Meet Lace Flowers... Digital Business Strategist

digital business strategist lace flowers Sep 04, 2024

Lace Flowers is a dynamic Digital Business Strategist and Tech Alchemist, passionate about empowering female entrepreneurs to launch and scale their online empires. With over eight years of experience in the digital landscape, she transforms complex tech challenges into streamlined, stress-free solutions. Lace's expertise in marketing technology, coupled with her love for holistic wellness, allows her to craft bespoke digital ecosystems that align with her clients' visions and values.

Based in Latin America, this British mama brings a global perspective to her work, infusing creativity and efficiency into every project. When she's not demystifying tech for her clients, you'll find Lace in the kitchen, whipping up Jamaican and Asian-inspired dishes with her young sous-chef. Lace's mission is clear: to support women in building thriving online businesses that fuel the lifestyles they desire.

What kind of work do you do? 


I am a Tech Alchemist and Digital Business Strategist - you’ll find me on strategy calls and behind the scenes of digital wellness businesses building funnels, courses, landing pages, designing emails, updating graphics, video editing, integrating software and tech troubleshooting for my clients.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur? 

Knowing that working a “normal” job was NOT for me - I started working at 16 in a shoe shop and it made me cry - I was so bored and just couldn;t understand why anyone would want to spend their life as a slave to such soul destroying work and one place whilst earning crappy money. I also wanted to travel ALL the time.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business? 


I knew what to do but HOW was the hard part. I knew I needed to build an audience, make digital products, do the tech etc etc - but HOW to figure out my ICA, how to build an engaged audience, how to get in front of folks who would buy. People make out it’s so easy - just buy or make the “thing” and sell it - ok to WHO? How? 

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting? 


Yes but it was always fleeting. Giving up is never an option for me. I am too stubborn and determined for that hahahaha!

What have you learned since beginning? 


That pivoting is ok and necessary. I may be stubborn but not in such a way that I continue with things that aren’t working. Following the path of least resistance and pivoting into new things has been what has fueled my success. I am always open to new things, doing what scares me and connecting with new people and this is what has always brought fresh opportunities. Oh and that daily personal habits and mindset truly matter! 

What’s the best advice you’ve received? 

Talk to rich people and find ones you like - you’ll see many of them are just like YOU

What advice would you give someone just starting out? 

Pivot and ALWAYS keep it real and in integrity - build real relationships and connections these will pay off big time in the long run and create your best and most loyal clients. If it feels yucky or out of alignment it is - stay true to what you know is right and you can’t go wrong.

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of? 

This is a hard question - probably firing a client who treated me like I was beneath them and showed little respect for me or my time. I began to feel anxious and stressed about work and dreaded their contact. It hurt to say no to the money but it was far less painful than taking another 6 months of mental stress. And I have only been attracting awesome people since then!

Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

Think and Grow Rich 

Chillpreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas 

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it? 

YES! I use a particular abundance meditation on Insight Timer EVERY night as I go to sleep. I go to bed at 9.30pm everyday and wake naturally around 6am. I work in the mornings until around 2pm. I listen to sounds of nature and healing frequency music ALL day unless I am cooking - then I am singing. I eat home cooked meals every day made with fresh non processed ingredients. I post consistently and talk to people everyday and make new connections. I share my life and keep it real. And I track my income everyday, even the value (the free shit) and give gratitude morning and night. 

How has social media played a factor in your success? 

100% ALL my clients have come via my profile and connections on FaceBook. 

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made? 

Lying, spamming to get try sales, cold DMing, shaming people as a sales tactic - yuck. Not embodying what you teach as part of your strategy. 

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful? 

Claude AI and Systeme All in One Marketing Tool

Is there something you wish everyone knew? 

That common sense is no longer common

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

Loads! I am co authoring TWO books alongside Amanda Rose, teaching on systems and tech at a 5 day Resilience for Women in Business event and taking on several new clients as well as taking part in a 3 month coaching program to continue to grow and expand personally and in my business. 

What has being successful taught you? 

That it IS possible no matter who you are or where you came from if you are determined enough to keep going no matter what. We get to create our lives with our mindset and our daily actions.

What are some fun facts about you? 

  • I LOVE to cook in my tiny kitchen
    I have almost died 4 times - but other than that I do not get sick (I am an all or nothing kinda gal!)
  • If governments recommend it I RUN in the opposite direction
  • I’m in a dual language relationship - I couldn't even speak to my boyfriend when we first met and neither of us are yet fluent in each other's language a year in!
  • I have been to 26 countries and islands to date and lived in 4. 

How can our readers find you online? 

You can find me on fb


See how to work with me and get freebies here:

Connect with me on decentralized platforms and socials Nostr Primal:


Email: [email protected] 


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