Meet Heather Wylde... Sales Coach for High-Integrity Entrepreneurs

business entrepreneur sales coach women in business Jul 25, 2020

Interview with Heather Wylde


About Heather:

Heather Wylde is a Sales Coach for High-Integrity Entrepreneurs. After investing heavily in her training and education, Heather knew she was a force to be reckoned with as a coach and healer. But even after dumping $14k into group business trainings, she was still searching for a way to turn her entrepreneurial dream and mission into a reality.


She was frustrated with the cookie-cutter approach she’d been taught for sales and marketing. Especially because, as a person with acute ethics, she found many of the techniques and scripts to be manipulative and sleazy. 


Today, she helps coaches and healers who desire to serve powerfully and ethically to craft custom sales and marketing plans that fill their practices with dream clients and keep their bank accounts stuffed with cash, all without sleazy tactics or practices that will irritate their conscience.


She is currently available for a limited number of 1:1 coaching spots.



What kind of work do you do?

I’m a sales coach for passionate and highly ethical online service providers who HATE sales. I support them in creating ways of selling and marketing that help them effectively sell their services WITHOUT selling their souls.


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

Office politics and mind-numbing corporate policies make me crazy. I’m not the type of person who can work a job I hate for 8 hours a day then merrily go about the rest of my life. If I’m miserable at work, I’m just plain miserable.

The other problem: I have a very definite sense of what feels right and wrong to me. I can’t turn off my ethics in return for a salary. I’ve tried it and it feels like death.

On a positive note, I’m great at helping people. I have a lot of gifts that wouldn’t be fully utilized in any field other than coaching. I love watching other people grow and succeed. Nothing makes me happier.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

Finding a way to sell that I felt ethically comfortable doing. I took multiple big guru business training programs and there was something “off” about the sales process with every single one. Turns out, I’d fallen down a rabbit hole of aggressive business coaches who taught questionable practices. Not everyone is like that.

Once I took what I’d learned and put my own spin on it, I went from hating sales to honestly having fun with it. And from this ethically aligned, fun space, I found that I was actually good at sales. I was able to start my practice and begin serving people the way I’d been being called to for years. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping other entrepreneurs create their own ways of selling.


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

I did quit. In 2016, I got so disgusted with the crap business practices— especially around the way coaches were selling — that I walked away. Plus, I was frustrated because I was barely making money in my business anyway.

I got a job as a Concierge, which was BONKERS. I’m writing a truth-based fictional story about it.

Then I started a one-woman limo business. But before I was able to build the business, I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

While going through treatment, I kept getting messages from all these different sources. Anytime that happens, I know God/Source is talking to me. It kept nudging me back to coaching. That was when I signed up for my last group business training. I didn’t sign any clients, though and got depressed.

Then I did a personal growth course and had a negative experience with a mentor that was more concerned with her bank account than helping people.

I threw the towel in again.

But after a only a month working full-time as a chauffeur, I had an epiphany: I was never going to be happy being anything other than a coach.

So I got a 1:1 business coach for the first time and finally made my coaching business a reality.


What have you learned since beginning?

Wow, so much. I don’t know where to begin. I guess the most transformative thing for me was realizing that I have to figure out what works for me and do THAT, not what’s working for everyone else. My brain works almost backwards about many things (check out the next question & answer for a perfect example) so I’ve had to take exercises that have been given to me and instead of doing them “as is”, use them as inspiration to create something that would actually produce a result for me.

That’s one of the reasons why I’m so good as a coach. If someone isn’t getting results one way, I’m a genius at reconfiguring what we’re doing until we hit on the strategy or technique that works for them.


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Don’t quit, be consistent. Simple, but powerful.

The thing was, connecting to a “Big Vision” and my “Why” was NOT enough for me to power through the difficult times and keep showing up.

I had to tune into what I’ve come to call my Gritty Why: the negative consequence that would occur if I didn’t make my business work. It took realizing that, if I didn’t get my shit together and make this business happen, I was going to have to struggle with taking care of my elderly father all on my own.

THAT gave me the grit and determination to COMMIT 1000% to myself and do everything it took to start making sales.



What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Get a 1:1 coach. Don’t listen to the hype-y testimonial marketing for those big programs. Get yourself a coach who you resonate with and dig in. Be determined to show up no matter what.

And buckle the f*ck up. Entrepreneurship is the most exciting and brutal personal & spiritual growth path you can take. If you don’t like to grow, resign yourself to working for other people.


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Sticking with coaching until I made it work.


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

Recently went through The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. I’m artsy (I like to write fiction and I also sing and play guitar) and expected it to help unblock me in those areas. And it did. What I didn’t expect was it unblocking me as an entrepreneur. I highly recommend it, especially going through it with a group of folks and an awesome facilitator.



Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

I start everyday with a ritual sacrifice. Nothing gets the blood pumping and the good vibes flowing like chanting and murder.

Just kidding!

I’m highly resistant to routines, although I see how they could benefit me.

Everyday, I journal, tap (EFT), workout…something to help me process my thoughts/emotions and get grounded.

I’m experimenting with being a bit more regimented but it’s not manifesting quickly, lol.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

All my marketing is through Facebook right now and that’s where I’m getting clients. I’m very protective of my online space so it stays high vibe. I quickly block people who seem intent on spreading misery. Social media is my virtual office so it’s important to make it pleasant so that I can more easily show up.

Posting consistently is important but I’m finding that it’s engaging and building relationships that are getting me the most results.


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Copy catting others’ marketing. Allowing insecurity (or bad mentorship) to goad you into projecting a more successful image online than where you really are. Cold messaging and pitching in DMs.


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

I love Evernote, it’s lifesaving to have my To-Do and other lists with me all the time and available across all my devices.

Google Calendar with lots of alerts keeps me on track.

I like Square a lot cuz that’s how I get paid. Y’all don’t know how easy you have it! To have credit card processing in the 90s was a giant pain in the ass! So many hoops to jump through. Now it’s so easy!


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

Making large sums of money and being good to people are NOT mutually exclusive.

The whole world be a better place if everyone would embrace that.


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I’m being featured on Maria C. Krause’s Unleash Your Inner Strengths podcast. We talk about the 6 Pillars of Ethical Sales. That episode just came out today (July 23rd, 2020)

I’m also an Ambassador for the 100 Women of Vision project by Wil Carlos. I’ll be teaching a masterclass on Ethical Sales for that.

I’m interested in partnering with like-minded folks for more podcasts and guest blogging spots. Thanks for having me here, Amanda!


What has being successful taught you?

It’s all about perseverance and self belief.


What are some fun facts about you?


I was CFO of my first corporation in my early 20s and CEO of my own S Corp by the time I was 26.


I performed at Atlanta Pride in 1997 on the main stage, playing guitar and singing five of my original songs. (I’m Bisexual)


I’m a Pure Blood Geek: my mom is into fantasy and my dad loves sci-fi. I was raised on movies like Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Star Wars, and Mad Max.


I will run out of a building if I hear Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. The video is the root cause of my zombie-phobia.🤣


My hair caught fire in church once.


I desire to own a 1950 Ford that is a biodiesel hybrid.


I desire to live in a luxury off-grid home and grow all my own fruits and veggies aquaponically (hydroponics but with fish poo instead of chemical fertilizer).


For workouts, I have these crazy boots that let you bounce instead of having hard impacts. It’s really fun and HARD. Kangoo Rules!


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