Holiday Book Bazaar Author Spotlight... Amanda Rose!

amanda rose author best selling cook book literary fiction manifesting scci fi Nov 30, 2022

Come meet Amanda and browse the Book Bazaar November 1st-30th 2022 right here!

Tell us about your books! What do you love to write about?

Everything? Haha, I am extremely multi-passionate. I have a Sci-fi series [Fire Fury Saga], a Manifesting series [The Manifesting Series], business books, literary fiction, poetry, a cookbook, etc. I love to write about the things that spark my imagination and joy in that moment. I find writing both cathartic and as a gateway to share what I’ve learned over years and decades of study and practice. Imparting wisdom and bringing joy and meaning to others’ lives lights me up.


What inspired you to get started as an author?

I’ve loved language ever since I was young. English class in school has always been one of my favorites. As a child, getting lost in the stories in books, movies, TV shows, and video games, gave a great amount of depth and meaning to my life. I wanted to pay it forward by adding my own stories to the collective.


What are your favorite books to read?

As an entrepreneur I spend a lot of time reading books on business, wealth, mindset, and manifesting. My favorite leisure reads are an extremely specific genre, Historical Literary Fiction based in Medieval Japan. I’ve always loved Japan, I feel I’ve had a past life there, and I get swept away in those books. My favorite are the Asian Saga books by James Clavell.


For shoppers holiday shopping for their loved ones, tell us who are your book(s) for?

The Fire Fury Saga is typically enjoyed by young adults and teenagers. It is written for adults, there is mature content.

The Manifesting series is self-help, and for anyone looking to improve their relationships, finances, happiness, business, and/or health.


What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?

Once all of your running around is done, wind down, relax, and be present with loved ones. Time passes so quickly, it’s important we treasure those moments together.


Where can we find you online?



FB & IG: @amandaroseauthor

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