Meet Kate Cornelius... Queen of Solidity
Jan 22, 2023
Kate Cornelius, aka the Queen of Solidity, is a woman on a mission to help raise compassion worldwide by catalyzing radical soul level transformation. Born into a spiritual upbringing Kate rebelled against the alignment with Universal truth all throughout childhood, immersing herself in any modality of knowledge and self discovery that called her to purpose - including getting married at 18. Despite her wavering beliefs, spirituality embraced her and became her backbone during her divorce in 2010, her steady breathe during her relationship with an active addict (now her sober husband), and cradled her through her own near death experience and the loss of her youngest daughter in 2014.
Today she has the privilege of serving her purpose with dignity and grace through her intuitive work.
What kind of work do you do?
I like to call myself a Energetic Embodiment and Efficiency Expert. Basically that’s my own fancy way of saying “I’m a Life Immersion Coach”. I empower soul led creatives, entrepreneurs, and spiritual thought leaders to alchemize their next level relationship with growth, without losing momentum, using intuitive embodiment support.
You hear the word “life” in that title and immediately the eye rolls ensue but it’s so much more than just black and white in my world. For me there are no boundaries between life, business, or parenthood. Our patterns are our patterns and I believe it’s up to us to not only uncover those patterns but also design how they fit into our grandest version of well-being.
I’ve helped clients double their revenue, open new business ventures, structure their entire business matrix, and support their clients throughout their experiences just as much as I’ve helped them restructure their relationships with their family, identify ways to get more done with their current resources, relocate, and start a brand new life.
My only goal everyday is to show up and let you know that at least one person loves you and values you for who you are! I believe in your dreams. And I believe you can achieve anything you desire. And with that power - it’s already happened!
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
So many will tell you that their kids pushed them, or they’ve never remembered a time they didn’t dream of being an entrepreneur…I’ll tell you the truth for me - and it’s not a truth I was alright admitting for a long time - I started my business because I wanted something that was just mine.
I felt selfish even saying it outloud, but it’s the truth. I wanted to break away from the roles that I had tied myself into from the time I turned 18 - mom, wife, rock, daughter. I wanted to just be Kate and be appreciated for it not meaning I had any other title in life. I wanted a break. And I wanted to carve my own path to leadership in the way that I desired, not the way naive 18-year-old Kate did.
I had already been an entrepreneur since 2018. My husband and I opened a retail brick and mortar shop locally the summer after his mom’s passing and I was already over a year into mom and pop-shopdom before I decided to open up my virtual accounting firm.
At the time I felt this massive pull to create. I wasn’t sure what I was creating, just that I wanted to be IT.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
Pride. Lord, do I have it all going for me in all of the ways, haha. Because I wanted something that was all mine that meant that I also didn’t want anyone’s help (at least not unless I asked for it).
I spent so much time circling the drain. Playing with the shiny objects, buying the courses, planning and not implementing. You know, making excuses.
I also poorly managed my money, was pulling in clients inconsistently, and ultimately felt alone left to do all of the things and then come right back to the duties that I was running away from.
Honesty is one of my greatest core values and I couldn’t stand seeing myself in the online space holding the mask of attraction specialist and life immersion coach knowing I was the very version of what I was saying I helped others outgrow.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
There were several times. I remember switching my focus to the coaching world in 2021 and I felt like such a fraud that I had a hard time keeping up with the bare minimum of marketing. I still had my accounting firm so I still had income, but I didn’t want to take on any more clients or do the current workload I had, AND I couldn’t bring myself to actively market something that made me feel like a liar. I didn’t want to be selling a marketing and sales course even though I had those answers because I didn’t have those results, and my life was NOT going the way I had envisioned.
That wasn’t even the time I wanted to quit whole heartedly. I played that game of slap-box with myself for ANOTHER YEAR before I even started verbalizing that it was “time to get a real job again.”
And physically I updated the resume and filled in online applications, but energetically I could feel that lioness inside forcefully letting me know she stands behind me in pursuit of my dreams. The denial letters kept rolling in, and the more I felt the presence of my desires still pulling me to find the answer I sought, the less I applied and the more focus I put in intentional action.
What have you learned since beginning?
Since beginning I’ve learned to follow the vibe. Call it trusting yourself, connecting to source energy, or gaining confidence, the underlying essence is the same.
Following the vibe helps me to cultivate even greater awareness for the present moment. I move so quickly and juggle so many plates that I never really bothered to keep both feet planted instead of always having one foot in the future.
Now I’ve covered enough ground to fill my toolbox with tools that will help me recalibrate to truth, without losing the momentum I’ve built.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
You know, all I’ve ever wanted out of life was the answer - the one that satisfies the question that burns in my chest like a hot poker: “What am I meant to bring to this world?” And ever since I was a little girl there was this energy around me. It was present in every single person that has ever crossed my path and it reverberated through my body as my motto since the day my mother said it to me.
I remember the day my mom was staring down the teenage years (read Kate’s love life) and she looked at me and said, “Does that feel good - in here?” Motioning to her heart.
She looked me dead in the eyes and made sure she put all her energy in that sentence. And then she told me: “If it doesn’t feel good then why would you do it? Why would you waste your energy intentionally doing the thing that makes you feel bad?”
And while it’s not what we traditionally think of as advice, and it’s something she commonly asked us as kids, that was the moment I was rocketed into the inner knowing that when we recalibrate to truth magic happens.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
I would tell a beginner to keep their head high in focus of your dreams while you keep your nose to the grind. You're going to be ridiculously uncomfortable with the process. You're going to fail. And you're going to recover. If you are always perfect you miss the joy of experiencing growth.
