My life changed so radically when my husband got fired...

dream come true law of attraction manifesting manifesting your best life personal growth wealth Jul 31, 2019

When my husband and I hit a major low financially a few years ago, my husband lost his job, we couldn't afford our mortgage, all signs read "bleak" for money...

I felt lost. I was scared. I wondered, "Are we going to lose everything?"

It seemed all too real of a possibility that we might end up moving in with our parents.

Something deep down nagged at me that I had to dig into personal development. I had no other prospects for getting out of our financial rut, so I leaned into Law of Attraction with all my heart.

I read every book I could devour, and despite my reality, I believed the wealth was there.

Within a few months, we had more money than we ever had, manifesting over 6-figures, and we moved into an incredible new house, new opportunities sprouted everywhere - our lives changed drastically in what seemed like a blink of the eye!

Since then dream after dream has come true. One lifelong dream was to become an author, and in 2018 I not only got published - I published 5 books (and many more in 2019!)!!!!


A big focus has been on paying it forward. Manifesting through the Law of Attraction empowers us all to live life on our own terms!

You can manifest EVERYTHING you ever wanted! Keep believing 

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