Self-Love, Healing, and Your Subconscious by Anna Imagination

abuse healing anna imagination overcoming self-love subconcious May 19, 2023

About Anna Imagination

Anna Imagination is a Healer, Philosopher, Sage, and an Energy Reader with nearly 30 years of Psychological Studies under her. The Healing Garden is the online university she built for the world to have a safe space to heal while providing every health and wellness resource you could possibly imagine, all in one place.

Her unique knowledge of Psychology, Philosophy, Sociology, and Human Behavior marries beautifully with Human Design, Astrology, and the Higher Dimensions. Her insight offers a powerful, never-seen-before perspective on Healing that leaves many changed.

Article by Anna Imagination:

I e-Met Amanda just a couple days ago through Facebook. I was making my networking rounds when she or I spotted each other and she messaged me.


I received one of the warmest, energetic greetings followed with, "How are you, Anna!?"


I have studied Psychology and Philosophy for 28 years. I know exactly what happens to our Subconscious when we lie.


Lying creates misalignment in our Cognitive Core, which, over time and with increased severity, creates emotional pain and suffering.


But society has conditioned us to adopt these little "behavioral norms" that do so much to destroy our self-Care, Self-Love, and Self-Trust. I talk a lot on these "behavioral norms." I have dedicated my life to finding the cure to emotional pain and prolonged emotional suffering.


Because I am tired of living with mine.


I was a Female Domesticated Slave for 40 years where most (if not all) of my decisions were made based solely on fear.


"Which answer will keep my husband calm?"

"Which answer will keep my husband from divorcing me?'

"Which answer will keep my husband happy enough to not hurt the children?"


On occasion, I would do what I wanted and the back lash was always the same.


"How do I hide this from my husband without lying so he won't be angry?"

"How do I hide this from husband so he won't hurt the children?"

"How do I survive this?"


And on and on it goes.


I realized that if we are making choices out of fear, then that is not freedom. Freedom is when you have all the options in front of you so that you can make a choice that does not reflect scarcity. Because choosing out of scarcity is not Freedom. You have the entire buffet to choose from with no consequences to your decision... every option and every decision without fear... Only then are you FREE to choose.


The first 20 years of my life was filled with animal abuse, rape, physical abuse, slavery, trafficking, more rape, that I believed (and still do), that the only way to end abuse is through education and awareness.


So, in 1995, at 15 years old, I began studying psychology, philosophy, and sociology. I did get out. Slowly. I "upgraded" from slave owners to husbands. There was not much of a difference. After being raped on 9/11, I became a shut-in for 20 years.


In 2015, I wrote and published my award-nominated book, Broken, which made me realize just then that I needed help and so, at 35 years old, I began therapy... and immediately realized how horribly inadequate traditional therapy is.


So I built something new to supplement the therapy. That something is what I call "The Rorschach Print Perspective." According to my therapist, I crammed 20 years of therapy into 5 and have "cured," professionally managed, and/or resolved my PTSD, Suicidal Ideation, Social Anxiety, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder, and DID (Multiple Personality Disorder).


I spent these last two years upgrading my life. Getting the life I wanted. Getting the career I wanted. Getting the City I wanted.


And then, I took everything I learned and crammed it into The Healing Garden where I teach and mentor others through Healing and Trauma Recovery.


Since 2015, I have been in the public eye talking about rape, sex trauma, and abuse. I have been on the front lines of assault and trauma recovery and have opened up to the world about what all was done to me, how it altered my Subconscious, and everything I did to "fix" it. In 2016, I added Yoga, Meditation, and Tai Chi to my Healing Journey.


And I documented everything.


On 10 May 2023, last Wednesday, I was raped by someone who has been pursuing me for 2 years. Someone who I have shut down several times before.


I was so intoxicated and/or drugged prior to him raping me that I required two men to help me walk downstairs. I was vomiting. I was passing in and out of consciousness and THIS is when he decided to propose sex.


My birthday was on Sunday. I had made plans to send off my 42nd year and welcome in my 43rd year... The rape turned my birthday and Mother's Day into a disaster.


I've done the mental work so many times. I know the process. I know exactly what has happened and is still happening inside my Subconscious.


People think we have a Conscious Mind, and the Subconscious is back there somewhere... no one really knows what it does and what it's for... Except, I am a Multiple who lived, trapped, for 34 years in the 4th Level of my Subconscious where my Subconscious hid me from one of my Alters.


