Meet Stella CB... Fitness Coach and Author

fitness health menopause May 31, 2024

Stella CB is a dedicated health and fitness coach specializing in menopause for women. She is the author of "Tame the Menobeast: 100 Days to a Healthier, Fitter You in Menopause" and hosts the "Inspire: Mindset, Health, Motivation" podcast. At 55 years old, with two grown-up daughters, Stella is on a mission to transform the narratives for women over 40, 50, 60, and beyond.


What kind of work do you do?

I help women get back in shape, but more importantly, I teach them how to age healthily, stay fit, energized, and maintain their femininity. 

Its not just about losing weight ,looking good in bikini, its about healthy aging, about preventing osteoporosis, muscle loss and also chronic diseases, like insulin resistance, diabetes 2, cardiovascular diseases and high blood pressure. 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

A few years ago when I was 47 I struggled with menopausal symptoms like weight gain, mood swings, poor sleep, and hot flashes. My doctor told me it was normal and something I had to get used to. Unwilling to accept that, I began learning from enlightened doctors and completed several courses, initially for my own benefit. Once I became fit and energized again, I realized I had a mission to teach other women who are struggling.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

My visibility, and creating content constantly is not easy. If they don't see me on social media, how can they know I can help them?


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting? 

Yes, there were times I thought about giving up. However, I felt a strong mission to empower as many women as possible, so quitting was not an option. This drive led me to write my book, "Tame the Menobeast: 100 Days to a Healthier, Fitter You in Menopause," which is now available on Amazon. This book is more than just a guide; it's a journal filled with tasks and motivation to help women change their lives. Additionally, I want to set an example for my daughters.


What have you learned since the beginning?

We all have ingrained limiting beliefs about ourselves, aging, and many other things. I had a certain image in my mind of women over 50—how they looked, what they wore, and what they did. When I started my journey, I realized I wanted to change that. I didn't want to be an ageist toward myself or others. We can change the narratives if we believe we can. I've become fit, healthy, and energized. I feel feminine again, can wear anything I want, try new things, and set new goals. Other women can do this too. It's not about our age; it's about our lifestyle, mindset, and self-beliefs.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Keep going, women need you, and your perspective on aging.


What advice would you give someone just starting?

Starting my program? Believe in yourself, you can do it. If you don't believe enough, I'm here to believe in you, and to support you, together we are stronger.



What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

I'm proud of every woman who has gone through my program because their success is also my success.

I'm proud of myself for learning English on my own (I'm from Hungary) so I can help as many women as possible.


Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

I mostly listening podcasts. I recommend Mel Robbins, she is my favorite motivational coach, but there are so many others like John Assaraf, Tony Robbins and others.


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I meditate daily and do my 17-minute workouts every day because I believe that exercising your body positively impacts every aspect of your life. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. I'm always learning something new by listening to podcasts about health, business, and mindset.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media enables me to work with women from all over the world, making it an essential tool. There are groups for women where we can offer support and help to each other. By working together, not against each other, we can achieve more.


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Cold DMs. Who likes receiving daily messages from strangers with their offers? True engagement is built on "know, like, trust."


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

Engaging with women in supportive groups has been incredibly helpful, as finding the right communities where women uplift each other is key. Additionally, I occasionally use AI, which is a very useful tool.


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

Returning to my coaching, I wish more emphasis had been placed on education about health and the importance of exercise. Many doctors simply advise movement and exercise without explaining the significance behind it, often while neglecting their own health. Instead of addressing root causes, they often prescribe medications to treat symptoms. I believe it's crucial for everyone to understand the importance of holistic health and preventative measures.


What’s coming up for you in the next few months? 

In the next few months, I have several exciting plans underway. Firstly, I'll be running challenges in my group focused on building the habit of daily movement. It's crucial because our bodies over 40 lose muscle mass every year 1-2%, which can lead to a decline in strength. Strength training is essential to counteract this. 


Additionally, I'll be launching a more affordable group coaching program next month, providing an accessible option for those interested in my coaching services. 


I'm also working on my new book, which will delve into healthy aging and share insights from enlightened doctors, as well as my personal experiences adapting my lifestyle accordingly. This book will be applicable to both women and men of all ages.


Lastly, I'm in the early stages of planning a recipe book to complement my focus on healthy living.


What has being successful taught you?

Being successful has taught me the importance of gratitude for every small achievement along the way. It's a reminder to acknowledge and appreciate the journey, not just the destination. Additionally, it has reinforced the value of collaboration and mutual support. I've learned that helping others and fostering a supportive community yields far greater benefits than competing or rivaling with one another. As women, it's essential that we continue to uplift and empower each other, recognizing that our collective strength is greater than any individual success.


What are some fun facts about you?

Fun facts about me? Well, I absolutely love dancing, whether it's the waltz, tango, cha-cha, or getting down to some funky beats or 80s classics. I'm also a huge fan of rock and metal music, and I enjoy going to concerts whenever I can. Another passion of mine is pole fitness, which I've been doing for almost two years now. It requires a lot of strength and is always pushing me to take on new challenges.


How can our readers find you online?

I'm on many platforms. I'm @fitstylish50fitness on Instagram, TikTok, and Youtube. 

My website:


My book "Tame the Menobeast


Facebook profile:

Facebook group healthy aging:


Fb group"Tame the menobeast- femtribe" giving support for those who buy my book:


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