Meet Tangee Zenryka Veloso... The MamaWarriorPreneur

author business entrepreneur mama mompreneur tangee zenryka veloso Sep 30, 2021

Tangee Zenryka Veloso (otherwise known as the MamaWarriorpreneur) is the Founder and Executive Director of the Solo MamaWarriorPreneurs Summit, Wisdom Warriorpreneur Alliance, Soul Mamas Love Tribe and Family Love Village (FLV). 


She is a Visionary Activist, an Online Digital Creatrix, an Author, a Speaker, a Single Homeschooling Mama, and a Certified Mindset Connection Coach who specializes in showing driven single moms and women how to balance self-love, conscious parenting and build legacy income online by leveraging social media while getting paid to be YOU!


Tangee Zenryka’s #1 selling book, Taming Your Wild Child: 7 Proven Principles for Raising Connected and Confident Children, has also been created into a 7-week online course and a 12-month mastermind for singles moms called Soul Mamas Love Tribe based on her book and self-love tools.


She has organized and facilitated numerous workshops locally and at massive festivals with the sole vision to co-create a thriving community to support and educate families on parenting through connection and eco-holistic living. She has been featured as a speaker at several workshops, podcasts, and YouTube channels. She has written many articles featured in the FLVillage Crier, Huffington Post, Mothering magazine, Kids Before Conflict, and other various blogs and magazines. 


Her mission is to create a New Earth paradigm with how we are consciously communicating and connecting to ourselves, our children, each other & the planet. 


Through mutual respect, compassionate communication, healthy boundaries, as well as tapping into an abundance mindset, Tangee guides you in focusing on you becoming the best version of yourself FIRST - in order to give others permission to be theirs.


What kind of work do you do?

 I'm a Mindset Connection Coach and an Online Digital Creatrix

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

It all stemmed when my son was around 3 years old. I had just gotten laid off of from my job where I was able to work remotely from home. And because I wanted to continue working from home so I can still be with my son, I was trying to figure out what I could do. Because I was definitely not willing to work another 9-5 j-o-b and be away from my son 8-9 hours a day - especially since my son's dad and I were already planning to homeschool him. 

So I dabbled in a few MLM's while trying to figure out what I was going to do. Unemployment was starting to run out and my options seemed slim. During this time, I was also starting to write my first book on conscious parenting. Simultaneously, unfortunately things were starting to fall apart with my son's dad and I so we decided to call it quits after almost 18 years of marriage. It wasn't an easy decision but when we saw that the arguments were affecting our son and what we were modeling to him, to me it was the exact opposite of conscious parenting.


It wasn't until my son and I moved into our own studio when he was 4 years old that I started getting creative and finding ways that I can still work from home while homeschooling him. I became a VA (Virtual Assistant). In 2015, I got reconnected to a friend of mine from high school on FB who was a life coach. She saw something within me and it was a calling that I was familiar with from before. Fortunately for me, she also certified coaches, as well. Thus, began my journey as life coach. Mind you, I had started this life coaching journey back in 2003 but at that time, I didn't have the confidence enough to stick with it due to circumstances in my life back then. But something was different this time around. This time, I felt in my bones the confidence of becoming a life coach and doing whatever it took to become an entrepreneur so that I could raise my son in a way that aligned with my values. I also manifested an amazing and conscious homeschooling community of mamas that surrounded us and were there for us when I needed support.


So I guess you could say - becoming a single mom who was determined to homeschool my son while keeping this vision to raise him in conscious community and provide a safe and loving environment at home (due to the trauma with the separation) was my driving force.  


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

 The biggest struggle was trying to juggle homeschooling and becoming an entrepreneur, as a single mom.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

 No. There was never a moment where I wanted to give up as an entrepreneur but as a homeschooling (did I mention single mama?) - that's a whole different story! LOL But honestly, although there have definitely been rough patches on our homeschooing journey, I wouldn't give up for the world!

What have you learned since beginning?

 Oh boy. I have learned SO much since the beginning with my path of becoming an entrepreneur 8 years ago. But I'll just name a few to keep it simple.


  1. I have learned that when something feels like a full-bodied yes to follow it! To not allow the "What If" Syndrome (as I like to call it) to hinder my intuition and the "Yes" feeling. So instead of getting caught up with "What if I can't afford it?" or "What if I don't have time?" - I just follow that Yes feeling and TRUST when I say yes to myself, the Universe will always support me in that Yes and doors of opportunity will open for me!


  1. Don't let anyone tell you to change who you are for your personal brand! When you are being genuinely you, your soul avatar clients will be attracted to your business and services/products BECAUSE of your authenticity.


