Interview with Words of Wisdom Author... Khwan Hathai

author finance health and wealth coach khwan hathai words of wisdom Sep 02, 2024

Please tell us, who are you and what work do you do?

I’m a financial therapist and the founder of Epiphany Financial Therapy. My work focuses on empowering high-achieving women to achieve both financial and emotional intelligence. 

I use my signature Trifecta Financial Therapy Framework, which masterfully combines a money mindset shift, behavioral financial planning, and somatic breathwork healing to help my clients 

navigate their financial journeys with confidence and emotional resilience, leading to lasting financial health and emotional well-being.


Congratulations on being a featured author in WORDS OF WISDOM Vol. 1! What's been your favorite part of being in this project?


Thank you so much! Being a featured author in WORDS OF WISDOM has been a wonderful experience. I've had the pleasure of writing two books on my own, but this is my first time contributing to a collective work. 

The collaborative nature of this project has been my favorite part. Sharing this journey with such a diverse and talented group has enriched my own understanding and has made the experience truly special.


How do you feel this book will help readers?


I believe this book will offer readers a treasure trove of insights and inspiration. It brings together a diverse group of authors, each sharing their unique experiences and wisdoms. Whether you're looking for practical advice, 

motivation, or a fresh perspective, there's something in this book for everyone. The collective wisdom shared in these pages can help readers navigate their personal and professional lives with more clarity and confidence. 

It's like having a supportive community of mentors at your fingertips!


Is there a piece of advice you wish everyone could know?

I wish everyone knew about the field of financial therapy and the benefits it offers. It’s a relatively new discipline that merges the expertise of financial planning with the insights of mental health. Financial therapy helps individuals 

process their emotions around money, enabling them to make wiser and clearer financial decisions. In our society, discussing money is often taboo. Many people feel ashamed or afraid to talk about their financial problems and emotions, 

even with loved ones. This silence can lead to unnecessary stress and poor financial choices. A professional financial therapist provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your feelings and financial concerns. It’s about creating 

a supportive environment where you can openly discuss your challenges and receive solid guidance. The combination of emotional support and practical advice is incredibly powerful. It helps individuals improve their financial health 

and overall well-being. Despite its importance, many people don’t even know financial therapy exists. By integrating emotional and financial wellness, it offers a holistic approach that can truly transform lives. I believe everyone should be 

aware of and consider financial therapy for their personal and financial growth. Remember, money is never just about numbers—it’s deeply tied to our emotions.


How can readers get in touch with you?


Epiphany Financial Therapy's website:

Instagram: @KhwanEpiphany
TikTok: @KhwanEpiphany

Email: [email protected]

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