Holiday Book Bazaar Author Spotlight... D.K. Hawkins!

author book bazaar books finance Nov 04, 2022

Come meet D.K. Hawkins and browse the Book Bazaar November 1st-30th 2022 right here!

Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about? I enjoy writing about finance and customer service.  How can I be better to help my customers as well as myself.

What inspired you to get started as an author? When I am searching for a topic, I want all the information I can find out about it.  Instead of reading one book I learn about the information and put my own book out

What are your favorite books to read? I enjoy reading all books about finance as well as how I can better myself as well as my business.

For shoppers holiday shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book(s) for?  Anyone who is interested in personal finance for either themselves or there family would love these books.  Also, anyone in management who wants to ensure that their job is secure in this recession should read anything that might help them achieve this.

What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season? Read now so that when the recession hits your personally, you will survive and thrive.

Where can we find you online? 


D.K. Hawkins.  D.K. was tired of trying to find books about finance as well as customer service.  So, I decided to write my own.  These collections are about management skills, financial freedom, and customer service.  More books will come in this collection, so follow her on Amazon for more books.

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