Nov 30, 2021
Tell us about your business! What do you sell?
Greetings, Kindreds! I’m Lindsey Rainwater, and I am a Psychic Intrusion Expert. Basically, what I offer my clients is to reclaim the sovereignty they should hold over their lives, their spiritual gifts, and their connection to their Higher Self.
That’s a pretty basic overview though.
There are a LOT of people who have psychic gifts and who are experiencing supernatural phenomena in their lives on a daily basis, but who have no idea how to deal with it. Unless you have someone in your life who knows what you’re going through, it can be intensely difficult to find a supportive person who also understands how frightening these experiences can be, AND who can guide you to a path of controlling and utilizing those abilities in the long term.
I am that supportive person. I have been through more paranormal and supernatural experiences than most people can even wrap their minds around (unless they’ve been through something similar) and I’ve met hundreds of others who've shared their stories with me. I’ve learned a lot along the way, and one of my greatest passions is sharing that info with people who are invested in improving their lives and seeing how GOOD it can get.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
It was a combination of two things:
- Realizing that I was never going to make it in a normal job. I tried a few different jobs and industries, and quickly realized it was going to be no different than when I was in school or trying to be a part of a group. I was going to be excluded, shunned, and pushed to the fringes because I was “weird.” I made people uncomfortable and I have a painfully low tolerance for bullshit . . . you can imagine how that went in retail.
- Being guided into a position of seeing where my true gifts and strengths were - which was in the spiritual and supernatural fields - and seeing that there were actually a LOT of people who needed this information and guidance. And that really, if I refused to show up in that space, I was turning my back on myself, my Crew (angels and guides), and all the people who needed that supportive person.
Why do you think it’s important for holiday shoppers to buy from Small Businesses this year?
Well, I think it’s important for shoppers to try to buy from Small Businesses every year. Maybe not for ALL their shopping (won’t lie, I’ve bought stuff for my kids from bigger businesses because . . . well . . . kids. Star Wars and shit.) but for themselves.
A great example I have is that I bought from a friend who makes crystal jewelry. I love her work, but I’ve never spent money with her until this year, because she shared a necklace that pulled to me on a soul level. It’s NOT the sort of thing that at a glance I would love enough to buy it, but I could feel the energy of it, and it was like my soul was saying “I need this. This will support me for all the amazing shit that is coming soon!”
You can’t buy that in a big box store.
You may be able to get your kid the hottest toy, or that thing that will add to their collection, and there’s nothing wrong with that in my opinion.
But you can’t go to the big store and buy soul-shifting items. Things that for years you will look at and say “That was just for me.” or, even better, “THAT changed my whole life, made me a better person, and I will be able to change the world even more because of it.”
THAT is what gets me going for small businesses, even more so than the fact that you are supporting someone else’s dreams in the process. (Which is fucking awesome all by itself!)
What is the HOT DEAL you have coming for Black Friday that we need to be on the look for?
This year I’ve got three things I’m excited about.
#3 is my signature SigilCraft program. It’s everything that I have learned about the basics of making sigils for manifesting and getting what you want in life. These are powerful containers for your intentions, that work even when you’re feeling “off.” I love teaching about these, and this self-study course is easy to consume. Normally this is $55, but for the first 20 people this week it’s only $5!
#2 is my brand new course that I JUST finished, called “The Empath’s Guide to Surviving the Holidays.” It is all about protecting your energy and shielding yourself from anyone or anything that would tamper with it. There’s 3 videos and a workbook, and by the end of it you should have a solid ritual for shielding your energy - saying goodbye to brain fog, regular overwhelm, and psychic vampires!
#1 is a Psychic Intrusion Intensive and Gameplanning Session! This goes nicely with the Survival Guide I was just talking about, but it can also be a stand-alone session. If you are dealing with intrusive thoughts, nightmares, feeling drained constantly with no medical reason, or are experiencing any of the MANY supernatural things out there, this 90 minute intensive with me can give you insight into what is happening, where it may be coming from, and how to stop it from interfering in your life.
Normally this is something I charge $222 for, but for this holiday special, it’s just $88. This way I can get people moving in the right direction for the best 2022 possible!
What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?
Ooo. That’s a bit of a tough one. Hmm . . .
I would say the biggest message that I want to get out this holiday season is that you are not required to put up with other people’s shitty energy. LOL!
This is coming from someone who stays home a LOT during the holidays, and who has cut off massive swaths of family because she doesn’t want to deal with them. I have extended family that is super toxic, and other family who mean well, but they still want my energy and abilities to be used for their benefit, mine be damned.
Everywhere you go during the holidays, you find people who are stressed out, burnt out, and lashing out. Some are aggressive energy vampires, while others are unintentionally spreading little dark clouds of “blugh” energy everywhere they go.
While you may not be able to steer clear of all of it, you don’t have to take their energy on, and you don’t have to share your energy until you feel empty. That’s not the point of this time of year.
Take care of your energy, and your boundaries. Say no thank you to energetic guilt trips, and hell no to vampires who always take. You’ll feel better for it, and you’ll enjoy your holidays a heck of a lot more.
Where can we find you?
Probably sitting in front of my computer, getting even paler if that’s possible. :D
Right now FB is the best place to find me. Here’s links to my profile, free group, and business page:
Feel free to come join me and get to know my weirdness. We may have a lot in common. <3
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