How the "positive thinking" epidemic is keeping you broke

entrepreneur makeover your mindset millionaire optimist perspective pessimist possible vs probable roadmap to success success Jun 03, 2023



We’re living in a strange, new, time in history, where for one of the first times ever, it’s been made “wrong” or “bad” to embrace hard work and realistic expectation. 


People are entirely ignoring the root of this debate, which is Possibility Vs Probability.


Any truly successful person will tell you this: they put in *actual* work to create the results they desired.


See here’s the deal: Optimistic & Pessimistic are Perspectives.


To be successful, at your highest potentiality, yes, it’s critical to cultivate an outlook that is Optimistic. 


Why? Because what you focus on you move towards. Your physical reality is merely a mirror of your inner world (thoughts/beliefs).


But what does it really MEAN to be Optimistic?


We all know the adage, “Is the glass half full or half empty,” and while that’s an easy cursory explanatory tool of optimist VS pessimist, it’s just scratching the surface.


The Latin Root of Optimism is Optimus which means “Best.” An optimist is someone who looks for the best outcome. They are highly tuned to recognize opportunities in any situation. These are the people who, amidst crisis such as recessions, create massive success! Not just because they “think positively,” but because they view the situation differently, and therefore, ACT differently from all the others around them.


Why is this so important?


Because it’s how your brain works. Your Reticular Activating System is BASED on what you focus on. Your brain works like google, input the search parameters, it will pop out an answer. But, just like google, it’ll ONLY show you the results related to what you searched for. 


If you keep inputting unhelpful searches, “why do I suck?” “why is this so hard for me?” “why is no one buying?” etc. you’ll keep getting unhelpful answers supporting your proposition.


If you start using the search engine of your brain optimistically, “what’s the opportunity here?” “what’s this teaching me?” “how can this help me grow?” you’ll start getting helpful feedback.


CONFIRMATION BIAS is a very real thing; whatever you propose as your thesis, you’ll find evidence for. Period. The mind is great at rationalizing ANYTHING.


LET ME BE VERY CLEAR: Big goals, big dreams, are an asset! Optimism is your best friend. Cultivate an optimistic mindset, coupled with impeccable habits (AKA action steps), and your life will change. HOWEVER, thinking “positively” without taking action is useless.


Now let’s dive into the heart of the matter… POSSIBLE VS PROBABLE


It’s possible a stranger will drive up to my house today and hand me a $1M check… but it ain’t probable.


It’s possible the Moon could get knocked out of the Earth’s orbit today, but it’s not probable.


It’s possible 10,000 people will sign up for one of my offers today, but it’s not probable.


It’s possible all my hair will fall out today, but it’s not probable.


It’s possible aliens could land on Earth today and welcome us into a big galactic community, but it’s not probable.


ANYTHING is POSSIBLE… But that doesn’t make it all PROBABLE.


Weighing in probability doesn’t make you a pessimist! It means you’re simply assessing the situation.


The REALITY is that only 6% of businesses produce over $100,000 in annual net revenue (that means cash in hand, not sales numbers.)


Intangible goals do not help us.


Sometimes people tell me, “I want to be a gazzillionaire!” when we were discussing their financial goals.


While I love their enthusiasm, that that’s not a real number, and I encouraged them to pick a real number. I don’t limit their number, but I have them root it in our economic system, because “gazillionaire,” is unattainable. In the back of their mind, they know they are “off the hook” and won’t have to do anything, because it’s already an impossibility. 


I mean, let’s stop for a hot second and acknowledge that WE HAVEN’T EVEN HAD OUR FIRST TRILLIONAIRE YET!


And that most people setting these lofty goals are broke. And, unfortunately, the internet would love to encourage these delusional “goal setting” practices, which are KEEPING these people broke, because intangible goals or goals that are so far removed from who they are now, freaks them out, and so they don’t act on them.


If you’re broke, $10K, $50K, or $100K is LIFE-CHANGING! I know, I spent a decade living under the poverty line before creating wealth and eventually becoming a millionaire.


Yes, please, shoot for a BIG stretch goal, go for the million or billion, or hey, even set your intent to be the first trillionaire! But make it REAL for yourself. Because you need to take MASSIVE ACTION to make these things tangible.


Practice and cultivate optimism AND simultaneously open yourself up to possibility WHILE weighing in probability. This is the magic formula for success.


Written by Amanda Rose

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