To say I know the Subconscious, is an understatement. It is my home.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month... And I transmute trauma and pain into something beautiful. So for my birthday, I wish to give you my life work.


According to the CDC and NIMH, the Subconscious is responsible for 95% of our lives and our actions. The Subconscious has several parts and one purpose: to protect the Self, the Identity, or Id, from mental damage and destruction.


The Subconscious is equipped with a number of Fail Safes that we call "mental illness" that becomes activated depending upon our Healing Profile and the type of abuse you were subjected to.


The Self is composed of Five Elements:

Your Ethics, Your Beliefs, your Actions, Your Voice, all of which make up your Perspective.


All emotions, warm or cold, good or bad, come from the Alignment of these five elements which I call "The Cognitive Core." Our Self, or Id, uses emotions to communicate with the Conscious Mind (that is YOU), the status of this alignment.


Confused? That is your subconscious telling you that you have two contradicting beliefs in your alignment, which is preventing you from forming a healthy perspective. 


Pain? That is a severe misalignment of your elements due to a toxic belief supplanted by an abuser.


Depressed? That is your system stalling out during the Alignment Process and getting you "stuck" in the Five Stages of Grief because you are struggling accepting a loss that occurred from your Perspective Shift.


Grieving? your system received a new belief too quickly that required a perspective shift that triggered the grief response.


Emotions are logical. 100% of our emotions come from our self, our Id, to communicate that intricate alignment of these five elements to the Conscious Mind, who, in most cases, suppresses, ignores, avoids, numbs, and dissociates these emotions.


The Conscious Mind, conditioned by society's "behavioral norms," gaslights their own subconscious, which is actually a full attack on the Subconscious by the Conscious. This causes more misalignment. 


When we are abused, an Abuser requires two things: A victim and your cooperation. They need you to be quiet. We call this Secret Keeping. The Abuser deliberately targets your beliefs.


"You wanted it."

"You were all over me."

"You begged me."


Was my Conscious mind talking? Or was I intoxicated? Was I even sober? Because my Conscious Mind has 27 years of Psychological application with which to keep it running and functioning at optimum health.


No... once the Abuser gaslights and supplants the toxic belief into the System, confusion immediately sets in, creating a kind of Civil War inside the Subconscious that divides the Self, and the Conscious and Subconscious all take sides. The Self vs. The Abuser.


This is the Shock and Negotiation stage of The Stages of Grief. This is what is going on inside your Subconscious while you begin to grieve. You have received a foreign belief and you don't know how to "accept" the new belief into your System. In most cases, that new belief isn't even yours and has no place being in your system.


Anger is the third Stage of Grief, and is the moment you and the Self, UNITES against the Abuser. Anger is self-love. It is the self, the Id, and the Subconscious (all of it), uniting against the abuser and saying, "How dare you threaten this system!"


The Conscious then leads the Subconscious through the work, cutting out all the toxic beliefs over the decades that abusers have supplanted into your system. And with every toxic belief purged from your system, the confusion clears.


The pain stops. The mental illnesses diminish. The suffering ends. The Depression stops. The Anger is released because the Subconscious KNOWS beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Self is WHOLE. And the Self is Steadfast. And the Self is trusted.


And you have to know this. You have to nurture this self-strength. You have to practice this. You have to believe. You have to know your self so well that when an abuser gaslights, contradicts you, or argues with you, you will have so much solid loyalty and faith in your self, that their accusations don't phase you.


Like a husband or a wife who you would vouch for each other's character to their grave. Believe that passionately in yourself, in your own character. That is the fortification I am talking about.


Because abusers will always come to you and try and take your Voice, Your Beliefs, and your Perspective away from you. Abusers are always there, mastering the ability to turn your against your Self just so they can disable your Defense System, your Subconscious, so they can victimize you.


Don't let them.


To thine own self be true. Know thyself. Know yourself so well that nothing shakes you. Nothing rattles you. Nothing moves you. So when they challenge your perspective saying, "You did X," you can assess and evaluate yourself in that breath and say confidently, "No. I did not."


Because you know yourself better than anyone. Because you are your greatest supporter. Because you are the first person to have your back. Because you trust you more than anyone else first.


Because there is no greater love than the Self-Love your Subconscious has for you.


Book your 1:1 Consultation HERE with Anna today and receive the first two weeks of her Masterclass FREE. Start building the Fortress for your Subconscious now. Don't wait. You have suffered too much and for too long. We all have.


You can control how abuse affects you. You can mitigate the damage done, or learn how to prevent it altogether.


You can learn more about the Healing she does at

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