Special Black Friday Business Spot Light... Renew you Body Butter

best gifts of 2020 black friday body butter shopping small business Nov 09, 2020


Join us November 21st - December 6th for this Online Shopping Extravaganza, with the most amazing products and services from the most incredible Small Businesses! Join here!

Interview with One of the Amazing Black Friday Vendors!

Kayshaun's came from a medical background as a nurse. Her passion for organic skincare started in 2002 when she was able to avoid harsh chemical treatments by healing herself using alternative holistic methods. Over the last 2 decades, Kayshaun has studied holistic alternatives in all aspects of her life; medicine, skincare, home practices, and beyond. Along the way, she has continued healing herself using these practices as well as her friends and family. 

Kayshaun decided it was her mission to share this healing knowledge and set out in launching her businesses. She launched Renew You Body Butter in 2018 to offer people luxury organic skincare that is ethically sourced and handcrafted. She is set to launch her second business surrounding holistic lifestyle coaching by the end of 2020. To learn more about Kayshaun, click in the links below to reach articles and listen to interviews.


Tell us about your business! What do you sell?


I own a luxury skincare and holistic business called Renew You Body Butters. I not only provide natural remedies for the skin, hair and body I partner with individuals who want to also bring awareness to using natural products while making additional income.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

What inspired me to become an entrepreneur was knowing from life experiences having another source of income is needed for myself and family.

Why do you think it’s important for holiday shoppers to buy from Small Businesses this year?

It’s important because some of us businesses make a majority of our yearly income just from the holiday season.

What is the HOT DEAL you have coming for Black Friday that we need to be on the look for?


I’m offering a $25 coupon code for every $100 spent.

What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?


Self awareness and self care is key. Make sure you’re doing for yourself and for those you care about.

Where can we find you?

I have my website and I’m on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.





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