Special Black Friday Business Spot Light... Sigils
Nov 30, 2020
Tell us about your business! What do you sell?
I am the Mistress of SigilCraft and the Magickal Bad Bitch Raiser! Basically what I do is a combination of life coaching, spiritual guidance, and witchery. I teach how to create sigils, which are a powerful way to manifest things into your life, and I also craft custom sigils for clients. I also show women how to get in touch with their “Magickal Bad Bitch” - the part of you that has been throttled and silenced by the powers that be in your life, and bring her into the spotlight.
Finally I teach about angel work, but this isn’t your mom’s angel healing - this is the dark and powerful side of angels that most people aren’t willing to look too hard at, and how to leverage it for real change in your sphere.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
HAHAHAHAAAAA! *ahem* Well, let’s just say that I quickly discovered that I was not cut out for following orders and kissing ass, and so I chafed in the retail and customer service spaces. I seemed to make people distinctly uncomfortable when they had to deal with me face to face on a regular basis, and so I thought I would go online. Being a freelance writer didn’t yield much better results, but at some point I realized that I really could make a difference focusing on the topics I loved and teaching about them, and so that’s what I’ve been doing for the last handful of years.
Why do you think it’s important for holiday shoppers to buy from Small Businesses this year?
This whole year has been crazy for just about everyone, I feel, and downright brutal for many. But I’ve been trying to think of “20/20 in 2020,” which sounds super cliche, but seriously, we need to look at this year and ask what clarity it brought us. What’s important really got some good spotlights this year, even though “important” is in the eye of the beholder. My point being that I think what’s important this year is supporting people in their passions, not big box stores in their race to the top (or bottom, depending on how you look at it.) Many people lost jobs, livelihoods, homes, family . . . there was a lot of loss this year.
But there was also a lot of gain, and a lot of people used this year to launch businesses and passion projects that they’d been sitting on for a long time, or they went full time with it. Those entrepreneurs are building themselves a set of wings now that they’ve already jumped, and by buying from a solopreneur or small business, you’re adding your own personal feather to those wings so they can fly.
What is the HOT DEAL you have coming for Black Friday that we need to be on the look for?
For Black Friday, I have put my three sigil magick courses on sale for 50% off! Sigil magick is a powerful took that anyone can use to manifest what they want into their lives, but there is a lot of goofy and conflicting information out there on the internet regarding sigils. Many people who go and try to learn about them just end up frustrated or confused.
So I have created three courses that focus on what a lot of people are looking for. They are:
1. SigilCraft - this is my course on the nitty gritty of sigil magick. It tells you everything you need to know to get started, including what sigils are, how they work, how to word them, what to create them with, using them, etc. Everything I have learned is in this course, and I occasionally add new modules as my understanding grows.
2. Cord Cutting and Warding with Sigils - Energetic protection is very important, since we are CONSTANTLY being bombarded with feelings from other people. Even if you don’t really notice it happening, you are having energetic cords put onto you by others, and this can lead to emotional unbalance, fatigue, and good energy leaking out of your sphere all over the place (leaving you unhappy and drained.) This course teaches you how to remove those cords AND how to protect your person, your family, and your home so the cords don’t just come right back.
3. Sigils for Business Abundance - One of the most common requests I get is to make sigils for more money, abundance, financial security, and business. Many of us here are business owners, and this is a course I am creating specifically for us. This course is for bringing more money, clients, and satisfaction into your business, no matter what your business is. This course also comes with 3 pre-made sigils that you will learn how to use so you can start getting the benefits as soon as you reach the module.
What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?
Take control of your energy and manifesting! This is NOT to sound flippant or like some shallow “just take control of your life!” baloney. This shit is hard, and I’m definitely not going to preach at you that everything in your life is just a reflection of your thoughts, etc.
What I AM saying is that you do hold a lot of power inside you, and you have the capacity to wield it to your advantage. There is a lot of disempowerment in the world, and most of us are deeply programmed to think that we are not sovereign beings.
It’s time to take that power back, even if it’s little by little. Even if it’s just learning a new skill like sigils, or simply reminding yourself that you ARE powerful, and you’re giving yourself permission to discover and kindle it.
Where can we find you?
The best place to find my right now is on FB, both on my personal profile and in my group. I welcome new friends and group members who are looking for the magickal side of things.
And please be sure to check out my website regularly, there’s always something new happening over there . . . https://lindseyrainwater.com/
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