Meet Melissa Watson... CEO of Envisioned Life Institute LLC.

author book ceo melissa watson women in business writer Oct 14, 2022

Melissa is creator and owner of Envisioned Life Institute LLC. She is a trauma-healing and life purpose embodiment coach as well as a Reiki Master. She helps women become empowered to heal, get aligned with their higher selves, and create the lives they have always envisioned. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology and a masters of education in Applied Behavior Analysis. She is also a soon-to-be published author and course creator.


What kind of work do you do? 

I empower women to take a lead role on their healing journey through energy work and CBT coaching strategies to help release limiting beliefs and shift mindsets. I help people learn to love and forgive themselves.  I offer Reiki sessions, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, courses, and run creative healing workshops. I am a soon-to-be published author, being featured in two different anthologies coming out soon, including, ``I'm a F*cking Entpreneur Volume II" with Amanda Rose. I am working on my first solo book planned to be released in 2023. 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I wanted a massive change in my life. I wanted to create my own life, not be bound by a job or an employer. I wanted to create a business that I was passionate about, that included the things I love, (like dance and writing) where I could also help people. I wanted the freedom to live out all of my dreams and truly enjoy my life. I discovered The Law of Attraction. I created a vision board and cut out the word "entrepreneur." It honestly scared the hell out of me. It's like the word jumped out at me, so I cut it out. I hadn't ever considered the thought seriously before because I didn't know anything about business. I didn't feel worthy. I didn't feel good enough. When I cut out that word and pasted it on my vision board, I thought, "Yea, right!" But I put it there anyway. Things unfolded for me after that as I continued to work on visualizing what I wanted, learning, growing, and taking action. 


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

My biggest struggle was believing in myself as a business owner and entrepreneur when I was brand new and still learning everything. In the beginning, it was difficult for me to put myself out there. I felt completely vulnerable. But I kept going. The more I faced my fears, the easier it got. The more I learned and the more experience I gained, the more confidence I was able to build in myself. The more I put myself out there, the more confident I became. What really comes into play is trust and surrender. I had to learn to trust that this is my correct path and to trust in The Universe. Even more difficult, I had to let go of control of the outcome and surrender to the flow of The Universe. The more I learn to do this, the easier it gets.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

Yes. There were a few times I wanted to throw in the towel. I did not quit because I knew I could get there eventually as I continued to learn and grow. I kept with it because after all I'd been through, I wanted to go after my dreams on my terms. I had a wakeup call when I got really sick - that this is my life, and I am here for a purpose. That I want to be here for a purpose. I want my life to mean something, to create meaning in my life. Had I given up, I would have gone back to being directionless and unsure of what to do next in my life. Why didn't I give up? My "why" is to create my dream life. My "why" is to be my own boss, to have freedom. My "why" is to continue to heal so that I can live in joy and happiness. My "why" is to help others heal and discover their life purpose so they can live in joy and happiness. I wanted to continue down this healing path and as I learn more and more about healing, manifesting, and creating a happy life, I have more information to share with others. I have always wanted to help other people in some way, and I feel doing so is living out my purpose. My slogan in my business is, "For a slightly better tomorrow." It means that while we may not be able to fix or change everything in life, in our minds, in our jobs or in the world, with the snap of a finger, small steps each day can create huge changes in a matter of months, in a year, in the years to come. It puts the power to create change back into our hands. We can do this!


What have you learned since beginning?

I have learned so much - where to begin? I have learned a slew of business basics - such as branding, finding my target market, discovering my niche, creating an offer, how to build a website, copywriting techniques, general social media techniques, SEO's, creating a drip campaign, so much about sales and marketing, and so so so much more! More importantly I have learned how to believe in myself. I have learned that I truly can manifest what I want in my life. I have learned how valuable I am and what I offer to the world (as are you - we all have unique gifts to share and stories to tell). I have learned that if I get clear on what I want, take action, put the work in, and believe, things will start to align in The Universe. I have learned the importance of trusting and surrendering to the flow of life. 


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

To believe in myself and that the things I want will come to me if I simply adjust my mindset and believe.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Keep going and keep learning. Put yourself out there. As you try new things, you'll learn what works for you. As you grow as a person, you'll have more confidence as an entrepreneur. As you try new things in your business and face your fears, you'll grow more as a person. The same is true for any endeavor or type of shift you want to see in your life, even if you are not an entrepreneur. Put yourself out there, try new things, keep learning, face your fears! Soon you'll become the business owner and person you are envisioning. 


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Hitting the 10K word mark in my upcoming book.


Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

I read every day and it has been a big part of my transformation and learning as an entrepreneur and as a human. Some of the most influential books for me have been The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Luiz, The Way of the Intelligent Rebel by Olivier Roland, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson, The Power of Awakening by Dr. Wayne Dyer, and The Three Only Things: Tapping the Power of Dreams, Coincidence, and Imagination by Robert Moss. Follow me on FB or IG @envisionedlifeinstitute for book reviews and recommendations!


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

Yes, I do. I do daily pillars including reading transformational or business-related books, practicing gratitude, practicing yoga, going for walks, and positive affirmations. I also make frequent time for meditation, self-Reiki, epsom salt baths, as well as the things I'm most passionate about and other types of exercise.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

It has been an amazing tool connecting me to coaches I've learned from, courses I've taken, podcasts I've been on, new clients, and fellow entrepreneurs I've collaborated with from all over the world. 


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Not posting consistently, brick and mortar businesses not having a social media presence, posting only "Instagram worthy things," but not sharing your story or being vulnerable. 


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

There are so many amazing tools out there - social media, my website, Mailchimp, Later, some amazing business books, courses, workshops, and hiring a coach. But above all else, what has been most helpful has been my mind, shifting my mindset, and realizing the power I hold, the power we all hold to create change. 

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You are powerful beyond measure. You can heal. You can create life as you wish it to be. 

What’s coming up for you in the next few months? I am hosting a creative healing workshop at Soulside Healing Arts called Awaken Your Creative Spirit, which will include dance exercises, writing exercises, guided meditation, sound healing, and Reiki. You can join virtually as well!  Here is the link to learn more and sign up---> Sign Up HERE! If you want to join virtually you can purchase a ticket and email me at [email protected] so I can send you the link to join!


I also just launched my 1:1 healing coaching programs, which include Reiki energy healing. I will guide you to uncover limiting beliefs, replace them with new beliefs, and to release and let go of energy blocks holding you into old ways of thinking and feeling so you can experience a transformation and step into the YOU you are ready to become. Learn more about my programs here ----> My Healing Coaching Programs


What has being successful taught you?

That success truly means going after what you want. It means learning and having a growth mindset. It means doing things that scare you every day. It means not acknowledging the idea that failure exists. (It doesn't). It means putting the work in, being consistent, and showing up for yourself day after day. Then, you wake up tomorrow and you do it again. It means allowing yourself to imagine and dream like you did as a child - BIG and without limitations! Boy, it feels good. 


What are some fun facts about you?

I am a writer, actress and dancer and I love all things creative. I enjoy hiking, spending time with my dog, kayaking and being outdoors in general. I love studying languages. 


How can our readers find you online? 

My website:

Facebook Page:

IG Business Page: @envisionedlifeinstitute 

FB Business Page: @envisionedlifeinstitute 

Email: [email protected] 

My Private Reiki Group (free Reiki lives): Abundant Light Reiki from Envisioned Life Institute LLC | Facebook

My Private Healing Group: Women Empowering Women on Their Healing Journey - E.L.I | Facebook


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