Meet Carrie Veatch... Success Coach & Podcast Host of Set Yourself Free

business carrie veatch coach entrepreneur podcast women in business May 11, 2020

Interview with Carrie Veatch

Tell us about You

I'm a life and success coach who helps women step into their confidence to make more money and live lives of freedom. I have a MA in Counseling Psychology, with a background as a therapist and Executive Director of successful education based nonprofit.  For years, I lived in vicious cycles of victimhood, self-sabotage, and self-doubt by constantly giving away my power. Once I healed my gut and learned to tap into the power of my mind, I truly learned how to unlock the magic within myself. Now I coach high achieving women to create the lives of freedom that they desire. I am also the host of the innovative and community-based podcast, Set Yourself Free.


What kind of work do you do?

I'm a life and success coach who helps women step into their confidence to make more money and live lives of freedom. I currently only work with women 1:1 and consider it the highest honor to serve in this capacity to help others get what they want. 


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

I have always valued freedom and joke that I'm allergic to offices. I became addicted to the idea of helping others using my skill sets, working for myself, and having no cap on my income. I wanted to be able to work from anywhere and have a much bigger impact than I was having in any of the jobs I had previously held.


What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

I knew I had it in me to be successful as an entrepreneur, but I had a lot of fears and stories as to why it would be hard or fears around what others would think. I think the hardest part of an online business for almost everyone I know is the fears of what others' think. Putting yourself out there online can feel like you are walking around on the street naked with everyone there to judge you. However, once you get locked in on how you can help people and work through previous people pleasing tendencies, it gets to be so fun and impactful! I now can't imagine doing anything else!


Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

What have you learned since beginning?

Get sold on the service or product you are selling and show up consistently and sell. If you don't sell, no one can buy from you. If you have sales drama or stories around it, get support around it immediately because the world needs your gifts and hiding in fear is not serving you or the people you could be out there helping!


What’s the best advice you’ve received?

Gosh that's hard! Probably something along the lines of you can be as successful as you dream up!


What advice would you give someone just starting out?

Hire support before you're ready because it's so easy to want to quit on the hard days and when you have invested in support, you'll get your brain on board so much faster to have your business be successful no matter what. Maybe it means hiring a coach or a Virtual Assistant or both, but doing something super scary at the beginning like that is so worth it and will push you forward faster!


What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

Supporting my amazing clients is honestly what I'm most proud of. I love supporting them to hit massive income goals, like their highest quarter in business ever, their first $10k month, but ultimately what I'm most proud of them for is stepping into their power and knowing that they have the power to create that which they want in the world. 


Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?

I have so many! The Surrender Experiment was life-changing in terms of looking at thought patterns and then I absolutely love You are a Badass at Making Money.


Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

My two non-negotiables are meditation and journaling every morning, particularly gratitude journaling and future journaling. They keep me grounded, in a state of belief for what is possible, and journaling allows me to truly be objective with my thought patterns and challenge any thoughts that are not serving me or serving where I want to go.


How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media has been huge. I'm super active in a handful of Facebook groups and I use Instagram as well. It was a bit of a learning curve for me at first for sure since personally I didn't love social media, but now I absolutely love the tool of social media that allows me to literally connect with people all over the world!


What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

Not showing others what you can do for them, as in making your content too much about yourself all the time. People want to know how you can help them. And giving up way too soon. If it were as simple as throw up a post or two on social media, everyone would have a booming online business. Don't be afraid to try new angles and different directions to capture attention. Online is all about capturing attention and quickly!


What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

Honestly, I would have to say social media. It's the biggest blessing!


Is there something you wish everyone knew?

You truly have the power to change your reality by focusing on your thoughts and dropping any thoughts that aren't serving you. Your brain's job is to keep you safe so it doesn't mean you won't have negative thoughts or limiting beliefs continue to come up, but you can actively choose which beliefs you want, since a belief is simply a thought you keep thinking.


What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I'm about to launch season 4 of my podcast, Set Yourself Free, and the new direction is all about the behind the scenes of what it takes to be successful online. I could not be more excited!


What has being successful taught you?

Success is such a funny one and honestly what I would say is this: define your own version of what success looks like for you. Because everyone's version of it is different and if you're chasing someone else's version it won't feel good. I've also learned that my success is up to me and there are others that want to support us in our success, so hire them, lean into the support and you'll get there so much faster! And even in saying that, there's never any arrival point so learn to enjoy the journal or it's going to be pretty miserable. 


What are some fun facts about you?

I taught myself to juggle in 7th grade and when I worked at Starbucks during graduate school I was featured in every major paper for juggling cups with my co-worker at the annual shareholder meeting. I also still have a baby tooth!


Connect with Carrie


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