Special Interview with Kirsten Newman Co-Author of I'm a F*cking Entrepreneur Vol.1!
Jan 26, 2022
Please tell us who you are and what work you do?
I'm Kirsten Newman (aka The Soul Doula) and I'm here on a mission to help as many healers and spiritual coaches as possible to step into their truest, deepest expression of their soul purpose and gifts and create a soul business that flows and grows in accordance with their own unique energetic rhythm and soul blueprint.
Our individual soul missions as healers and guides to the collective are sacred, and I believe that makes our businesses sacred too. I firmly believe that every aspect of business should feel beautifully aligned with our hearts and souls, and am passionate about helping my clients to achieve this so that they may serve from a full cup of love, compassion and drive and enjoy the rewards of success and abundance in return.
What got you started as an entrepreneur?
I always say it happened by accident! It was never a plan. I had spent so many years of my life working so hard to fit in with society's fast-paced and demanding expectations of what I should be doing, wanting and achieving in my life, which had made me incredibly miserable for a very long time. Eventually, I burnt out; I literally just couldn't get out of bed one day. It was as though my body refused and my mind had given up trying to force her. Everything about the life I knew crumbled at this point, but it was also the start of my spiritual awakening! I quickly realized I felt called to become an energy healer, and from there very organically brought coaching into my practice. It became apparent very quickly that people were craving this kind of service, and I've never looked back since!
What's the #1 thing you've learned since becoming an entrepreneur?
That you absolutely have to lean into running business YOUR way! It's fine to look on others for inspiration and ideas, but if you believe you're going to create sustainable and enjoyable success from replicating someone else's model, you'll be sorely disappointed! And though that can be a hard pill to swallow at first, it's actually such an incredibly beautiful thing! It opens up so many possibilities! It gives you permission to experiment, to play, to learn, and the more you lean into these things the more you discover about yourself. I used to feel terrified when people told me I would need to build my business MY way if I wanted to succeed, but now I realize, after years of being conditioned by society to believe that there are only a limited number of set paths to success, that being able to create it in a way that is uniquely mine and in alignment with my needs and desires is such a blessing!
Congratulations on being a featured author in I'm a F*cking Entrepreneur Vol. 1! What's been your favorite part of being in this project?
Definitely the sense of community that comes with bringing the vulnerabilities of my story into a group of like-minded people who are doing the very same thing! It's always so rewarding to be involved in a project where everyone wants to achieve the same goal, and in this case it really was all about being raw and even painfully honest with our readers so that we could offer some support and inspiration to other entrepreneurs out there who may be feeling the struggle of the journey. People we realize we may never even get to meet or speak to! That's a powerful thought and intention, and I think we all felt that when putting our stories forward for sharing.
How do you feel this book will help readers?
I really hope, if nothing else, it inspires readers to keep going. Being an entrepreneur is hard, and it's definitely not glamorous like it's portrayed to be! In the beginning, you're doing everything on your own and learning so many different skills that it can feel hugely overwhelming, especially if you're not fortunate enough to have a supportive network of people around you. And that's what I really hope this book feels like for readers: support. Reassurance and encouragement. A compassionate reminder that it doesn't matter what your background is or even what your current circumstances are: if you want to make this happen, you can make it happen.
Was there a part of your story that was difficult to share?
I think the temptation here would be to say that being so open about my mental health and abusive relationship was challenging because that's what readers may be expecting to hear, but in truth I have done so much healing over the years that talking about these chapters in my life feel like I'm talking about a different lifetime entirely. There's no emotional charge there for me anymore, which is how I know I've truly healed these things. Now they are purely experiences that brought me great gifts and deep wisdom, and I am so blessed to be able to share this with others.
Is there a piece of advice you wish every entrepreneur could know?
Just that the path of the entrepreneur is never linear, despite how it may be popularly portrayed. It's a deeply personal journey, and about 95% of it is based around what we're going through mentally and emotionally. So if you're serious about building your business, get serious about your healing work. Get serious about exploring your self-limitations and fears. Get real about your trauma. The more work you do on yourself, the more your business will grow as a byproduct of this. Expect the ups and downs and embrace them. They are normal! If you're feeling exhilarated by your business one minute and then totally dejected the next, then you're doing it right!
How can readers get in touch with you?
Everyone is very welcome to find and friend me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/kirstenjmcintosh/
I also have a very loving and supportive free Facebook community where we delve into the delicious topics of soul purpose exploration and expression as well as aligning our sacred business with our soul blueprint - come join us! https://www.facebook.com/groups/activateyoursoulbusiness
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