Spiritual Awakenings Author Spotlight... Ewa Ladkowska!

6-figure coach actor author copywriter core wound healer entrepreneur self help spiritual awakenings May 01, 2023

Interview with Spiritual Awakenings Vol. 1 Author Ewa Ladkowska 

Please tell us, who are you and what work do you do?
My name is Ewa and I help people reconnect with their ‘inner creator’.

I specialize in assisting my clients in developing self-awareness, opening the ability to transform current thoughts into ones that create more love, happiness & peace. This will allow clients to uncover their endless source of creativity and progress in their passion projects.

I have a background in performance therefore I have attracted many blocked creatives.

What advice do you have for those on their spiritual journey?

Keep reminding yourself that everything is working out for you even when it seems like it is not. Trust don’t judge. Judgement looks like blaming, complaining and questioning everything from a place of unhappiness. Healing means being authentically you. There is no wrong or right. Just your truth.

What's the #1 thing you've learned since AWAKENING spiritually?
Not to judge myself or anyone. This keeps you in a stagnant place and creates extra pain.

Congratulations on being a featured author in SPIRITUAL AWAKENINGS Vol. 1! What's been your favorite part of being a in this project?
I enjoyed writing my story and having been disciplined to finish it. I have started many stories though I have not finished nor published them. I loved reflecting on my life. I feel like I am doing something meaningful.

How do you feel this book will help readers?
I believe this book will encourage others to step into their light and see the world from love. I think our stories will inspire others to be themselves.

Was their a part of your story that was difficult to share?
I’ve processed a lot since my spiritual awakening. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t coming from a place of blame or resistance. I guess there is always that thought about how others will take it, especially people you know because they may not know this side of you or would tell you that you should have handled a situation differently and question how can I look at something painful as a blessing.

Is there a piece of advice you wish everyone could know?
‘The human mind is like a fertile ground where seeds are continually being planted.’ (Quote from the book: The Four Agreements). This means you always have a choice in what you believe in. You don’t have to see the world the same as other people. You choose what you focus on. Everything is always working out for you because if you believe you cannot or you believe you can. Either one is correct. You can keep looking at what you don’t want or you can look at what you do want. What do you want to create?

How can readers get in touch with you?
Feel free to get in touch on Instagram @myrrhsong

Myrrh Song / Ewa Ladkowska (@myrrhsong) • Instagram photos and videos

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