Holiday Book Bazaar Author Spotlight... Angela Haas!

angela haas author book bazaar Nov 27, 2022

Come meet Angela and browse the Book Bazaar November 1st-30th 2022 right here!

Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about?


My series Keepers of the Universe follows the stories of older women superheroes. I’ve been motivated to portray older women in a new light because I feel like older women are either the evil Queen, jilted first wife or grandma in movies, tv shows and books. I wanted my older leading ladies to pilot space ships and command battlefields in tactical gear. I wanted to write about women who have silver hair and crows feet who kick butt and save the universe. I also love writing action, adventure with a splash of romance and humor. There’s definitely plenty of comic relief in my books. 

What inspired you to get started as an author?


I loved to read as a kid and I had a very active imagination. Sometimes, I would get frustrated by how a novel would end so I started to rewrite endings just for fun. Since I grew up in the 80s/90s, I passed the time by writing down stories in spiral bound notebooks. I loved writing stories I wanted to read. I actually wrote First Strike in high school and when I pulled it back out during COVID, it was fun to see where my mind was at then. I kept the bones of the story, but obviously rewrote it since, wow, technology has changed so much since 1993. 

What are your favorite books to read?

Almost anything, but mostly action adventure novels. I do love a good mystery and thriller as well. 

For shoppers holiday shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book(s) for?

My book is for anyone who loves Stars Wars and Avengers. Anyone looking for a fun, fast read with plenty of action, romance and humor will love this book! 

What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?


(Is this just in general or about my book? Not totally sure how to answer this) 

Where can we find you online?


My website:


Or Amazon:



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