Meet Kela Robinson Smith... Fertility and Hormones Coach and Women’s Health Expert

author cooking entrepreneur health kela robinson smith wellness Feb 29, 2020

Interview with Kela Robinson Smith

About Kela

Kela has an extensive background as a professional fitness trainer, wellness educator, and author.  To date, she has published two books: The Complete Hormone Puzzle Cookbook and The Hormone Puzzle Method for solving infertility, as well as an online course with the same name.  Kela also holds four distinct qualifications as a Certified Holistic Health & Wellness Coach. She realized her dream of creating a virtual holistic health and wellness practice and helps women all over the world solve these issues. As the creator of the Hormone Puzzle Method, Kela helps her clients learn how to cycle sync so they have pleasant periods, boosted fertility, happy hormones, hotter sex lives and greater creativity, productivity, and wellbeing at work.  


What kind of work do you do? 

Fertility and hormones coach and women's health expert.  I work with women on balancing their hormones through cycle syncing as well as helping them get their bodies into the optimal state for conception so they can conceive naturally, now or in the future.  I am also an author, speaker and run a mastermind group for coaches and wellness practitioners.  


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur? 

I started as an entrepreneur through my own personal journey with infertility.  I didn't want women to have to struggle the way I did and I saw a need in the market where the medical industry dropped off and where holistic health picked up.  I wanted a business where I could help and support as many women as possible and create a community of hormone puzzle clients.  That is what I have created with the hormone puzzle society.  


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?  Knowing where to start first.  There are so many things when it comes to starting a business but especially when it comes to starting an online coaching business.  There are so many shiney objects so it's really easy to get off track.  I found that if I just did one thing daily that would move my business forward that was enough to help me continue to move forward and not get stuck.  


Was there a time you thought about giving up?

What kept you from quitting?  There hasn't been a time when I thought about giving up because this is so much my passion and I know this is why God put me on this earth but that's not to say it hasn't been extremely difficult at times.  Whenever this happens I just re-connect to my why.  Why did I get into coaching in the first place and then I reach out for support from my friends, colleagues and other coaches who tell me that it will be ok.  


What have you learned since beginning? 

I have learned not to be scared to invest in myself and my business.  I think so many times especially women are so scared to spend any money or extra time investing in their businesses because they are afraid it won't be worth it or they will invest in the wrong things so they freeze and do nothing.  I always say this is a business and show me one business that you can start with zero money and I will show you that it isn't a business.  Same goes for time.  You have to make time to work on your business because it is not going to build itself.  Be stratigic and purposeful and you will grow the be profitable.  


What’s the best advice you’ve received? 

The best piece of advice I have received is to listen to my gut.  As an entrepreneur you have to make so many decisions on a daily basis and sometimes you second guess yourself however anytime I have a gut feeling about something that is the universes way of giving me a little nudge.   Anytime I have a huge decision to make I always ask myself and the universe if this is the right decision and I listen to what my gut tells me to do.  


What advice would you give someone just starting out? 

I would tell someone just starting out not to be scared to take risks.  Taking risks is what has continued to elevate my business and helped it to grow.  Without risk their is no reward.  To win big you have to play big.  Don't be scared.  


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of? 

The professional win I am most proud of is starting  a new facet of my business at 40 years old.  I saw a. need in the market and I didn't hesitate to fill that need by starting my fertility coaching practice.  Even though I was comfortable in the job I was doing before I started my practice I knew I was meant to do more and when I heard that little voice inside of me telling me to go for it, I couldn't ignore it.  


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development? 

I love any book by Amy Porterfield, Rachel Hollis or Jen Sincero.  


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it? 

OMG yes I am such a type A, routine type person.  My entire life is a routine.  I feel like you have to have that structure especially as an entrepreneur.  You can't sleep till 11 and work 2 hours and have a successful business.  I treat my business as such.  I am up before the kids and at the gym, then I am in my office from 730-4.  I block schedule my entire day so every hour is accounted for and I am doing things that are moving my business forward.  I also love a routine because I have a very healthy lifestyle and I feel like a routine helps you to habituative some of those things so you are constantly eating healthy, working out, spending time with family, and self care without having to think about it.  With a routine it helps it all feel not so overwhelming.  I am also a HUGE planner so I have my workout bag packed, kids bags packed, everything in my home has a place and it's all super organized which helps not feel so overwhelmed as well.  


How has social media played a factor in your success?

 I love social media and the reach it can give you.  I meet people all over the world through social and through the work I do and without it I wouldn't have the opportunity to meet these people.  I am very active on many platforms and it's a great way to run an online practice.  


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made? 

OH this is a good one!  I hate when someone friends me and I see they are a coach so I accept and the immediately pop into my inbox and start selling me their program, product or whatever.  Like hey I am a person how about you get to know me first before you pitch me.  Also not having your profile set up properly or having a bunch of pictures of your dog and family.  That is fine if you are using your platform to be social but if you have an online business then use your platforms as such.  I sprinkle a little bit of family and pets photos but the majority of what I post is great content and business for my audience.  


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful? 

Hiring my business strategist has helped me tremendously.  Before I was just throwing stuff at the wall to see what was going to stick and until I started working with her I was seeing very little success.  Now I have a strategy, I know what to do and it results in a thriving practice.  A few of my other favorite tools are kartra for all my back end needs such as funnels, automation, etc.  I also like Linked helper and Friend connector for automated connections.  


Is there something you wish everyone knew? 

I wish everyone knew building an online business isn't hard and is actually a ton of fun if you have the right strategy and mindset.  Don't give up because it will be so worth it in the end.  


What’s coming up for you in the next few months? 

I am in the process of redoing my entire site with new free gifts and a new program- The Hormone Puzzle Method - cycle syncing blueprint.  This program is all about cycle syncing your hormones.  I am also writing a few new books that will be out in the next few months.  


What has being successful taught you? 

Success has taught me to always reach for the stars and nothing is impossible and with the right strategy and mindset you can accomplish anything.  Also to never give up.  If God puts something on your heart it is there for a reason and you need to just go for it.  


What are some fun facts about you? 

Fun facts about me I grew up in Memphis,TN, I told my husband I would marry him the first night we met and we have been married for 11 years, We have two kids, 4 and 6 and 2 dogs, chihuahua named bruzer who is 16 and a boxer named Sadie who is almost 2.  We have a lot of fun in our house.   

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