Special Black Friday Business Spot Light... Young Living

black friday distributor shellie krotz young living Nov 19, 2020


Join us November 21st - December 6th for this Online Shopping Extravaganza, with the most amazing products and services from the most incredible Small Businesses! Join here!

Interview with One of the Amazing Black Friday Vendors!

Tell us about your business! What do you sell?

  I am a distributor for Young Living Essential Oils.  I am an advocate for living as natural of a lifestyle as possible and Young Living products meet this need.  This company has a Seed to Seal Commitment which basically means that they don't compromise on their standards.

They are what they say they are and I am proud to bring these products to my customers.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

 I bought into oils during a stressful time in my life and was looking for ways to help manage my anxiety.  They helped me.  The longer I was using oils, the more I discovered I could do with them and my inner DIY self stepped front and center!  As I cleared out the harmful products in my home and replaced them with safer and just as effective Young Living products I decided I wanted to start my own business and share these products with the world.


Why do you think it’s important for holiday shoppers to buy from Small Businesses this year?

 This year has been a crazy year.  Yikes!  When buying from a big business like Amazon you don't know who is seeing the benefit. Supporting small businesses allows you to see who you're buying from and know that you are helping that specific family.


What is the HOT DEAL you have coming for Black Friday that we need to be on the look for?

 I love the Thieves Household Cleaner (THHC) so much (it cleans EVERYTHING) that I want to gift a bottle to anyone purchasing a kit thru me!

If you choose to buy the Thieves Starter Kit (already has 2 bottles of THHC in it) then I will throw in a diffuser and an extra oil.


What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?

 We're all in this together!  Be kind, happy and healthy!


Where can we find you?






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