Self-Love: Why Being Good to Yourself is Good for Business

brendah ndebele business business coach self-love Dec 01, 2022

Blog by Brendah Ndebele

For busy female leaders and business owners, it can feel incredible when your passion flame is burning bright, you are in the zone and succeeding at everything that comes up at work and at home.  We all know that if you go all day, every day at this pace and intensity your flame will flicker, and can burn out; but taking a break, slowing down, or even stopping something in one area of your life can lead to that thing we’re all so good at – guilt and shame.  So why should you take time to nurture self-love, when your instincts are to put yourself last?

What is Self-Love?

Self-love is linked to self-care, but it isn’t the same and it’s important to understand the difference.  Rebecca Woodlock, an NLP expert and coach, describes self-love as “the art of loving ourselves from the core”.  It’s about knowing that you are enough, and having an inner base of self-belief and trust.  Self-love is things that you do or give to yourself that improve your happiness, and make you feel more complete.  It is about accepting who you are, and allowing this to shine through your life and business at every level.

Why Do We Need to Practice Self-Love?

Believing in yourself, and being good to yourself will benefit all aspects of your life.  Whether you are a business owner, a leader, or an entrepreneur, the daily grind of business comes with wins and losses, stress and struggles.  If you don’t take time to prioritise your own self-care, and practice self-love, your resources will diminish and you will stop showing up at your best.

By prioritising your own needs, and working on your self-talk and mindfulness, you will experience less anxiety and stress, and increase your resilience so that you are able to deal with problems more effectively when they arise.

How Does Self-Love Benefit your Business?

When you take time to practice loving, respecting, and honouring yourself, you will find you have more to give to others.  If you run your own business, it is an extension of who you are, what your values are, and how you show up in the world.  By practising self-love, you will improve the energy you bring to your business, and how you perform for your customers and staff.

Additionally, improved self-love leads to greater self-confidence, enabling you to take action and move towards your goals with certainty and purpose.

How Do You Practice Self-Love?

The route to self-love and acceptance is different for every woman.  There is no magic recipe to get you to believe that you are enough, and that you do not need any external validation, or to look a certain way, or have a certain bank balance, to be enough.  The first step is making time to start the work on yourself, and to continue to make time on what is a life-long journey to taking care of yourself and making room for ‘me-time’ in a world full of competing demands.

To learn more about achieving total self-love, you may be interested in reading my book Self Love for Recovering People Pleasers.

If you’d like some support with learning to love yourself, please schedule an introductory session with me here.

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