Eclipse 🌒 RELINQUISH and Release Practice

eclipse manifesting Apr 08, 2024

It's time to purge that which no longer serves you to become the next evolution of you and make space to receive everything you've desired... repeat after me:

I release fear
I release my need for external validation
I release judging others
I release people pleasing
I release judging myself
I release my beliefs that limit my growth
I release hatred
I release anger
I release feeling not good enough
I release doubt
I release worry
I release scarcity
I release greed
I release jealousy
I release stress
I release anxiety

I trust the Universe has my back and conspires in my favor.

I trust myself to do the work and take leaps of faith.

I trust my awareness to show my when my egoic self slips back into old unhelpful thought patterns do that I can pause and let them go.

I trust the journey will unfold just as it should.

I believe I am capable.
I believe I am worthy.
I believe I believe in me.

Enjoy this beautiful eclipse energy and the cleansing energy it brings with it!

And after the release... it's time to CREATE Your life with intention and purpose!

ECLIPSE 🌒✨️ FLASH SALE!🎉 The Alchemy of Manifestation 90% OFF ✨️🌙🪐 to start after the Eclipse to Create Your DREAM LIFE!
**90% OFF for the first 22 people!**

*The Alchemy of Manifestation 28-Day LIFE Transformation program, for ONLY $11/mo on a 12-month Payment Plan [REG. 111/mo]!*

Get it here 🤯



You *know* deep down, at your core, that you're so much more than just flesh and bone. That you're infinite, unlimited energy...

you are the Universe Incarnate in Human form.


There is absolutely NOTHING that you cannot be, do, or have...


There is a secret. There's a tool that successful people use every single day to create, achieve, and accomplish their goals all while living a life most people only ever dream of... love, health, wealth, happiness... it's there's in unlimited quantities through the Universal Law that governs us all...




You see... you're always manifesting. Every moment of every day since you were born. Everything in your life has been energetically pulled into existence in response to your energy.


The problem is that without understanding how it works, how to harness this power, and how to use it intentionally... you're stuck responding instead of creating...


It's time to reclaim your power as the ultimate manifestor!


The Alchemy of Manifestation 28-day complete life-transformation program is going to:

💫 Teach you the Law of Attraction and how to utilize it

💫 Walk you through how to rewire your brain's neuro-pathways

💫 Give you a completely new understanding of your cosmic and eternal existence within the Universe

💫 Show you the illusion of time and how to fold it to manifest instantaneously

💫 Help you to develop your relationship with the Universe, to allow you to understand cues and messages, so you can grow and uplevel with ease and flow

💫 Take you through a plethora of intensive Law of Attraction practices for love, career, health, family, friendships, happiness, travel, money, and everything else your heart desires!

💫 Teach you the Law of Love

💫 Align your with every one of your heart's desires

💫 Turn you into an energetic magnetic beacon for everything you've ever wanted

...and so much more!



✨Go through Daily Manifestation Teachings

✨ Build life-long morning and nighttime routines that will create daily happiness and energetic attraction for all of the good things in life to come to you

✨Get regular video trainings with me

✨Put the law of attraction into action in your life

✨ Completely transform your life, getting out of struggle, and into flow for good!

✨ Have unlimited messenger access to me for the duration of the program for support

✨ Receive Lifetime access to the training through my website


Are you ready to tap into The Infinite Power of You and learn The Alchemy of Manifestation?! 💫🍾

Get Instant Access Here!!


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