Meet Juliana... Women's Business & Empowerment Coach & Podcast Host
Jul 03, 2020
Interview with Juliana Frisoli.
About Juliana:
Juliana Frisoli is a Business & Empowerment Coach for mission-driven women who want to master their marketing, reclaim their authentic power, and scale their online empire to $10k-$20k months online.
What kind of work do you do?
I do a lot of things because I take a holistic approach to business. I would say the foundation of my business is empowering women to unfuck their mindset and energy so they can actually apply the business strategy needed in order to start making a lot of money online. I feel like there are so many different components to business and I really work with my clients on all of them. I help my clients step into their power so they can become the best version of themselves and really show up confidently and authentically. I also love teaching sales psychology, content creation techniques, copywriting principles, funnels, tech, and really anything strategy related. I’m very analytical and strategy minded, but I also love to talk about energetics and mindset.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
I’ve always had a problem with people telling me what to do, so six months into working for someone else after I graduated college I knew I had to get the fuck out of a full time office job. At first, my idea was to teach yoga, read tarot, and do holistic healing, but after doing that for a while, I realized I really wanted the freedom of having an online business.
When I started looking into how to build a business online, I realized that I was really really good at the strategy stuff. Like even better than most of the people out there teaching it… so I knew that had to be part of my business. It made sense, because my background is in marketing and communications. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism with a focused in Integrated Marketing Communications and I worked in marketing and social media for over five years before becoming an entrepreneur… so putting it all together came really easily to me. I’ve gone through quite a few variations of my business, but I came to a point now where it’s a combination of all the things I love: strategy, spirituality, psychology, mindset, and energy. I really believe entrepreneurs do best when they have a holistic approach to business.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
My own limiting beliefs and confidence issues. I had a really fucked up money mindset, and that held me back for so long. I had so many issues around sales and asking for money. I also just didn’t feel confident in what I was doing. Now I’ve done a lot of energetic and mindset work to shift those things and it’s made such a huge difference in my business. I really had to own my power and overcome the fears that were holding me back.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
Don’t we all go through a point where we want to give up and quit? This shit is hard. Being an entrepreneur is not an easy thing, especially in the beginning. I remember when I first started my business and wasn’t making any money yet I went to interview for a full time job because I needed income and I wasn’t making it in my business. When I went to the job interview, I had a panic attack afterward on my way home. There were no windows in the office. The lighting was artificial and disgusting. The energy in the office felt depressing. And it just wasn’t worth it to me. I decided then and there that I would literally rather drive for uber or something than go back to a full time job. I think that was a big moment for me because whenever I think about giving up or quitting, I remember that feeling and remind myself that it is so not worth it to sacrifice my freedom on the days where I’m craving the consistency of a paycheck every two weeks.
What have you learned since beginning?
I’ve learned so many things. I think the biggest lesson for me was that your energy really does matter. I’ve always believed in energy and spirituality, but I’m also super masculine and very like “get shit done” when it comes to business. I notice so much that the energy and intention behind what I do has a huge impact on the numbers I see in my bank account. The more I work on my energy and mindset, the more money I make. Business is about so much more than just strategy. You need a really kick ass strategy too, but for me the strategy has always been the easy part.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
What comes to mind is the advice that you have to pick your hard. Basically meaning that everything is going to come with some form of hard work. Being an entrepreneur is hard in some ways. You have to self motivate. You have to show up consistently. You are solely responsible for the income you create. That can be hard. But what’s also hard is getting up at 7am every day to drive to an office and sitting on my ass in the same spot 8 hours a day and having to ask permission to take a vacation. Fuck that. I’d much rather choose the hard of entrepreneurship.
I’m a big believer that business is not always rainbows and unicorns like so many people make it out to be. One of my pet peeves is all the people who are like “Oh I just meditated with a crystal up my ass and I made a million dollars”. Because the people who are preaching that it gets to be easy and that business isn’t hard are the ones who are also showing up a fuck ton and putting in consistent work. I think business does get to be easy once you’ve put in the ground work, but I also think a lot of people forget where they came from and what they did to get to where they are now.
