Holiday Book Bazaar Author Spotlight... Carissa Andrews!

author best selling carissa andrews fantasy Nov 22, 2022

Come meet Carissa and browse the Book Bazaar November 1st-30th 2022 right here!

Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about?


My biggest fav is to write anything in the realms of urban and paranormal fantasy. I love the idea of taking modern, everyday life, meshing it with ancient magic and/or ancient history and making something new and unexpected. I have a background in ancient art, history, and literature and while I never went on to become an archaeologist or anthropologist (as originally intended), everything I love about history and magic still finds a way into my books. But that’s not all I write. I also write nonfiction for my fellow indie author community. Write Frame of Mind was my original ode to indie authors who needed to elevate their mindset. The Millionaire Author is my upcoming nonfiction title (coming in 2023) dedicated to helping authors elevate from a poverty or lack mentality into one of abundance.


What inspired you to get started as an author?

That would be my best friend, Sherry. I was an award-winning graphic designer at the time, but graphic design just wasn’t fulfilling that piece of my heart that ancient history and magical mindset could bring. I was talking to her over lunch one day and she recommended I start writing (because I had always loved it in high school). That day, I started a blog. Then, the next thing I knew, the entire world of Pendomus was downloaded into my brain. The rest, as they say, is history. ;)


What are your favorite books to read?

Ordinarily, I’d say it’s books in the fantasy and supernatural genre. But right now, I’m kind of on a contemporary romance/suspense/thriller kick. I’m going to be creating a new pen name next year to explore my interest in this area, so I’m having fun scoping out the trends.


For shoppers holiday shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book(s) for?

Obviously, my urban fantasy and paranormal fantasy books are going to resonate with readers who love a good supernatural tale. I love to twist things and turn them on their heads. So, you’ll find lots of surprises in my books. My recent series, Accidental Alpha, has gotten some crazy awesome reviews for turning around the typical werewolf tropes.


As for my nonfiction titles, they’re for the author who knows they’re limiting themselves and want to break free. They want to embrace a manifestation/abundance mindset, but they’re not sure where to start.



What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?

The past few years have been hard in many ways. From COVID to inflation, to all of the other insecurity that lingers… But just know that you have within you everything you need to feel safe and secure. Your mind is powerful, my friend. It holds the key to everything you want, if you just allow its insights to filter in. This world, in all its faults, is a beautiful, wonderful place. Live in it to the best of your ability. Love those around you with all your heart. Be unapologetically you.



Where can we find you online?


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