Summer Book Bazaar Feature... Terry Scribner

author books crime mystery terry scribner thriller Jun 26, 2023

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What do you love to write about? 
I love to write about mystery, murder, adventure, and danger with plot twists and little bit of humor here and there!!

What inspired you to get started as an author?

While attending college to get my degree in Computer Engineering, I happened upon an article in our local newspaper that was so intriguing, that it was constantly on my mind. All through school it haunted me. For the following six years, I often thought about it, even wondering why a book had never been written about this topic, until one day I had an epiphany—I was the one that should write the book! That book, THE SUITCASE, became the first book in my Paisley and Boone Series.

What are your favorite books to read? 

My favorite books to read are murder mysteries, historical fiction, and ghost 
stories. I also loved books by The Bronte sisters, Dickens, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Alexandre Dumas, Poe, Agatha Christi, Robert Louis Stevenson…and books by current authors such as Preston and Child, Nelson DeMille, Lee Child, Bobbi Holmes, Elizabeth Peters, Michael Crichton, Vince Flynn, Daniel Silva, Dan Brown, Sue Grafton, Robin Cook, Ray Bradbury and many others.

Where can we find you online?

I can be found on FaceBook:

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