It doesn’t have to be hard all the time, and you can love what you do and that can feel easy. But it’s not going to feel good 100% of the time. It’s not going to be easy 100% of the time, and I think depending on what circles we’re in online, we’re so conditioned to believe that it’s just easy and doesn’t take effort to make 6 figures in 6 months or a million dollars in a year or whatever fancy numbers people are preaching. You have to pick your hard and put in the ground work. It gets so much easier once you’ve done the inner and outer work to set yourself up for success.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
Be yourself and do the things that feel good to you. There are a million ways to build a business. Everyone’s strategy is going to look different and there is not one right way or one better way. There’s no magical formula and no magic answer. If you hate a strategy, don’t do it. Find something else to create that result.
When I first started, I thought I had to be sending people DMs to try to “build relationships” with them and then try to pivot the conversation into a pitch to try to get them on a sales call. I really hated this and I still hate it. It gives me anxiety and to be totally honest, I don’t want to talk to people who don’t want to talk to me. When I started to rely solely on my content to do the selling for me, that’s when I started to make more money because I was in alignment and not giving energy to shit that I hated doing.
You can build your business however you want. Focus on some way to do these three things: build your audience, nurture your audience, and sell to your audience. Those are the basics, but you can do those three things in so many different ways.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
I just brought in $10,836 CASH into my business in June 2020. That was cool. But really what I’m most proud of and what makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside is any time a woman sends me a message and tells me that I inspired them to be themselves and show up authentically. Helping women reclaim their authentic power is a hugeeee part of my business because so many women feel like they need to show up a certain way in order to be taken seriously and it’s just not true. You get to build a business however you want to while being yourself unapologetically.
Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?
I really love You Are A Badass and You Are A Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero.
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
Nah. I don’t like routines and I never stick with them. I’m much more about consistency than I am about routines.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
Pretty much all of my sales come from Facebook and Instagram. Building a brand on those platforms and creating really powerful content has completely built my business up to this point.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
Some people just have no idea what to do with their content, or they don’t have an audience built up so there’s no one there to see their content. Also DM pitching. I hate that shit. Can we please stop it? It’s so old and outdated. If you haveeee to pitch, do your research first. I hate people who DM me and say “what do you do” because it’s plastered all over my profile. Just be a human. Not being a human is the biggest mistake I see.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
At this point in my business, I would have to say NewZenler. It’s like Kajabi or Kartra, but like half the price and better in my opinion. It does everything and they keep adding more and more features.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
Consistency + Magnetic Energy = Results
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I’m revamping the way I do my marketing. I’m going to start running Facebook and Instagram ads to bring people into more automated funnels, and I’m shifting to a more product-based business. I want less calls on my calendar, and I really thrive in teacher mode inside courses or in coach mode in group programs. Other than that, I don’t really know. I kinda stopped planning things too far in advance because I like to go with the flow and launch whatever I’m feeling called to at the time rather than forcing myself to stick to a schedule. For those of you into Human Design, I’m a Manifesting Generator so I bounce around a lot.
What has being successful taught you?
No one is better than anyone else. They’ve just figured out more things. I think this was a huge realization for me when I went to my first in person conference and was surrounded by multi million dollar earners. I could feel their energy and I was like wait she’s not special… like in a good way. I realized I was just like them but they just had more figured out in their business. Anyone can be successful with the right mindset, energy, and strategy.
What are some fun facts about you?
I’m a total cat lady. I have two cat children: Belle and Loki. If you’ve been watching me for a bit, you’ve probably heard Loki on one of my videos or podcast. He never shuts up.
I’m an enneagram 4w3, and a little obsessed with the enneagram. I’m an ENFP/INFP Myers Briggs. I’m super 50/50 on the introvert and extrovert scale. I’m a Leo sun, Cancer moon, Aries rising.
I love sushi, oysters, tacos, bobas, and any fun and fancy desserts.
I’m a tea person and love fancy teas.
I’m a certified yoga teacher, energy healer, and intuitive tarot/oracle reader.
I’ve been to 24 states and 8 different countries. More coming soon!
I loveeee Disney and think Disneyland is better than Disney World, but I love both.
I’m half Italian and half Iraqi. I’m also step-British.
Connect with Juliana:
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