Meet the Creativity Coach... Jennafer Conley!

business coach creativity entrepreneur jennafer conley Jul 26, 2019

This week I had the great joy of connecting with and interviewing Jennafer Conley, the Creativity Coach!

From Jennafer

I am the Owner of OhCreativeOne LLC and I've been a business for 10 years this summer!  I live in the Upstate of South Carolina where mosquitos are as big as cats and tea is always too sweet. I met my wonderful husband while we were both working in my dad's restaurant 20 years ago when I was only 16.  We dated for 10 years and married in December of 2010 and soon we'll be married for 10 years!  I'm mom to Rat Terrier named She-Ra (Princess of Puppy Power).  

The following is our interview. My questions are non-bold and her answers follow in bold.

What kind of work do you do?

My business is two pronged.  One, I provide Creative Design and Marketing to Small to Mid Sized Companies.  Through that I art direct and design magazines, billboard, social media campaigns, handle all aspects of branding, etc.  I also have a printable invitation business as @OhCreativeOne on Etsy.  The second part of my business is as a Creativity Coach.  Through my coaching I work with creative professionals to Level Up as businesses and as individuals.  We cover marketing and gaining new clients, ways to sell online, how to run a small business, self care and empowerment.  It's a very tight niche for those that are introverted and work from alone.  Isolation is usually preferred by these types (myself included) but to build a business, you have to put yourself out there.  I love working helping these creatives make their business dreams come true while they also work on doing what makes them truly happy as people.  Creativity is a big part of both.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

My grew up in an Entrepreneurial family.  My father owned a restaurant and my mother sold Avon and ran a cake decorating business.  I've never been a fan of people telling me what to do as I always get the job done.  I found Design and Creative Director positions in the corporate world to not understand the creative mind and keep me in a box.  I found ad agencies were way too full of themselves and pretentious. I moonlighted as a freelancer straight out of college while working in these full time positions, knowing that once I amassed enough clients, I'd go out on my own.  In the summer of 2009, I did.  I've never looked back.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

I started my design business in biggest recession the United States had seen in a long.  Advertising is always the first thing to be cut when companies have to revisit the budget. So it was tougher to get clients to spend the money at that time.  It was also hard to in the beginning to walk confidently into a room with business owners that made 6 figures and had built large businesses.  I was in my mid 20s and it was tough to talk the talk and walk the walk in the beginning.  But it really helped me in the long run having to rise to the occasion.     

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

Never.  It's never been a question for me.  I've yearned some for the stability a regular position would bring me but the negatives far outweighs positives when it comes to working for someone else (for me).  There were times I thought if I didn't get a new client, maybe I'd work somewhere part time to supplement my income but its always worked out.  There's nothing else for me.  I'm half Greek and there's a Greek work- Meraki.  It means "Doing something with soul, creativity, or love - when you put 'something of yourself' into what you're doing, whatever it may be".  I am my business and my business is me.

What have you learned since beginning?

That it's not a straight line up.  It's ups and downs and backs and forths.  It zigs and it zags and its just part of the ride.  I've learned to believe in myself and what I bring to the table.  I've learned that I am more capable that I gave myself credit.  I've learned that cultivating relationships is such a strong part of any business.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Do what you love.  My father told me to do what I love and buy what I love.  As long as I do, I'll never have any regrets.  He was right.

What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Dig deep.  Don't give up.  When you are stressed and overwhelmed, take a few minutes of time out.  Walk around your front yard, read a chapter, do your nails.  It will center you and give you greater focus.  It will serve you better in the long run.

-What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

There's a chain of gas stations in the South East, named Spinx (owners last name).  They are very big deal here and they were a client of a PR Firm I worked with as a contractor.  They commissioned the PR Firm as well as their sign company to come up with a new design for their end cap candy display in stores.  The PR firm had several ideas and I wanted to go in another direction.  I did the versions the PR company requested and also threw in my own idea.  When the time, Spinx chose my design over the Sign companies and the PR firms.  It's been my favorite win so far.

Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

"You are a Badass" by Jen Sincero was the first one I read and it really stuck with me.

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I have different routines at different times and stages of my career.  I think the key to my success is that I have the flexibility in my business to change it as needed. Currently, I wake up at 7:50 and as my coffee is brewing, I meditate.  I try to take my lunch away from my computer if at all possible.  Taking 30 minutes for a little Ru Paul's Drag Race or The Golden Girls while lunching really helps me along.  That, and I play with She-Ra.  I work until 6 usually (I intermittently do housework or run errands as well).  Then its family time.  I spend time before bed each night emailing myself with ideas that have hit me all night so that I'm ready to rock the next morning.

How has social media played a factor in your success?

Instagram has been really big for me.  I've only gotten into it strongly the past two years but given that it's such a visual platform its a great way to showcase my work and has garnered several clients.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

irrelevant or badly done imagery.  There's a fine line between letting people into your world and oversharing stuff no one cares about.  From a design standpoint, don't put more than a sentence on the actual image and for the love of God, please choose clean simple imagery.  I see people with so many graphics, gold glitter and swirls added to their stuff that it's illegible and hurts my eyes.

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

I can't live or work without Adobe products.  They are the industry standard for designers and that's what I use every day to do my job.  That, and my Kate Spade Day Planner.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

That everyone is just is scared and worried as they are.  Everyone is dealing with something.  Everyone has something they don't like about themselves.  And if they don't, they are probably assholes and you're better off without them.

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I'm so excited!  I'll be launching three online courses.  One is for businesses on branding and marketing.  Even if you hire a professional, the more informed you are about the ins and outs and the vision, the less you'll have to pay.  Another course is on my Creativity Coaching focusing on running a creative business and how to take care of yourself along the way.  The third is for designers specifically, teaching things that make a great designer such as leading the eye, color theory and typography.  The actual design tutorials on how to use the programs are already all over the web.  I'm also opening up group coaching in addition to 1:1.  This will all be launched by October.

What has being successful taught you?

That you should be open and receptive to help, feedback and support.  But that when you really only have yourself to count on and you make that shit work, you need to be damn proud of yourself.  

What are some fun facts about you?

I love driving winding roads with my music blaring.  I'm obsessed with the 60s- the furniture and architecture of Mid Century Modern, the clothes, the music, everything.  My home is a mid century modern home complete with a large brick planter at the door and it makes my heart happy to that I get it mine. I ALWAYS have a drink with me (could be coffee, diet soda, water, liquor or wine- it just depends!).  I own well over 200 pairs of shoes.


Connect with Jennafer


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