Meet Christy Holt... Coach, Mentor, Author, and Podcast Host

author business coach christy holt happiness interview podcast Dec 02, 2022

Christy Holt is a Happiness Hussy and Adventure Guide. Christy is not a fan of labels but for the sake of providing a short bio of her work… she is a coach/mentor (creator of the CREATE method), podcast host (Create Your Happy, available wherever you listen to podcasts) and published author of UNSTUCK (for women) available now on Amazon. Christy is passionate about helping change makers and impact leaders to turn their mess into their message and become unf*ckwithable so that they can make even greater impact in the world.


What kind of work do you do?

I’m not really one for labels or limitations, but in a nutshell: I help people to shift their perspective and give them the tools so that they can transform their own lives. I help people who are stuck and overwhelmed to get the f*ck unstuck so that they can become an unf*ckwithable conscious creator who makes all of their dreams come true. Ultimately I am a space holder, a safe space, a mentor and a guide. I do not have all of the answers and I certainly don’t claim to have it all figured out. I do, however, have a superpower that allows me to help others find the answers they need within themselves while being held in a safe and loving, non-judgemental container. Together, we rise further and faster.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I have been an entrepreneur since age 14 when I began my first business as a piano teacher. I also have a business degree and have run several small businesses over the past ~30 years that have all centered around teaching and empowering others. I would have to say that entrepreneurship has always been in me, and I wouldn’t change a thing!


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

My biggest struggle to get things going in business has without a doubt my own limiting beliefs around what is/was possible for me. When believe that we are capable and resourceful, there is nothing than can truly stop us from creating what we desire! The work to heal is OUR WORK (ie. no-one else can do it for us), but we don’t have to do it alone. In fact we can go much further and much faster with the right support because we often avoid that which we truly need to do and having someone to help us face what feels so scary allows us to do the healing we truly require in order to get out of our own way.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I think just about everyone goes through a time when the doubt creeps in. I mean, it’s damn hard to keep doing the things when you don’t see immediate positive results, and us humans have a tendency towards impatience (calling myself out here, too!). Truly what has kept me going is my inner knowing that THIS IS MY PURPOSE. I am here to help and serve others and I have been doing so in various capacities nearly my entire life. When thoughts of quitting enter my mind I simply remind myself that I couldn’t quit sharing what I know, even if I tried. It’s simply part of who I am and part of my mission to change the world.


What have you learned since beginning?

Phew. Who has time for this list? Haha! I’ll simply say that my most pivotal life changes have always come from understanding this basic principle at a deeper level: the common denominator of all of my challenges is ME. The answers aren’t “out there”, they are all within. I am the creator of my own reality and that is a very empowering piece of knowledge when applied!


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

With regards to business, I would say one of the things that really shifted things for me was around niching. I’ve never liked the idea of niching down to one specific person and only speaking to that person (because what I do can really help ANYONE!). I bristled at the idea because it felt limiting and I know that truly I am limitless. When one of my amazing mentors suggested that I niche my offers, but not myself/ my brand this resonated so strongly with me. I no longer felt any need to fit my messaging or brand into a box, but rather I could allow it to become as expansive as I am. It means that I offer and market using MY words and I attract the people who are MY people. Rather than trying to create something simply to meet others’ needs, I offer and give exactly what I am best at to the people who really need it.


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Don’t just seek someone to give you their answers and strategies, rather seek guidance from someone who will show you how to find YOUR own answers and aligned strategies within. It’s common to be drawn to quick fix solutions, but they are rarely the one we truly need. In fact, the whole thing is about the journey - building the relationship with self and discovering the answers and strategies from within is what creates the solid foundation for a lasting business. We are all whole-ass humans and being supported as you work through whatever is keeping you stuck or limited with unconditional love and acceptance is absolutely the most transformative thing you can do for both yourself personally AND your business. And THEN, once you know exactly what IS for you, THEN you can seek out the experts that can teach you what you need to know next in order to implement your aligned strategy.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Externally it’s a toss up here between my podcast and my book, but… Truthfully my biggest flex is taking #radicalresponsibilty for my own sh*t and how much that single shift absolutely changed my whole life trajectory. This is what has allowed me to create massive impact in the world… by going first I am showing not only what’s possible but I am creating a way for so many others to do the same.


Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

I’m an avid reader and have a long list of books I recommend depending on the specific inquiry of the reader. I personally feel that for entrepreneurs it is absolutely crucial to work not only on your business but also with your relationship with self. Some significant books that have stood out in my journey include The Power of Now (Eckhart Tolle), Becoming Supernatural (Joe Dispenza), The Compound Effect (Darren Hardy) and The Happiness Advantage (Shawn Achor). If you’re stuck in any way, I highly recommend reading about the Spiral Stopper Method inside of my book, UNSTUCK.


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I would not be where I am today without my morning and evening BEDITATIONS. I absolutely love my meditation time and prioritizing at least 5-10 minutes first and last thing in my day has radically shifted my entire experience and capacity all day long. The rest of my success “routine” is truly centered around asking myself “what do I need/ need to do most in this moment?” And by then doing that very thing.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

I love that social media has made it so much faster and easier for us to make greater impact and how we can now find “our people” with so much more ease. I absolutely love networking and meeting new people and I have met some of the most amazing, supportive people whom I am now lucky to call friends via social media from all over the globe. I’m in love with my Facebook community (The Conscious Creator Collective) in which some of the most amazing change makers, thought leaders and way showers are coming together to make an even greater impact in the world. We are stronger together and collaboration trumps competition any day of the week!


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Not being authentic or not being in integrity. This can also show up as following other people’s strategies that are actually not in alignment. There are plenty of strategists out there showing what they have done to get success, but following someone else’s strategy isn’t always in alignment or in integrity. People can truly sense when the energy behind the words doesn’t match and when they are a mismatch they do not get the desired results. Truly, the world needs YOU and your greatest success will come when you let go of trying to be anyone else besides fully, unapologetically YOU.


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

For me, it’s been the ability to connect and network via social media and online platforms (shout out to zoom for being the go-to place for online meetings!). 


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You are inherently worthy simply because you exist. You do not need to earn or prove your worth, and in order to experience this, you merely need to claim it for yourself and act from this knowing. Having a solid, loving relationship with yourself will create a foundation that is conducive to making all of your dreams come true!


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

Season 2 of my podcast Create Your Happy is coming out in January 2023 and this season I will be focused on relationship with self as I truly believe that to be the foundation of ALL relationships and experiences. I am also working on writing my next book which is about relationships!


What has being successful taught you?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned around success are this: I define what success is for me. When I define it for myself, I see that I am already successful in so many ways and that I have so much to be grateful for. It’s only when I’m working with someone else’s definition that I can feel like I’m falling short. This process of redefining it for myself always creates an instant shift! 


When there are new things I’d like to do or experience, I create my own definitions of success and happiness as they relate to the project. Once I have an idea of the experience I’m after (ie. success by MY definition), I then take the intentional, aligned actions required to create the experience for myself. 


What are some fun facts about you?

I am a mom to 4 teen boys (3 of my own, plus one bonus son), have the most amazing partner who I absolutely adore doing life with (we met while running a marathon), and I used to practise as a professional accountant. I love camping and hiking in the mountains (I’m from Alberta, Canada) and the feeling of having my feet in the ocean surf. I am obsessed with all things travel and I plan to host transformational retreats all around the world! 


How can our readers find you online?

As far as social media goes, you can find me on most platforms but I mainly hang out on Facebook. You can find all of my social links as well as info about my book, podcast and offers at


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