Meet Diane Nnaemeka .... sidereal astrologer

astrologer diane nnaemeka May 27, 2024

I'm Diane, I am a sidereal astrologer! In working with the metaphysical world, I use astrology to provide counsel and advice by looking through your birth chart!


What kind of work do you do?

I am a sidereal astrologer!


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I enjoy the feeling of doing work that I want to do, and doing it in my own way!


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

The biggest struggle has been discipling myself and trusting.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I did actually stop for awhile. I was feeling lost. I had friends and a partner who reminded me of myself, and I am doing it again!

What have you learned since beginning?

You have to pace yourself, and do things in the way that makes sense to you!


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

You just have to be consistent!


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Do what you can, and don't overdo things and burn out!


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

When I had my first client! It felt magical to be paid for my astrology services!



Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

I honestly don't have a book recommendation!


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

My routine is becoming more simple, as it has to be something I can actually keep up with! I will say, I do not work every day, some days are for rest/play!



How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media has helped me spread the word about my services!



What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

On social media, it is important to use all of your gifts, and stand out! And share your thoughts and opinions and content! Don't hide, you need to be seen!



What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

A really helpful tool has been Facebook scheduling.



Is there something you wish everyone knew?

Things happen at their own time! So just do what you can!



What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I have some things I am working on, that I am so excited to share! Will not share them just yet!!


What has being successful taught you?

Life and its' successes are way more than we could ever know.



What are some fun facts about you?

-I LOVE dancing!

-I have a loud laugh!

-I have lived in Asia for 6 years!


How can our readers find you online? 


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