Summer Book Bazaar Feature... Riahannon Legoff!

author book bazaar memoir poet riahannon legoff uplifting Jun 19, 2023

About Riahannon: 


Age 36 in June/23…this Calgary born, multiple figure earner has strived to make this world a better place! 


Growing up, shining brightly..always seeing the positive side of things…I hope to make a difference in your life with my new careers and upcoming novels! 


Always up front and honest, willing to help, share and support others, you’ll never know how much I love, appreciate, care and support others! 


Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about? 


I have my first novel being published/released in the latter part of the year 2023! The novel is based around a very sudden, unexpected, mysterious and blessedly tragic event involving a lot of occurrences that happened in my teenage and adult life. It is a memoir that reflects that miracles can and do happen! 


I have more books coming, about healthy eating habits, living a positive life and much more! 


What inspired you to get started as an author?


I started writing when I was 15, found my work from then one day, I decided to make it a novel, which was really transformational, interesting and exciting! I wanted to help those who might go through a similar situation and what inspired me to get started was I needed to vent and write about the things that were happening in my life so that I could remember what exactly it felt like. 


What are your favorite books to read? 


Definitely autobiographical non- fictional-content reads are one of my favourites!! I also love health, as I am a Nutritionist as well as a Exercise/Fitness/Wellness specialist. I love to read anything non-fictional. 


For shoppers shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book for? 


My first novel is for anyone struggling, hoping to change their outcome and lives, parents, caretakers, miracle enthusiasts, doctor’s, nurses and others who want hope in their lives.


What’s the message you want to get out to people this Summer? 


Never take your life for granted, keep working through your journey/hard struggle’s because life can be over in one second. 

Also? Be the best you and work hard because you never know where you’ll end up! And be patient with yourself and shine bright! Believe in miracles, try your best and shine bright ✨!

Where can we find you online?



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