Meet Nadija Bajrami... Mind Coach, Hypnotherapist, & Psychic Medium

business coach hypnotherapist psychic medium women in business Dec 30, 2021


Born in France in the early 80's from parents who have emigrated from Former Yugoslavia, I grew up in a small city in the Eastern part of France.

I have lived in Scotland for years (a country very dear to my heart) and have travelled the world through my different occupations and personal interests (Russia, most countries in East Europe, Asia...). I have been living in Dublin, Ireland since October 2017 and I absolutely fell in love with that beautiful country and its amazing people. It is never easy to move to an unknown place with just a suitcase, trying to build a new life, but with hard work, dedication, and commitment, I have managed to find my true calling.

I have an international trade, business management and corporate background and even though I have been enjoying that path for years, I have always known that I wanted to do something to help people take full control of their life, help them on their spiritual awakening journey, achieve their goals, go above and beyond and just be the best version of themselves.

I have also been spiritually aware from a very young age, but as the years went on, I tried my best to fit in and follow a path people expected me to take, until I came to Ireland and let my psychic-mediumistic skills to unfold, to finally become who I was always supposed to be.

I currently do not have any human children, just a fur baby. My gorgeous cat is called Petrole and she means the world to me. I always do my best to help as many animal rescues as possible. My family lives in France and I have met so many wonderful people here in Ireland. I am truly passionate about the powers of our mind and about helping people realize they are amazing beings and help them unlock all the resources they already have.

What kind of work do you do?

I am a fully registered and accredited strategic hypnotherapist, mind coach as well as a psychic-medium.

I offer hypnotherapy and coaching packages as well as psychic-mediumship readings.

I help my clients get empowered, supercharge their confidence and self-esteem, overcome their limiting beliefs as well as manage anxiety and symptoms of traumatic experiences through my therapy and coaching and as well through my psychic-mediumship readings. I use my therapy and coaching skills along with my mediumistic abilities to help people on their grief and healing process and journey.

My expertise helps my clients reach their true potential and get the life they desire and deserve as I firmly believe that our mind is a very powerful tool and that no challenge is too big for your mind.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

The first part of my life was spent in a corporate career until I got severely ill a few years back in France (luckily, I pulled through) and decided that was the trigger I needed to find who I really was and to find what I was meant to help the world with. I have always been very interested in the power of the mind.

After recovering, I found an amazing hypnotherapist in France who helped tremendously and that pushed me to go and find my path. She has inspired me to go for it.

I came to Dublin, Ireland a few years ago with a suitcase, my cat and leaving all material possessions behind to find who I was supposed to be… And that was the best decision I have ever made.

I now have my hypnotherapy and coaching activity and have let my psychic and mediumistic skills unfold.

I just want to mention one of my Oprah Winfrey’s favourite quotes. Oprah Winfrey has always been a source of inspiration.

“You must find a way to serve. Martin Luther King said that not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness comes from serving. (...). When you shift the paradigm to service and you bring significance to that, success will follow you.”

Deep down, I have always known that I wanted to become an entrepreneur and offer services in total alignment with who I am. Becoming and entrepreneur has been the best move I could have ever made.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

To be honest pre-Covid, I would have never thought I could work remotely and online as I always thought I needed to see my clients face to face. Covid has pushed me out of my comfort zone and pushed me to fully reinvent the way I was working. I have been working mainly online for the past year and a half and I have learnt a lot on myself. This has help built my resilience and has also been an opportunity to offer my services in different parts of the world, which would have been difficult if I was only working in person. It has been an amazing learning curve and has also helped me expand my network. The main initial struggle was myself: I had to overcome my inner critic telling me that I would never be able to work successfully online.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

Yes, during the longest 4-month lockdown in Ireland from January to April 2021. Those 4 months of very strict lockdown have been very hard, and I really felt like giving up, packing all my things and moving back to France. But I did not quit. Why? Well first of all because my character will not allow me to quite and I did not want all I had done so far to go to waste.

I love the phrase “past the point of no return”? It means that you’ve come so far, it’s easier to continue than to turn back. The phrase is used much more sparingly than it should be. Every moment of your life is past the point of no return. All you can do is move forward in life, and the reason why is because wherever you’re at or whatever you do, you can’t turn back time. Time is precious and I thought that I had done toon much to give up and I am so happy I didn’t give up!

