Meet Kirsten Newman... Coach & Energy Healer
Mar 31, 2021
About Kirsten:
Kirsten has been practicing as a coach and energy healer for the past 3.5 years, after realizing her purpose in life is to empower other women to grow and shine in life and business. She specializes in helping women coaches and healers to work through unresolved emotions and mindset blocks that are keeping them playing small in their business, and is passionate about the power of women who fully explore and unleash their voices.
What kind of work do you do?
I combine coaching with energy healing work, and so my work involves emotions and energy as well as focusing on mindset. I truly believe that emotion is everything when it comes to growth. When we release stagnant emotions from our past that are keeping our belief systems limited, powerful transformation happens and it’s always so wonderful to see the huge breakthroughs my clients get from releasing old pain or fear that they often have no idea they’re still carrying. More often than not, we are playing small in our business because we are replaying old pain from our childhood over and over again in our subconscious and projecting it out into our business without even realizing it!
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
Honestly, I’ve never enjoyed working for others. I’ve always been a person who very much likes to do her own thing in her own way, and so being employed always felt restrictive for me. However, I used to ignore this feeling and “push through”, as we are so often conditioned and encouraged to do, and so it actually took me getting seriously mentally ill for me to finally acknowledge that my life wasn’t working out for me and that I needed to make serious changes. That’s when I knew I needed to be running my own business.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
“Online” being the key word here! When I started out in business, I worked with local women in my area and in person, and that always flowed so easily. Stepping into the online space, however, was daunting and confusing in the beginning! Suddenly, I felt bombarded by so many different coaches dishing out advice and telling me how to run my business, and I truly lost sight of myself in the transition. Everything felt so noisy and crowded, that I just wouldn’t settle on a simple marketing strategy – I kept chopping and changing according to the latest coach who dropped a friendly message in my inbox! It was a truly miserable and challenging time for me, and it took stepping away from it all and listening ONLY to myself for six weeks for me to get things back on track.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
Sooo many times in that initial phase of transitioning from an in person to online service. I just felt so incredibly overwhelmed with everything and even ended up working with a coach who was wrong for me purely because I was feeling so fearful of failing. So when that didn’t work out I honestly felt that my life had fallen to pieces. That was when I really seriously considered walking away from it all. But then I remembered why I had started my business in the first place, and all the things I had promised myself such as financial freedom, time freedom, the chance to travel, my dream farmhouse… I just couldn’t give up on my dreams. I couldn’t accept living a life that felt mediocre to me. So I had a good cry, dusted myself off, and got back to it!
What have you learned since beginning?
I have learned so much, but honestly the most valuable lesson for me has been that nobody knows my business better than I do. That’s not to say that working with business coaches hasn’t made an impact in my growth, because it definitely has. But it’s been so important for me to really get crystal clear on who I am, who I stand for, who I serve and why I serve, as well as embracing the strategies that feel effortless and fun for me vs the ones that I won’t stick to because they feel misaligned. That has become a huge part of the work I do with my 1:1 clients now, because there’s simply no business growth without these fundamentals.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Stay in your lane! It can be very easy to feel as a coach in the online space that it’s the business coaches who get all the clients and make all the money, but that simply isn’t true! When I first transitioned into the online space I was suddenly very aware of how many other amazing coaches there were out there, and it made me question my worth and capabilities. So staying in my lane and sticking firmly to my zone of genius was paramount! It kept me focused and confident and able to become more visible quickly as I was consistent and focused with my messaging.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
Get crystal clear on who you are, who you serve, why you serve and what your gifts are. Then be willing to take consistent and messy action! There will be a queue of coaches out there waiting to give you their free guide to $10k months or sold-out launches, so be crystal clear on yourself and take action that feels aligned to YOU. Business strategy gets to feel simple and fun – so keep it that way! Resist shiny object syndrome – pick a strategy and work it until it works for you.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
Honestly, the proudest moment of my business so far was receiving a message from a woman I had worked with the previous year. She was on holiday with her daughter, and she wanted to let me know how much our work together had changed her life. She said in her message that I had saved her life, that there was no way she would have kept going without our work together, and that will always stay with me. Sometimes all we need is that support to have those breakthroughs and make those changes for everything in life to completely shift.
Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?
I am OBSESSED with Sahara Rose’s latest book “Discover Your Dharma”. It’s an incredible book for self-exploration and really getting to understand your life purpose on a whole new level, and even after doing years of work on this myself, there were still revelations to be had!
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
I do! Morning and bedtime! In the morning, I treat getting dressed and putting my makeup on as a ritual. It’s important to me that I make myself look good feel confident for me to fully embody my inner Goddess and be able to project that energy out through my business and into the world! I will often follow that up with a meditation of abundance and empowerment.
Before bed, I simply make a point of keeping to a routine so my body knows each night that it time to start unwinding, and that’s when all my best ideas come through! So I keep a notebook close by and just remain very open as I get ready for bed, writing down all the ideas that come to me. It means I’m never short of things to create, and that I also get to enjoy a good night’s sleep!
How has social media played a factor in your success?
I purely use social media for my business marketing and growth, so without it my business would look very different! It’s also enabled me to connect with so many other like-minded people who have been able to offer me inspiration and guidance along the way, and there is no underestimating the impact that has had on me and the way I run my business!
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
Cold selling is definitely number one! It feels icky to receive and it can’t feel nice to do. Sales is all about building genuine connection with others – we’re all human beings, after all! Jumping into someone’s inbox and trying to sell is the equivalent of walking up to a stranger in the streets and asking them to marry you!
The other mistake I see is people trying to mimic voices or strategies of other coaches / entrepreneurs. We all have unique voices and ways of expressing ourselves, and that’s what makes us stand out to our ideal clients. The second we start copying other business owners rather than using them as inspiration to create something that is truly our own, we stop standing out and we lose our inspiration.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
Mindset work, without a doubt! Strategy is actually pretty simple – it’s the mind that throws things off! Mindset work is a must for every single day.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
That they are already enough to impact and succeed and that they don’t need anyone to “save” them when it comes to business. It can be easy to lose sight of that when starting out, and that’s when we can lose ourselves and start making poor investments out of fear rather than clarity and purpose.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
Right now I’m just really enjoying my 1:1 work and looking forward to enjoying the time freedom I have as the UK opens up more and more from COVID lockdown. Like everyone else, I will have a lot of loved ones to catch up with! That said, I definitely have the urge to create a new group program, so that could be on its way too…
What has being successful taught you?
I actually feel my biggest lessons have been from feeling unsuccessful. That’s where I learned how resilient and strong I am. That’s where I learned the importance of support and compassion from one business owner to another. Then there’s the most important lesson of them all – that I have the power to make anything happen. Once you learn that lesson, success is inevitable.
What are some fun facts about you?
I am a very gifted singer.
I am embarrassingly clumsy!
I have two cats, Gary and George, and I talk to them like they are people.
If you invite me onto the dancefloor I will oblige, but you might regret asking me!!
I was a dental nurse before I became an entrepreneur.
I am married to my soulmate.
Connect with Kirsten:
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