Meet Jennifer Vaaler... Childfree Creators' Productivity Consultant

childfree jennifer vaaler podcast productivity youtube May 27, 2024

Jennifer Vaaler is a Productivity Consultant specializing in helping childfree business owners and creators transition from overworked and disorganized to aligned and focused, enabling them to achieve their goals and live their desired life. With over nine years of experience in productivity learning through trial and error and a background in the high-end coffee industry, she has helped numerous clients create structure with flexibility, establish boundaries, and implement intentional planning. Jennifer is also the host of the Childfree Biz Cafe Podcast and the Productively Childfree YouTube channel, where she shares insights and strategies for living a fulfilling, productive life without children.

In her free time, Jennifer enjoys exploring the mountains, gaming, watching anime and historical dramas, and spending time with her long-term boyfriend and their indoor free-roam rabbit.

What kind of work do you do?

As the childfree Productivity Consultant, I utilize my platform for a childfree perspective on work-life balance, anti-hustle, and to turn the productivity industry on its head.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

Originally, all I knew was to simply do something to help others that was bigger than myself. I also loved the idea of creating my own schedule to live life on my terms. After being in an abusive relationship, I knew I’d never let anyone tell me how to live my life again.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

It’s taken a long time to figure out what I enjoyed doing and refining WHO to do it for. I’ve also DIY’d learning how to create a business, then finding clients was difficult.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I’ve never thought about giving up on being an entrepreneur, but there were times I wanted to give up on the type of business I was doing. Trying different offers and getting amazing testimonials and compliments kept me from quitting because I knew I was on the right path. 

What have you learned since beginning?

Considering it’s been over 9 years since I started, a lot! Haha Not only as a business owner, but as a person too.
1. It takes a lot of patience so enjoy the journey

  1. Everyone has an opinion and there are many right ways to build a business, you just have to find what works for you.

    3. Not many people will understand what you’re wanting to do so find others who are also building a business, join networking events, and find mentors to help along the way.
  2. It’s ok to have a day job and still build a business to relieve that financial stress and get out of survival mode.
  3. It doesn't matter what anyone says as long as you are true to yourself, keep trying, and are happy.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Life and business are a journey, enjoy the process.

What advice would you give someone just starting out?

You don’t have to have everything figured out. You learn as you DO. Also, the sooner you can refine your messaging for the audience you want to attract, the less frustration you’ll have and faster things happen.

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Simply the personal and professional growth I’ve had during this journey. I’m so proud of the person I’ve become.

Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

Not so much a specific routine as non-negotiables.

  • Knowing what my best sleep schedule is
  • Have a slow morning getting ready for the day then dive right in
  • Top 3 tasks for the day
  • Plan the night and week before
  • Do specific tasks based on my energy levels throughout the day
  • Be intentional in everything I do, whether it’s working or gaming etc.
  • Put boundaries in place

How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media has allowed me to network with amazing people all across the world I never would have met otherwise. It’s allowed me to utilize my platforms to share my mission and find like-minded people, like yourself.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

  1. Not repurposing what you already have created to save time
  2. Copying everyone else so you blend in
  3. Caring what others think
  4. Comparing yourself to someone way ahead of you with a large team
  5. Believing everything they see

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

I can’t live without Google Calendar to block work time and create flexible space for living life. The reminders on it are so helpful too.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You don’t need to have to hustle to become your version of success. Also, having kids or not is a choice and to respect each other's choices.

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I’m currently transitioning out of being a Virtual Assistant to only be a Productivity Consultant & Strategist through offering my signature program, 1:1, printables, and lifestyle merch.

What has being successful taught you?

That my version of success has drastically changed over the years. It’s taught me that success for me means to slow down because life is short and I want to enjoy it while I'm here, not wait and hope I’ll be around, or healthy enough, to enjoy things later. Success means making a difference for the better in someone’s life and utilizing my platform to the good of the world by filling a gap in the industry. Also, money is simply a tool to be able to do more and help more people.

What are some fun facts about you?

  • I’m a nerd at heart - gaming, comic cons, Ren Fest, anime, etc.
  • Childfree by Choice
  • Live with my long-term boyfriend and freeroam rabbit
  • The mountains are my happy place
  • My first career was 12+ years in the indy coffee industry and I owned/operated two coffee drive-thrus
  • I’m not naturally organized nor good at time management, I had to learn through trial and error

How can our readers find you online?







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