What have you learned since beginning?

Launching my own business has required a lot of hard work and willpower.  It has helped me to see how resourceful I am and made me realized that as amazing human beings, we are truly unstoppable and that we can achieve anything we set our mind to. Running my own business has totally transformed my life and I never looked back. It has been a roller coaster of emotions but It’s the best thing I could have ever done. It has definitely contributed to help me understand who I really am.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

“Don’t give up. Great things take time.” And that’s so true!


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Before even starting your own business, take a step back and get clear on your “Why”. I can’t stress enough how important this is. Know why you want to do what you plan to do. And of course, always start by wanting to be of service and the rest will follow. One of my favourite quotes below. Oprah has always been a real source of inspiration.

“You must find a way to serve. Martin Luther King said that not everybody can be famous, but everybody can be great because greatness comes from serving. (...). When you shift the paradigm to service and you bring significance to that, success will follow you.” Oprah Winfrey.

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Honestly, just contributing to my client’s empowerment journey. Of course, I have been featured in a  few magazines, been interviewed by a few magazines, have been selected as an executive contributor for Brainz Magazine and have also recently become an official honoree for the Brainz 500 Global Awards, but what I am most proud of is all the lives I have touched and all the amazing beings I have had the privileged to work with.

Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

I am a real bookworm so it’s quite hard for me to answer this question, but I would say:

The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose by Oprah Winfrey

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I meditate every morning for about fifteen – twenty minutes. I love to practice a sitting in the power meditation that helps me sitting in my own power and centre myself.

I also have my affirmations ritual: twice a day, mornings and evenings.

Finally, I have gratitude journals and every single evening, I write at least give things I am grateful for.

How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media have definitely played an important role in my success in a sense that it allowed me to expand my reach and work with people worldwide. To me social media are a great tool provided you stay authentic and true to yourself and use them in alignment with who you are.

The most positive impact of social media on my business has been to help me expand my network and create new partnerships with amazing people around the world.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

People not being authentic and posting for the sake of posting. We are pure energy beings, and the universe responds to our vibrations so if we use social media in a way that does not meet who we truly are, we are doomed to fail. It’s all about being in alignment.




What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

What I will say now might sound crazy, but it’s my honest answer:

Myself. The day I fully realized that I am not my business but that my business is me, everything changed. From that moment on, I understood that there is no better investment than investing in our own selves. Then of course, come the strategies, the systems… People buy from people so get out there and show the world how you can make a difference in their own world.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

Entrepreneurship can be quite a lonely journey and is a roller coaster of emotions, but it is all so worth it.

Be bold, be strong, trust yourself, love yourself and conquer your fears. Just go after what you really want and act fast because life just isn't that long.

Remember that we grow when we have to stretch, when we’re a little bit nervous, unsure of how it’s going to work out.

We were all born with a purpose, so go find it and then do all it takes to live authentically. It’s definitely not going to be a smooth sailing, but it will be so worth it.

The world needs you and your gifts, so go and shine your light bright.

You cannot please every single person and thank God you won’t. You are a unique brand and as long as you get out there with a view of being of service and enabling people, then you cannot fail.

Use your personality to be of service.

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I am currently working on some workshops and mentorship programmes to help people develop their intuitive and mediumistic abilities. In 2022, I will also offer some Law of Attraction Coaching packages to help my clients harness the power of the Law of Attraction and manifest what they desire the most. So stay tuned and let’s keep in touch.

What has being successful taught you?

For me, being successful has taught me that great things happen to you when you live authentically and act in full alignment. When you act from a place of alignment, you cannot go wrong. And of course, that success can only come if your initial intention is to be of service.

What are some fun facts about you?

My parents are from former Yugoslavia, I was born and studied in France, then lived in Scotland for 7 years and in Moscow for 1 year, and have now been living in Dublin, Ireland for the last 4 years. I speak 5 languages fluently and am passionate about Ancient Greek as well (I used to read books in Ancient Greek). When I get asked where I am from, I can never give an answer as I don’t really know. I consider myself a citizen of the world! I am a compulsive learner and reader. Breakfast for me = loads of cups of tea. I am a real tea addict and a real animal lover! I am a crazy cat lady and I thin of myself as a nerd sometimes!



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