Meet Michelle Jones-Dauberman... Transformational Coach

empowerment michelle jones-dauberman transformational coach trauma Mar 30, 2021

Interview with Michelle Jones-Dauberman:

About Michelle:

Michelle Jones-Dauberman is the CEO of Michelle Dauberman Transformation Coaching. She helps her clients to heal trauma, step into their power, gain confidence and experience true fulfillment in their lives.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?


I was raped at 8years old by my step father. I loved so many years angry and feeling sorry for myself and so much shame.

Then some one said Things Don’t Happen TO us, They happen FOR US.


What good could come out of a little blonde skinny girl being raped for years and having her childhood obliterated into nothing???


Well, maybe it was for me to be able to help the millions of women this happens to. Maybe it is to help women overcome any obstacle and stand in their power, use their voice and be heard.


I don’t believe I made a choice to become and entrepreneur. I believe it was a calling, a desire and destiny.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?


My biggest struggle was being seen  and learning how to reach my audience: that one woman struggling to find her worth. It’s HER.

I also had to learn that the bullshit opinions of those doing nothing to better themselves mean nothing to me.

I had to learn that the criticism of family isn’t my problem but theirs.

I had to learn to understand the harsh words and even the sometimes “well meaning” criticism is never about my abilities but about the abilities of those that haven’t learned to step into their power. That herd mentality...the fear of stepping away from what’s safe and natural .


The very things I teach my clients I had to overcome to become the best damn mindset and transformation coach I know.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?


Only a million times.

To say “No...I was never afraid or disappointed or discouraged “ would be a huge fallacy.


If it wasn’t for people who did believe in me, see the best in me, remind me of my purpose in the very beginning I would have quit over and over.


It’s important to find YOUR people. Most often YOUR PEOPLE won’t be your family , close friends or even your Intimate partner.


May times your people are strangers you never met.


I times when I couldn’t reach out to my people...I went in.


I went inside myself and focused on what was important to me.


And I invested in myself. I invested in growing my emotional intelligence, my mindset, managing stress to heal my nervous system and Invested in my business growth. 


What have you learned since beginning?


I learned that healing old wounds and programming isn’t linear it’s an upward spiral. Things continue to come around and layers are pealed back.


I learned that our biggest strength comes from our WHY.


I learned that if your WHY isn’t developed and broken down and nurtured we will take the easy road and just fall back on old patterns.


I have learned the value of networking with people for no other reason then to just learn about them.


I have learned that when the chips are down...the one person you can count on is yourself and it is so important that you cultivate that relationship with yourself.


I learned that self worth and self love are by far the greatest gifts we give to ourselves and I freaking LOVE watching that happen with my clients.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?


The best advice? Wow, I can write a book on all the amazing advice I have been given over the years.


I guess the best advice is ...DO YOU, BOO!


It’s so simple yet so powerful. 


Simply put: what works for one person may not work for another. What lights a fire in the belly of one person may turn off the spark of another.


This applies to personal life, home life, work life and even in entrepreneurial life.


You have to do what lights your fire or you will eventually quit.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?


If you are just starting out in the world of entrepreneurship...don’t get blinded by bells and whistles.


I see so many people thing they need the best website, best and most expensive graphics and photo shoots and all the things.


Build your audience by being 100% YOU!  That will build your credibility and audience.


Invest in yourself but be very picky about where you place your trust and money.  Follow a coach for a while, take some of their small packages before dropping four to five figures on their products.


Cultivate that mindset and relationship with yourself.


Cultivate relationships with others.


Always be YOU!


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?


There isn’t one win I am most proud of. I am most proud when I see a previously struggling and unhappy client who suffered from trauma and shame become badass creatrix of their lives. I especially consider it a win when I watch them influencing the lives of others.

That ripple effect. It’s a powerful drug.


Which books would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?


The number one book that has influenced me is Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr Joe Dispenza

I very remarkable book about rewiring your brain.


The second book that has greatly influenced my relationship with money was introduced to my by Amanda Rose...A Happy Pocket Full of Money.


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?