  1. To be successful - whether it's in business, your personal life or even parenting - it takes 80% inner work and 20% strategy!

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

 “When you’re following what’s True for you, you’re allowing those around you to experience what’s True for them.”

What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Success is 80% inner work. If you don't have the right mindset, no amount of strategy will matter. The biggest thing that can hold you back from building a successful business are your limiting beliefs and the stories that keep you playing small. In order to start playing BIG in life and business, it is important to take radical responsibility and take aligned action with doing the inner work!

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

 Writing and publishing my conscious parenting book, "Taming Your Wild Child: 7 Proven Principles for Raising Connected and Confident Children"

Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development?

 Well besides my book... lol ;) A few of my favorite books are:  1. "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne; 2. "A Happy Pocketful of Money" by David Gikandi, 3. "The Slight Edge" by Jeff Olson and, 4. "Truth of the Day: Book 1" by Amir Zoghi

How has social media played a factor in your success?

 Since partnering with a conscious educational platform that teaches people the fundamental skills of digital marketing and affiliate marketing with a high ticket offer while leveraging social media to make uncapped income and impact online has been HUGE for me. How I show up more powerfully on my social media platforms; the content I write, the story sequences I share, the lives I do - all of it has played a beautiful piece with attracting my soul avatar clients. 

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

  1. When people share a quote or a meme, the algorithms on FB don't show it to as many people. I see a LOT of people making this mistake. 
  2. When people don't have a compelling enough story to their CTA's


  1. When entrepreneurs only share about business and not enough about their personal life. 


  1. When entrepreneurs only share about how perfect their lives "look" rather than also sharing vulnerably. People will like, trust and know you only when you are willing to relate to others.

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

 I would say Canva for creating graphics and Inshot for editing videos.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

 Yes! If only more people knew about the epic educational platform and high vibe community I have aligned with because it has completely transformed my life and businesses completely with how I show up more powerfully not just in my businesses but for myself, my son and my son's dad! I've learned so much in this space from the mastercourses, trainings and personal development (that is compared to Mind Valley)! The education on how to build a personal brand, the conscious community and the high ticket offers that are good for us and the planet that make it possible to create $6-7 figure income online while getting paid to be you is absolutely genius!! 

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

 I'm excited to be launching in October both my online courses for moms and single moms. In these two separate online 12-week courses, I will be sharing valuable tips and tools to empower you in embodying the MamaWarrior bad ass in YOU and how you can create abundance in ALL areas of your life!

You will be held in a sacred container where you will learn:

โฃ Tools and a family philosophy on conscious parenting that honors compassionate communication, mutual respect and healthy boundaries

Self-love rituals to help transmute any inner child wounds in order to fill up your love cup

Tips to ignite and elevate your passion projects and/or businesses to the next level

Abundance Code Activations to transform your relationship with money

Mindset Connection Coaching sessions with me and,

A conscious community for continuous support and accountability towards your goals


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Reclaim your power and allow your voice to feel heard and appreciated in the groupโฃ


Trust your intuition and align with your inner voice so you stop second-guessing yourself.โฃ


Tap into your creative potential and inspire your soulโฃ


Improve the quality of time you spend with your kid(s)โฃ


And most importantly, rekindle the spark with your own self-love and improve the quality time you spend with yourselfโฃ


To register and get access to the Bring-A-Friend 20% discount ending soon:


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What has being successful taught you?

 Ooh good question. It has taught me that success isn't just about the money you make or the fancy house or car. It's not even about the accolades and degrees you have received. It's about who you are becoming in the process. Success to me is about showing up, connecting to your Truth and BEing the best version of YOU! This goes for not just your business but also in how you're showing up for yourself, your children's, your loved ones and the planet!

What are some fun facts about you?

I'm a Spoken Word artist and I got by The Word Pimpstress.  I've been writing poetry since I was 9 years old. I've also been dancing since then, as well. I'm also a fire performer and I LOVE to dance. Dance and being immersed in nature (especially the woods) is my meditation.  Speaking of meditation, my dad taught me how to meditate when I was around 4-5 years old. He taught me about metaphysics/quantum physics all my life. Also, my Grandma Estrella (my mom's mom) was a hands-on healer, a reverend and an activist for Filipinos in the 60's. She taught me the power of being able to heal ourselves. I was sick with a fever when I was 7 years old and I combined meditating that I had learned from my dad and healing from my Grandma and when I woke up the next morning, I was 100% healed!


When I was 10 years old, I read a book about Florence Nightingale and I knew that I wanted to be of service and help others when I grew up. I just wasn't sure in what capacity.  So I guess you could say with my spiritual upbringing, it was my destiny with this career path as a Mindset Connection Coach and conscious parenting educator.



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