If you get the illusion out of your head right now that ease and flow and abundance and success means "easy" then you can better battle the ultra big emotions that will inevitably come up when something doesn't go to plan in your execution.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
Oh goodness, there are so many wins that I've racked up over the years. But my greatest win was finally stepping out of the one man show and leaning into collaborating and growing with others.
When I decided to lean into the feminine aspects of leadership that I had kept ignoring, I found myself magnetizing communities and incredible human beings that desire my high level of executive support. And being appreciated for the unique skills I I bring to this world was all I ever really wanted - not to do things alone!
Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?
Get your pens ready because we all know that readers are leaders! Strap in and devour The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel, Advice Not Given by Mark Epstein, The Year of Yes by Shaunda Rhimes, of course Rich Dad Poor Dad, The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, and Grit by Angela Duckworth.
If you are curious about it, find a book on it. If you are finding resistance along your path, identify it by name and find a book on it. None of us are self made. We are always learning and expanding from collective growth.
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
I fought a personal success routine for a long time. Feeling boxed in my life will do that to you. I made tiny tweaks to my schedule over time and have officially landed on a routine that allows enough flow for me to feel creative and alive while also being the most productive.
I make my bed and am sure to move my body daily first thing. I practice deep connective breathing techniques and spend at least 20 minutes with my own energy, whether that's journaling, soaking in an Epsom foot bath, or dancing around while tidying up.
I also block specific days for specific business tasks, like Monday is my Admin day and Wednesdays are my networking days. And I practice accountability within my business weekly, constantly reflect and refining for better implementation.
You'll never expand the hours in a day, but you can help them best serve YOU and your goals!
How has social media played a factor in your success?
Social media is literally a godsend! To think that we've been given an opportunity to openly connect with billions of eclectic, enamoring souls fills me with so much joy.
With our retail shop we hinge our success literally on the physical aspect of community building; word of mouth referrals, Google searches and reviews, and economic conditions.
But for the work I do in the online space I have been gifted a free platform and limitless connective potential which has allowed me to not only receive support but also give support to people all over the world; and to see such an impact is breathtaking!
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
Wow, again there are so many varying answers possible! And I suppose it might even depend on the day - but overall within the online space the biggest mistake I commonly see I would have to say is reciprocity.
It takes zero effort to be kind. We as business owners seem to expect to move through this digital age and become instantly adored because we have a passion - thinking that because we are sharing our gifts that becomes the reciprocal exchange.
WE must always set that tone, and that means initiating what we expect, freely giving without expectation. It's always believing before seeing, and so for me that looks like truly caring about the information I absorb, giving credit where credit is due, and being invested in those I encounter.
I heart every post I read all the way through and comment on so the post gets pushed out to more people it resonates with.
I don't complain about cold DMs, or connections if any kind with someone I've magnetized to me, and instead assess how my interactions have led to this new awareness.
I ask really good questions that provoke thought and tell people I love them. And I even wish everyone a happy birthday (unless I haven't spoken to you in the year and then I make space for greater reciprocal transfer!)
All because those are things I desire to see in my world. And how entitled must I be to believe I'm owed that which I do not also give?!
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
Connection. Connection. Connection.
As wonderful and skilled as I may be, there will always be someone else who just simply does "the thing" better than I might be able to do….AND who loves it more.
Every skill you've encountered throughout your life has had a learning curve. And that means that all the strategy and implementation CAN be learned. It's a skillset.
But having the tool of connection, whether to other humans OR to the knowledge of need means you will always be able to find an answer and move forward.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
I wish everyone knew, like down to their bones no questions asked, that everything is connected.
And because of that very simple, unchanging fact, we each have the capacity to express our unique one of a kind perspective and trust that there will not be, in our lifetime, another exactly like it. There is enough in this world for each of us to fill our cup of desire and let it overflow without worry of anyone else drowning!
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
These next few months for me are focused very heavily on intentionality.
I'm diving deeper into my own personal development so that I can better serve my clients.
I'll be releasing several updated tools that help my 1:1 clients, such as the Momentum Matrix - my signature support framework for courageous and soul led industry leaders that is basically the equivalent of having a coach, consultant, and COO in your back pocket.
And I'll be spending most of my time inside of Goddessey, my intuitive Embodiment Mastervault, hosting growth experiences that serve the expansion of humanity.
I'll also be expanding out into other platforms!! And I can already feel the energy of what's brewing under the surface that hasn't even revealed itself fully yet! It's going to be an exciting year for sure.
What has being successful taught you?
Being successful has taught me restraint and compassion.
Leadership is not always loud in the ways we assume it to be. As the edges soften we build greater resiliency, releasing the blocks that stopped our flow of success initially.
What are some fun facts about you?
I love all things potato - my dog looks like a potato, I cried almost every day of being Keto because of potatoes, and I still believe they are the best food group!
Corny is contagious - tell me a dad joke, use boomer language, dance in the Halloween aisle at Walmart and we are friends for life.
I've spent most of my life searching for and gaining knowledge. I've been a bird trainer, a federal match-maker, a paid product photographer, a server, an insurance transcriptionist, a complaint resolution specialist…skills upon skills upon skills.
I always thought it'd be phenomenal to run a bed and breakfast - maybe I'll still do this when I buy my castle in Iceland!
How can our readers find you online?
Facebook is currently my platform of choice. I give tons of free info on my personal and business page, offering up inspiration to begin living your most deliciously blissful life.
Facebook Profile:
Facebook Business Page:
You can also catch updates on my website about speaking events I've had, offers, and even munch on my weekly blog BePurposeful.
Or you can sign on to work with me in close proximity inside of Goddessey or through a more intimate 1:1 setting. My 1:1 investments are by application only so that means get in and schedule a vibe call to see if the sparkle lights up!
Remember that everything the light touches is already yours. All you have to do is grab it!
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