Meet Nicole Barker... Online Coach & Wonder Woman

business consultant coach nicole barker wonder woman Aug 25, 2020

Interview with Nicole Barker

About Nicole:

Nicole Barker has newly stepped into the world of online coaching after ten years in business consulting. She is passionate about serving others and being her true self. Nicole focuses on combining mindset and strategy into actionable steps to help business owners level up their profit centers. She is a Client Attraction Wonder Woman! 


What kind of work do you do?

I love helping coaches, pros and experts to attract unicorn clients using superpower social media strategies. This involves deep diving into mindset to refine your relationship with social media, money and most importantly, your higher self! 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

The most attractive thing about entrepreneurship is freedom! For me, it’s not so much about time or financial freedom, as it is about being able to go as fast as I want without having to wait for anyone else to catch up. I love being in a rocket growth pattern! As an entrepreneur, I have the freedom to be my true self and sprint when I want to. 

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

In the beginning, I was intimidated by the tech. I told myself, “I’m just not that techy.” Which I guess was true, but you know what? I have crushed that limiting belief and now have a new resolve because I know that one way or another, I will be able to figure it out! Now I can execute my own sales funnels, my own graphic design, my own courses and even my own ads. I jokingly refer to myself as a TECH GENIUS! Which is not at all true, but it is a little bit more true each day! 


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I have had my days sitting in the shower crying just like anyone else. But quit is not in my nature. I’m too stubborn to give up. As one of the women in my group so poignantly put it, I would rather starve than go back to my muggle job! I choose to believe in myself a little more each day… Even on the days when I really have to consciously stop myself from burning it all to the ground. 


What have you learned since beginning?

The learning curve for this business has been as steep as the growth curve for my group! With over 100 new members joining every day, my hands are full and at times, my head is exploding. I certainly learned not to take myself too seriously, to pick my battles, to call the F down, to take days off… Real days off! I have learned that I actually really love working with women, which has not been my experience in the past. I have learned more about myself in these past 5 months that I think I have ever known. I am immensely happy most of the time. And I smile a lot more in this industry than I did before. Since the beginning, I have learned that I am capable of much more than I let myself previously believe. And that feels pretty amazing. 

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

The only limits that truly exist are the ones that we put on ourselves. Once you know that… And take responsibility for your role in your current situation, then… and only then… do you have the power to change it!  


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Immediately hire a coach. It’s not even about what you will learn in the course. It is about the mindset of investing in your business, in your skill set, in yourself! The faster you learn to believe in yourself, the faster you will see results. If you aren’t ready to spend money on bettering yourself, then you aren’t ready to be in business for yourself. Ask yourself, am I worth it??? I’ll give you a hint… The answer is yes! Hell yes you are!!! 


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

I had a client come to me… Hard pressed, reluctant to invest, but she did. She struggled in the course. My course isn’t easy. It requires a lot of introspection. She pushed through, sometimes with tears, but she did it. She was the second person to purchase my program and I’m so very proud to say that I am to be the trustee of her charity project. She has taken my course to the next level and is using what she learned and that fabulous heart of hers to help women who have suffered from domestic violence. Being asked to be her trustee is one of the proudest moments of my career. We are just now getting everything started. Sure, there have been big launches and $10K days, but the money just doesn’t compare to the feeling of knowing you are making a difference. 


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

You know, I’m sure that people give some amazing recommendations in this category because there is some really great work out there. I have read a ton of books that instantly come to mind, but you know, I think that one of the best things you can read, is a story about someone who inspires you. A real person, a character, a my little pony… The book that has most heavily influenced my life is The Last Unicorn. Because there have been many days where I have felt like a unicorn trapped in a human body, feeling it die all around me, not knowing where I belonged. I think the best thing you can do for personal development is to find someone or something that makes you feel a little less alone and a little more understood. 


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I’m big into meditation. Morning and night and sometimes mid day if I have a particularly heavy workload. Giving my mind the space to run free and not be confined to the four walls of a zoom call certainly gives me the clarity I need to create success. I also only work four days a week. What the hell is the point of being an entrepreneur if I can’t do whatever the hell I want, right? It keeps me sharp. It keeps me motivated. It keeps me happy. 


How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media is EVERYTHING!!!! Being able to instantly connect with like minded souls all over the planet is revolutionary! Something that we completely take for granted. My Facebook Group is an actual world. A living, breathing place where over 7,000 minds come together to support, engage and conquer their fears together. It’s an amazing world out there on the interwebs. One that has made everything instantly so small and so expansive at the same time. I would not have the career or the success that I have within without social media land.


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

The obvious answer is tacky cold outreach. I know everyone hates that. I don’t know who told anyone to do that? Haha! Stop!!! But maybe a less obvious, but equally detrimental blunder is mistaking visibility for relevancy. Just because you slap your face all over the place or blanket post doesn’t mean that people care. It’s far more beneficial for your business and your psyche to create quality content and use it sparingly than to throw up all over the place and expect that saturation to magically turn into money. 


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

You guys, if you have a group, a rapidly growing group… Get Group Leads! It’s seriously one of the best things ever. It collects emails and the answers to your entry questions in a spreadsheet and allows you to automatically import them to your email list. Total game changer. It has freed up so much of my time and mental energy to not have to build that list tediously one by one. 


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

I wish that everyone knew how possible it was to succeed. I think that’s the hardest part of being a coach. It’s sad and disheartening to see so many people who just don’t believe in themselves. The world has told them that they aren’t good enough or that they can’t or that it’s impossible. It’s not. I have grown my business rapidly in the past couple of months which has not only resulted in producing great money, it has also provided an endless amount of fulfillment. You deserve to be happy. Most of us really do! 


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I guess it won't be a secret in a couple days, but I am releasing my mastermind program. WONDERMIND is all about helping coaches to actually enjoy their empires by developing superpower systems that scale. I’m insanely pumped about this program because I will be in my zone of genius. I know that I will be serving in a way that so few other people can and that feels amazing. Strategic development is my jam and I will be helping people to really expand their ripple and serve at a scalable level. This program will be my main focus for the rest of 2020.


What has being successful taught you?

Well, to be honest, I’ve been financially successful for a long time. But what I have lacked has been the happiness piece. In this venture, I am finally successful and happy. And that has taught me to truly enjoy my life. To slow down and smile. To give freely, to really connect with people. I guess maybe I took my financial success for granted somehow. And now that I have purpose, I feel like that money matters because I’m doing more meaningful things with it. Success has taught me the value of vision. 


What are some fun facts about you?

 Let’s see… Fun facts… I love rocky road ice cream, but Bryer’s not Dryer’s, because I’m a pain like that. I was a high level gymnast as a kid. I have won international cocktail competitions. I only eat green bananas. I’m allergic to guinea pigs. I’m writing a novel about soul life journey. Nothing soothes me quite as much as toes in the sand. My kids are 15 and 10 and quite possibly the funniest humans on the face of the planet. And I’m happy. Really fucking happy. 

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