Meet Sarah Lines... Soul Alchemist & Bestselling Author

best selling author book release entrepreneur lady x sarah lines Sep 28, 2020

Interview with Sarah Lines

About Sarah Lines

Sarah Lines is a Soul Alchemist, Mystic, Shamaness & Bestselling Author. She has a Masters in Usui Reiki and is a Quantum Reiki Grandmaster. She is educated in Nursing & Midwifery; and after over a decade of living through the Dark Night of the Soul - Sarah now helps other women on their Awakening journey, unleashing the Goddess within to live a life of Peace, Power & Purpose. Sarah enjoys her cats, crystals and reading all things Spiritual & Manifesting. She looks forward to sharing her love of awakening, ascension and owning your Goddess power.


What kind of work do you do?

I am a soul coach. It is my mission to help awaken humanity, one to many souls at a time. I help women finally release childhood, ancestral & past life karma and attachments so that they can truly connect with their inner being and awaken the Goddess within.


You have a Book Launch coming up, tell us about your book!

Very exciting! This is my 4th book with another in publication, along with an Oracle deck in the making.

This book is special. It is co-authored by 6 women, and describes a women’s journey through heart ache, sex-seeking and self-loathing. It portrays her journey of self discovery and that’s about all I can say until we launch on the 10th of October. But I can say this; I believe just about every woman in this globe will resonate with the story of Lady X and the demons she faces.


What inspired you to write it?

I had co-authored my last book with Mirav Takker which became an international bestseller. She told me about the idea for this book, Lady X and I was instantly drawn to the idea. The idea that each author bring their own experiences and expertise into the story of Lady X, who although fiction, is very real to us. Because like I said, there is a Lady X in all of us.


What do you hope readers will takeaway?

To never ever give up hope, no matter how painful the struggle is, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I didn’t want to be cooped up in a ‘normal’ job when I knew deep within me, that my mission was much bigger than me. I needed to serve on a large, global scale.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

Not knowing how to run a business or how to start! But I jumped in head first and I’m so grateful I did, it is extremely rewarding.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

To be honest, no. I am tenacious like that. I keep going and going g until something works. I’ve had times when I e wondered what the hell I got myself into ! Yes haha. Times of frustration, yes. But I always come back to why I am here, and it’s so much bigger than just me.


What have you learned since beginning?

I’ve learned that no matter who you are, and what your struggle, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, always an opportunity for exponential growth and transformation.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Keep it simple, take it one day at a time. There is a lot of ‘noise’ out there. One thing that sticks with me still to this day from my early days in recovery is to take what you want, what resonates with you, and leave the rest behind.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Whatever you do, don’t compare yourself to others. You are uniquely you, no one else can be you.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Definitely becoming a bestselling author. And also creating my upcoming Goddess Alchemy Oracle deck.


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

Yes! The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J Stanley


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success?

If yes, what is it?

In the mornings I set my intentions for the day over a cuppa. At 1pm I have a meditation. In the evening I visualize with some energy work.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

It’s all I use!


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Popping up out of no where and asking for a sale. We need connection first, we really do.


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

Google DOCS helps me keep everything in order so I don’t feel overwhelmed.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

There is no failure. Quite often we give up just before the miracle happens.


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

Our book launch of Lady X on the 10th of October.

The Intergalactic Consciousness Initiation - Digital festival (TBA)

Simple Reiki for Children (October)

Lightworkers Business Bootcamp (October)



What has being successful taught you?

I need to own who I am, imperfections and all. Otherwise I wear a false mask, and people sense that.


What are some fun facts about you?

I am a crazy cat lady (I literally dream about them)

Married to my soul mate

Secretly want more cats (husband not a fan)

I speak Light Language

Did I mention I want more cats?


Connect with Sarah:


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