Summer Book Bazaar Feature... Rene Webb

author bestselling author book bazaar rene webb romance Jun 30, 2023

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Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about? 

My books are all about finding your place and purpose in this world, and of course discovering love along the way. They are filled with a community of secondary characters (family / friends) who (mostly) encourage and support the main characters on their new paths. Each of my main characters has a piece of me within them. It could be the importance of family, my tenacity, my stubbornness, or simply my love of animals, chocolate and the color purple.

I don’t think I could write a romance where I did not fall in love with my hero along the way. They all are unique and maddingly alpha in their own ways. I hope readers fall in love with them as well!

What inspired you to get started as an author? 

My writing career began with poetry at a young age, and I slowly moved into narrative storytelling. I was inspired by the steamy Pride and Prejudice FanFiction I was reading and REALLY enjoying. I knew romances where there was a happily-ever-after were the stories I wanted to tell. I am blessed that my creative outlet grew into a career!

What are your favorite books to read? 

Along with romance (and a majority of the sub genres), I also enjoy reading historical fiction. My favorite stories are the ones where I am completely captivated by the characters inhabiting the world. Some of my favorite romance authors include Laura Kaye, Kristen Ashley, Stacey Kennedy, and Donna Fletcher.

Where can we find you online?

Here are a few places online to check out, if you’re looking for more information on my novels or just want to get to know me better. Hope to hear from you soon!







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