustainable.


The most successful entrepreneurs aren’t the ones who never struggle. They’re the ones who keep going, even when it’s hard.


  1. Imperfect Action Beats Waiting for Perfection

One of the biggest game-changers in my journey? Taking messy, imperfect action.


🚀 I didn’t have all the answers when I started.

🚀 I didn’t feel “ready.”

🚀 I had moments where I doubted myself.


But I kept showing up. I immersed myself in learning. I made mistakes, but I never quit. And eventually, things clicked.


And here’s the best part—once it becomes easy, it stays easy for life. The hard part is getting started and pushing through that first learning curve.


If you can commit to even one small step forward every day, you’ll be amazed at where you are in six months, a year, or even sooner.


The Bottom Line? Your Perspective is Everything.

Building an online business isn’t as hard as you think. Sure, there are challenges, but the only thing that makes it feel impossible is the story you tell yourself.


If you tell yourself:

❌ "This is too hard."

❌ "I don’t have time."

❌ "I’ll start when I feel ready."


Then you’ll stay stuck.


But if you shift your mindset to:

✅ "I’m willing to learn."

✅ "I will figure this out."

✅ "I don’t have to be perfect—I just have to start."


Everything changes.


Are You Ready to Take the First Step?

If you’ve been thinking about starting an online business but fear, doubt, or overthinking has been holding you back—this is your sign to start.


You don’t need to have it all figured out. You just need to take that first step.


💡Send me a message, and I’ll share how you can get started today.


📩 DM me on Facebook or Instagram @ carole.macleod.5 & https://www.instagram.com/carolemacleod909/

📧 Email me at [email protected]

Your future self will thank you. 🚀

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