Absolutely!! Your book “6-Figure Coaching Habits Activity Tracker and Journal was most influential in creating my routine particularly for my mornings.


Gratitudes , connections, affirmations and movement just to name a few.


I have learned that movement is so extremely important especially for processing emotions.


How has social media played a factor in your success?


I’m not sure how I would be able the amount for people that I reach if it wasn’t for social media.


12 years ago it would have taken years to reach success. Now with social media, the right strategies and making connections you can become a six figure earn or more in a fraction of the time.


Think about it. One Facebook Live can be viewed all over the world.


12 years ago you would have had to pray to get In front of the right people to be invited to speak on stage or hope to get an email in front of the right person. 


Because of Social Media you can be an international influencer in the time it takes to “go Live”


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?


The biggest mistakes I see on social media is everyone following a trend.


One coach makes a specific post and within minutes those same posts will be written over and over by every other coach out there. No originality.


Also trying to be something we are not portraying to the world that you are a certain way or Live a certain way when it’s not true to YOU. Being inauthentic.


Coaches ripping apart other coaches or publicly dissing their clients s a real quick way to get blocked by me.


It’s real easy to just follow the crowd and think your shit doesn’t stink when you are a keyboard warrior. 


Remember you attract to you who you energetically are NOT who you portray yourself as. 

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?


Tools? The best tool is your heart and your drive. Without either of those you won’t have a business for very long.


Second, a Social Media presence. I myself choose Facebook; however, any platform works if that is where your ideal client hangs out.


Also I have to mention your book again “6 figure coaching habits tracker and journal” is doesn’t matter what you are selling this book is the best tool to set you up for success.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?


Everyone needs to know that if you desire a different way of life, a freedom from a time clock, a passion to overcome anything...if you have that desire then the HOW is already waiting for you to take action.


YOU have to be your biggest champion. The top two inches of your head control everything unless you control it.


Watch how you talk to yourself. And I say again. If you desire it then it’s already available to you. 


Get support, hire a coach and kick some ass!


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?


I have a Facebook group The Edgy Goddess:


I am also offering a three day course called Step Into Your Power from April 19-23, 2021 


In this 3 day intensive you are going to learn:


▪︎ How to defend yourself with grace from the actions of others

▪︎ How to manifest your desires

▪︎ Strengthen your emotional intelligence 

▪︎ Empowered Communication

▪︎ Embody Higher Standards

▪︎ How maneuver your own mistakes and stay in your power

▪︎ Learn how to trust yourself 


I am also planning to launch a podcast by the end of this summer.


I have a book I have book working on and so much more in the works


What has being successful taught you?


Being successful has taught me that money and success only amplifies who you really are.

Kind, loving, giving, resourceful, humanitarian 

Mean, argumentative, stingy, hateful 


Whatever you are money and success doesn’t change you. It just allows you to me more of who you really are.


Being successful also didn’t come to me without people helping me along the way. 


Being successful helps me give back to society as a thank you for all the help I have been given.


Bring successful also allows you to step up as a person in society. Meaning when you are successful you now have a platform to speak up for a cause or speak out against a travesty. 


Being successful just means you are free now to make will you use that freedom?


What are some fun facts about you?


Fun facts...I am owned by four cats: Bast, MoonShine, Bella short for Belladonna, and Amara


I am also a fur mom to a 150lb Cane Corso pup named Bane and a lab/chow mix rescue named Anubis.


My love of animals started when I brought home a lost full grown St Bernard. I was all of 5 years old. This boy was taller than me.


I am an Earth sign but yearn for water. The sea is my happy place. Swimming with blue whales is on my vision boards.


I have a huge garden 100ft by 60ft.


I collect gargoyles I have seven so far.


I have a coffee obsession and from that collect all kinds of mugs.


Tea is my “calm the hell down” drug.


I am love horses and owned 5 a few years ago and I already see that part of me coming back soon.


I love all things old school: crochet, sewing, canning


I am an accomplishment artist and won awards for painting.


I love to repurpose things that someone would throw out and turn it into something new and beautiful.


Oh and I absolutely positively love sharks.


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