Meet Caity See... Business Foundations Strategist
Jan 18, 2023
I’m Caity See! I’m a Foundations Strategist. I pair my deep understanding of business operations and systems with the ability to identify and implement strategic solutions for new entrepreneurs as they begin their businesses to ensure they’re building on a strong foundation.
What kind of work do you do?
I work with new entrepreneurs as they start to build their businesses. I offer a selection of services from Done For You to Done With You to support you at the level you need to be successful.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
When my husband and I decided to have children I knew it was time for me to figure out a path out of my 8-5. I was exhausted with earring the words, “this is how it's always been” and I wanted to do more of the things that excited me with people who were making a change in the world.
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
Figuring out what things would move my business forward and what was shiny but ultimately not needed for a budding business. Learning what tools were worth the investment and when I was “paying to feel professional.” Once I learned the basics and saw what was truly needed, I was able to start outlining it for other people as they started their businesses.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
All the time. I started my business as a new mom and then the world shut down during the pandemic. My nerves were shot, balancing everything was exhausting and new businesses were closing left and right as the pandemic took a toll on the economy. Family and Passion keep me going! I get to spend every day with my daughter and husband. I love my clients, I love seeing their ideas take life and their confidence soar as we knock things off of their to-do lists and they see their business grow from a thought to reality
What have you learned since the beginning?
So, so much. The most important thing though has to be the importance of community. Being an entrepreneur can be very isolating. You’re doing something new that the people in your life may not fully understand. Finding business friends who can support you and help fill in gaps in your knowledge is soo valuable to your business and your mental health.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
There is only one you. There are likely thousands of people doing exactly what it is you want to do or are currently doing, the difference is personality. Not everyone one person is a good fit for you. When you own your authentic personality and infuse it into your brand you naturally attract people who are a good fit. That’s where the magic happens.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
“Success and failure are destinations on the same path” sticking to something makes all the difference.
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
Each time a client comes to me and tells me they feel like they finally have a plan. That they’re no longer overwhelmed. Or that they’ve met a goal. My client wins are my wins and I’m so proud of each and every one of them!
How has social media played a factor in your success?
I found my first clients and community through social media! It’s a fantastic tool to make new connections and build your brand authority.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
Buying into specific strategies that promise quick huge results with pushy sales tactics instead of finding the right people who want to hear from you.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
There is no shame in going slowly or in needing help. It can be easy to see where someone else is in their journey and feel like you’ll never achieve it but the truth is you don't know where they started or what level of support they have in the background. The important thing is to focus on building something that you are proud of with the resources you have available to you and growing at a sustainable rate.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I’m so excited to be facilitating a program for new business owners called Ignite within the Create the Rules Catalyst. It’s an amazing space for new business owners to get 1:1 and community support as they build their businesses from the ground up. We focus on the foundational things you need to start your business on a solid foundation. Step by step. It’s such a powerful tool I can’t wait!
What has being successful taught you?
It’s shaped the way I look at society. How money and our careers can impact our ability to live a healthy life and the ways in which we approach each daily interaction. Being able to do things that make me excited and happy and use skills that I’m proud of and be compensated for them is amazing, what's even more amazing is watching firsthand how it can help improve someone else's life as we work towards them achieving their dreams and goals as well.
What are some fun facts about you?
I once raised a mountain goat in my kitchen!
I love vintage fashion and bad puns/dad jokes. I live off of tea and coffee.
How can our readers find you online?
My website:
IG: @caity.see
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