Meet Jackie Rodgerson... Author of 12-Steps of Loving an Addict

12-steps of loving an addict abuse healing addiction author canadian author feature jackie rodgerson spotlight Dec 14, 2023

The follow is our candid interview with Canadian Author Jackie Rodgerson:

About Jackie:

Jackie is a compassionate and inspirational first-time author that chose to use writing to process falling in love, getting hurt by and leaving an addict. Through sharing her story, she hopes to show others who may find themselves in similar relationships that there is a way out -- although it takes an abundance of strength, bravery and courage.

Please tell us about your book.

My book "12 Steps of Loving an Addict" tells my story of falling in love with, being hurt, manipulated and abused by and eventually escaping, an Addict. It shares the intimate details of how I fell head over heels for an amazing man who turned out to be a lot more than I originally thought. In my book I share the good, the bad, the ugly and the uglier and take readers on the journey of my relationship. 

What inspired you to write your book?

When I first started writing, I had no intention of anyone reading my story. I was struggling to talk about what happened to me and had no idea how to process it all. So I started writing. And when I finished, I felt brave for being able to survive and wanted to share my story. 

Was their any part of this that was particularly hard to share?

Step 7: Let the Addict remove your shortcomings was an extremely difficult chapter to write. What happened to me on that trip was scary, and traumatizing, and reliving it in any capacity is an awful experience for me. I feel a lot of shame that it happened to me, and was nervous to share those details with people that I love. In fact, I think a lot of my close readers skipped that chapter.

What do you hope readers takeaway from your book?

I hope that by sharing my story, I can empower anyone living in a similar situation to have the courage to walk away. If even only one person in this world gains even an ounce of strength and courage to do so, that would be enough. But even if it doesn't, I was able to take my strength back and begin my healing journey through the process. 

You can purchase a copy of Jackie's Book on Amazon.

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