Meet Jana Niksa... The Authentic Sales Coach

business childcare speaker entrepreneur high ticket jana niksa selling the authentic sales coach woo and do Apr 24, 2024

Interview with Jana Niksa

Jana Niksa is The Authentic Sales Coach.  She has sold millions over her 20+ year sales career, as a top performing sales executive and her main strategy was she never did it the way they told her to. Now she empowers her clients to do the same. Jana helps impact driven entrepreneurs break the mold, overcome their sales fears, and get clients consistently with her Limitless Sales System. Her unique approach is for those who don't resonate with the traditional sales and marketing strategies and are ready to create ultimate success in their business their way!

What kind of work do you do? I work with coaches, consultants, and service based entrepreneurs who are wanting more consistent income and sales but do not resonate with the traditional pushy sales approach and are looking for a more impactful alternative approach to enrolling more clients.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur? About 10 years ago, I started on my own inward healing journey and I had no idea that I would never be the same.  The more I came home to myself and released the stories no longer serving me, the more I felt called to serve at a higher level.  I was at the peak of my sales career winning top closer in the nation and the trip of a lifetime, but all I kept thinking about is ways I wanted to help people on a deeper  level. I became obsessed with the study of human potential and how to become the best version of yourself and that is where it all began.  From there, I begin the journey of deciding all the things we get to decide, how I wanted to help, how did I want to show up, who I was going to serve, etc. I decided to take all my 20+ years of sales experience with the inner game training I had received and launch my coaching sales business in 2021 where I help support entrepreneurs with their communication skills, sales confidence, and the mindset to close in order to help others grow their business. And just like that, The Authentic Sales Coach was born.

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business? Leads, this was the part of the sales process that I hadn't encountered before and I had a hard time understanding how to do it, especially in the online space.  I spent FAR too much time creating content and FAR too little time doing what I do best, build relationships.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting? Yes, about a year into my journey, I got a call from one of my favorite bosses of all time offering me a job.  I was struggling so much at that point and seriously thought about how much easier it would be to take the cushy sales job that I could do in my sleep and earn multi six figures, but I did what I always do, the rocking chair test.  I imagine myself at 90 years old, sitting in my rocking chair reflecting on my life and I KNEW I would have regretted not giving my business all I got.

What have you learned since beginning? That it is a sprint not a marathon, that in order to enjoy this wild ride, you have to fall in love with the person you are becoming in the process, and everything else you are wanting, the money, the success, and life of your dreams will follow.  

What’s the best advice you’ve received? "There is no such thing as regret, in an investment, in a business decision, it ALL works.  It just works on you before it works for you.  Your job is to stay the course long enough so that it works on you long enough to start working for you" -Myron Golden.  AND No one gets to skip steps....the overnight success that some claim, took several years before it all came together ;)

What advice would you give someone just starting out?  Don't fall for all the hype, there is no magic bullet strategy to success.  There are clues and there are frameworks, but you still have to cultivate the mindset and the skillset necessary to execute the strategy.  Celebrate each and every step, the more grateful you are the more you will attract to be grateful for.

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?  Watching my clients celebrate wins when it starts to click for them.  Being able to help them get out of their own way and then watch it all come together for them is just magical.  I want nothing more than for my clients to have the dream business they desire.  Another thing I am very proud of is the relationships I have built online.  I feel like I have a bad ass group of women that have my back, get what I am going through, really get me, and we will support each other to the best of our ability, both professionally and personally.

Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?  OMG so many.  I love "Letting Go" by David Hawkins, "Never Split The Difference" -Chris Voss, "Change Your Mind" -RJ Spina, "Atomic Habits" -James Clear to name a few :)

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it? I have a morning routine.  I get up about 5am, and do meditation and breathwork. Then once I get the kids off to school, I workout, hike, or do yoga.  I finished it off with an energy clearing and cord cutting in the shower.  I am all up in the WOO!

How has social media played a factor in your success? Yes, in building relationships, community, and finding clients.  It has made me more visible and challenged me to be an even better communicator and creator.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made? Thinking content is going to do all the heavy lifting for you. Most entrepreneurs are creating content like an influencer and not like a business owner

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?  There are so many, I LOVE canva, but having a solid CRM and a calender scheduler are more than key.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?  That you are far more powerful than you have been led to believe and to question everything.

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?  I am launching my next Masterclass called Limitless Expansion: Create Your Most Aligned Hight Ticket Offer That SELLS

What has being successful taught you? That I wasn't crazy...No seriously that the vision I had inside was there for a reason and there is a gift for those bold enough to step into their calling and bring their vision into reality.  There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing you are doing exactly what you came here to do!

What are some fun facts about you? I do not take myself very seriously.  My kids describe me as funny, silly, and goofy (which I love) and interestingly, until I really got to know me again several years back, I didn't know that I was still so playful, I thought that had left LONG ago.  I LOVE to travel, I manifested doing a handstand on top of the Great Wall Of China, and what else, hmmmm, I went sky diving and I don't get what the big deal is.

How can our readers find you online?  All my handles are @theauthenticsalescoach and my website is

Join Jana June 11th for an exclusive FREE Masterclass: Limitless High-Ticket Sales!

Reserve your Spot Here!


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