Summer Book Bazaar Feature... Carol & Camilla!

authors book bazaar camilla ochlan carol lever fantasy of cats and dragons Jun 21, 2023

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Interview with Carol Leever & Camilla Ochlan - Of Cats And Dragons

Tell us about your books!


Of Cats And Dragons brings together epic and cozy fantasy with high-stakes quests, fast-paced adventures, and thoroughly lovable characters. At the core, the stories are about friendship: the friendship between a young bard and his giant talking cat, the friendship between young folk exploring wondrous lands and taking on ever-heightening challenges  -- friendships that run deep, friendships that come as a surprise, and friendships that are the only shield in a world of monsters, magic, and cataclysmic events.

What do you love to write about? 


We both love writing fantasy adventure. We were each other's first readers and have developed our worlds of imagination together over many decades. We both love to write deeply layered characters, create complex plots, and bring a sense of wonder to our tales.

What inspired you to get started as authors? 


We're what you'd call bookworms, having loved reading and stories all of our lives. We each dreamed of being authors even as children. And as we grew up, we've inspired each other to keep writing, helping each other to improve our craft, navigate publishing, and keep our sense of humor intact.

What are your favorite books to read? 


We first met on Friendship Day in high school and bonded over The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The Lord of the Rings, Shannara, and Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar series were some of our favorites growing up. We enjoy many different genres now, but we find ourselves reading more non-fiction for research and to satisfy our insatiable curiosity.

Where can we find you online?

The best place to find us is our website: 

You can find all of our books and exclusive short stories in our online bookstore. If you want a taste of our writing, check out the chapters posted for the individual books or grab a free short story when you sign up for our newsletter. If you're in the mood for magic, monsters, and feline high jinks, you've come to the right place. Adventure awaits…


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