Meet Cynthia Stant... Sales Consultant, Brand Strategist, and Self-Made Millionaire
Dec 16, 2022
Cynthia Stant is a sales consultant, brand strategist, and self-made millionaire. After conquering the corporate world of sales at an executive level, she left her executive position and transitioned into helping other 7-figure CEOs to train and keep world-class talent, sky rocket revenue, and create a success-driven and loyal company culture.
What kind of work do you do?
I am a sales consultant and branding strategist for 6 and 7 figure entrepreneurs. I help my clients to grow and scale service based businesses online through utilizing social selling, aka selling through social media. This means creating effective and profitable conversion events such as masterclasses and workshops, and having authentic connections and making sales in direct messages on several different social platforms. I primarily work with multiple seven-figure entrepreneurs who have sales teams and I teach the sales teams how to create an online experience through authenticity and support which ultimately helps the company to increase the revenue dramatically through their selling efforts. I have been blessed with the gift of knowing how to sell. It comes natural for me. To me, sales is all about serving, and being a solution. I find sales to be a spiritual practice because I truly believe a sale with me or whatever I sold was the start to someone's success.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
Basically I had to, I was fired from my corporate position and that's when I said no more, I'm not looking for anything outside of me to be the source of my success or happiness. I decided to put together what I knew from sales and my metaphysical studies to bring God into my business and start a business on my own terms to help and serve women just like me.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
Although I mastered sales, I still had quite a bit to learn about running a business. In the beginning, I had this story that I would tell myself that was not true. I thought all of my programs had to run in sequential order. I did not make them available for open enrollment. So I would launch, get several new clients, and start a new coaching call with just those clients. I had to keep adding new calls, and I always got lost on where I was in the curriculum and what I said to who. I was working more and was mortified 10 minutes into a coaching call when one of my clients said, “excuse me but we already covered this session.” Being someone who is super organized this felt terrible. I gave myself permission to see things differently. I realized with one little twist I could make my program open enrollment so I only would coach one session with all of my clients. This little secret is something I now teach my clients and they say it is worth millions.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
No. There was never a single point that I wanted to quit. Now it certainly hasn’t been all rainbows, butterflies, and unicorns, I’ve shed my number of tears and had several sleepless nights. But never once did I consider quitting. I am committed to my business because it’s my purpose. And when I say commitment to me that means like jumping out of an airplane. Once you jump you don’t go back. I embody this and I teach often that if you do not quit you will not fail.
What have you learned since beginning?
Not everyone is going to want to celebrate your success. When you hit huge milestones all you’re going to want to do is scream from the rooftops and celebrate like crazy. You cannot get upset when people you love and people you want to tell aren’t that happy for you. You have to remember that being an entrepreneur is a choice. A lot of people aren’t willing to do what you are willing to do but that is also why you will get to live a life that many others will not. And although you earned it, just remember everybody’s doing the best they can at the conscious level that they are at. So it’s very important that you are very selective with who you keep as the top five people in your life. Always choose to be the smallest person in the room. Because those people will help you to rise up. They will celebrate you, motivate you, inspire you, and be there to support you. Find your tribe. I would not be where I am if I didn’t have the women I have in my life.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Not to look at what everyone is doing. To really think about what makes you unique and provide value by seeing what you want to do differently for the industry. So I have rewritten the script, I don't do a ton of marketing that we see just flooding our social media. I decided to go directly to our ideal clients. This is how I created a successful company so fast, I don't believe in doing more, scaling more, or adding more. I think about doing less and being intentional in everything I do. I stand for women doing less, making more, and making a huge impact in the work they do.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
I think often women practice the patriarchal ways of doing business that we’ve been taught. I believe a lot of people are waking up to the divine feminine. It’s not about doing more, it's not being one who has more. It’s not about slaying and working hard, it’s about surrendering and being supported. It’s not about pitching, it's about inviting. It’s important to look at money as a relationship. I know that you desire money, but are you being the woman that money desires back? Understanding alignment and energy is everything. And it’s also important to have systems set in place in your business that make it easy to make money. I often see 30 day, 60 day, 90 day programs. That means a client comes in and then they leave. Which means you are constantly having to focus on sales. If you’re constantly focusing on sales, your clients feel that, and you’re going to burn out. It’s important to have a subscription-based model where you can secure a future income by having recurring revenue. You can make one sale over the next 12 months, knowing that your client is going to pay a certain amount every month. When you have this level of recurring revenue it’s a lot easier to breathe and focus on what is wanting to come through you versus forcing and pushing just to make ends meet. I also know several colleagues of mine make millions of dollars a month in cash. I see women all over the online industry with mastered earned income. This means they are working to make the money they have. To me, yes they are successful, they are rich. But to me it’s not about being a rich woman, it’s not being a wealthy woman. So I not only have earned income, I use that money to create passive income. My husband and I have built a multi-million dollar real estate investment portfolio along with our business partner, consisting of single family units, multi family units, and storage units. It’s important if you’re going to create true freedom, that you learn how to have your money make you more money. Money loves a purpose, and money loves to move. I foresee in the future but I will be teaching these wealth practices.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
Creating a multiple six-figure company in less than 6 months with no program, previous clients, or testimonials.
Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?
Anything by Neville Goddard! Some of my favorites are: The Law of Assumption & Power Of Awareness
One of my best friends, Kimberly Olson's book, "Becoming A Money Boss", make sure to check out the foreword written by yours truly <3
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
Daily meditation, reading Neville Goddard daily, and using tools and what I refer as “thank you letters” to work with the law of assumption. It’s what I do and what I teach. It’s not about reacting from where you are, it's about being the woman now who has the end result. Again it’s not what you do, it’s who you are when you do it. If you can be her now, you will get her results. I do everything I can to remain in the frequency of the woman who has what I desire.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
How HASN'T social media played a factor in my success? You can reach anyone in the world on this tiny device that you can fit in your back pocket! I have millions in dollars of sales just from sending simple DMs! It's never been easier to make sales. You don't have to door knock or cold call, all you have to do is simply connect.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
People hiding behind their marketing. Those who spend so much time creating the most beautiful websites, funny tiktoks, and things that aren't necessarily profit producing. Your daily profit producing activities should always be connecting with your ideal clients. Reach out, build a relationship, have connection calls, see how you can serve. You can have a million followers on Instagram but if you're not converting those followers into clients, then what are you doing?!
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
Getting a mentor! Invest in someone who is living the life you desire. Who is running the business you want. Getting support is way easier than doing it on your own, it'll also help you reach your goals faster.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
Fear is your GPS. Not fear that pushes, but fear that pulls. Everyday I do something that feels a bit scary. But, being the CEO of my life I label everything. So Instead of saying something is scary, I say that it is exciting. I am training myself to realize that the feeling of fear is the feeling of growth. All growth happens when you get comfortable with being uncomfortable. But it’s important to realize that you wouldn’t be nervous if you didn’t care. Your desire is what is pulling you into the unknown to do scary things. As Michael Bernard Beckwith says “pain pushes until the vision pulls.” Let your desires pull you, and make you choose to see fear differently. Because you will never be fearless. If so, it means you’ve stopped growing. It’s not about being fearless, it’s about being courageous.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I'm hosting an intimate immersion on February 10th for 6-figure women where they'll learn how to work less & earn more money by shifting to a premium business model so they can reach 7-figures. I'm so excited for that, especially since it'll be taking place in one of my favorite places in the world, Orlando, Florida! #DisneyMom lol. I am going to continue to work with women to create more impact, freedom, and money in their businesses. And I’m going to continue to work with entrepreneurs and their sales teams to secure amazing talent, sky rocket their revenues, and to create a company culture that keeps that talent and supports growth. I foresee not only teaching sales and business strategies that are aligned with universal laws and fueled by spirituality, but teaching women how to convert their riches into wealth. I have this desire to show women how to make their money make more money through investing and wealth practices. Many people ask about what I’m doing behind the scenes in my real estate and I believe the vision is pulling to do something about it. This will support me to help women to create legacy wealth. To help them to prioritize what I care about most, and what was taught to me by my loving parents, to take care of our children.
What has being successful taught you?
True success is abundant. In life and in business you don’t ever have to ask yourself, is it going to be this OR that? Begin asking yourself how it can be this AND that? I always look for how I can have both. I can be super supportive to my clients AND take off every Friday and have a vacation every month. I can travel the world AND be present with my children. I can make more money than ever before AND work less hours than ever too. Again it’s not about labeling, it’s about observing. When you can see things clearly it’s like you lift the veil. Whenever there’s an obstacle there’s always an opportunity. You just need to learn how to see it. It begins with training your brain to look for both. It’s about abundance and not limitation. When I started my business I lived in an apartment and then moved to a three bedroom townhouse. My two boys slept in the same bedroom in a bunk bed. I had the master room with my husband, and I wanted a guest room so people could visit me. There was no room for an office. So I was going to put a desk in the TV room to work at. But then I had to ask myself, does the multiple seven-figure earner within me work in the corner of a room where her children play video games? No. Although it was an expensive investment I had to think about how I can have an office AND a guest bedroom. I spent thousands of dollars on a Murphy bed which is a bed that lays down from a beautiful shelving. I created a legit office that was my sacred space where I serve and do God’s work. It is where I created the money in my business AND hosted my visiting guests. I decided on both. With the work that I did in that office in the townhome, I now live in a $1 million waterfront beach home that has two guest bedrooms AND an office. I chose both. Because I made a decision from the energy of the woman who had what I desired even though it wasn’t obvious to me right away in the physical.
What are some fun facts about you?
1.) I'm actually close to 6 feet tall, people are usually shocked when they first meet me in real life.
2.) I always have pretty blouses on but honestly I'm always barefoot and in yoga pants at home all day, every day. Except for dates and events of course.
3.) I meditate daily for a minimum of 20 minutes and I truly feel it is the thing that took me to the next level. Through meditation, I lost 75 pounds in 1 year, discovered my higher self AKA my Inner Feminine Beast™, revamped my marriage and became a leader in the sales industry through disciplined spiritual practices.
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