black friday black friday sale jennifer dragonette podcast Nov 17, 2022

Tell us about your business! What do you sell?

My goal is to help you create a business you're passionate about through podcasting. Podcasting is not only a marketing tool, but a tool to gain clarity, confidence, and connections in your life and business. You can create a simple marketing strategy that requires you to spend no more than 2-3 hours per week marketing your programs, courses, or products when set up correctly. As a matter of fact, podcasting saved my life. As a result, I am now offering podcasting as a gift to others. Assisting them to gain self-confidence so that it spills over into their business. 

Through podcast mentorship, group programs, courses, and my full-service podcast production and management company, I help business owners monetize their messages. Whether you're a newbie afraid of tech or a seasoned podcaster ready to make big money from your show, I love getting your voice heard worldwide. It's great to see their shows bring in profits that align with their souls. 


I call it, Podcasting for your Soul!


What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?


In my career, I was tired of having to do things I didn't agree with. Blurring the lines between my values was no longer an option for me. The reason I wanted to go it alone was not only to gain more freedom with my time and finances but also to support others in a unique way based on my own values. By holding my core beliefs, I'm able to serve and make a bigger impact on the world. The world needed a tsunami of change, not just a ripple. I couldn't do that as an employee of someone else.


Why do you think it’s important for holiday shoppers to buy from Small Businesses this year?


There is no denying that small businesses make a difference in the world, which is why it is so important to support them. Many small business owners have a passion for making a difference in their families, communities, and non-profit organizations. As a customer of a small business, you are more than just a number and cash in your pocket, you are part of their dream. The most important thing to a small business is its customers. So whenever you support a small business, you become part of someone's dream, and you become a person in the eyes of the owner. 


What is the HOT DEAL you have coming for Black Friday that we need to be on the look for?

As a special offer, I am offering 50% off my two most popular programs.  There is one for the business owner who is ready to launch a podcast and the other for the podcaster who wants to grow and make money with their podcast. 


READY to LAUNCH a Profitable Podcast: The Profitable Podcast Launch System is designed for business owners who are tired of the struggle of social media algorithms and ready to monetize their voice. Getting your podcast off the ground with no overwhelm of tech or the rabbit hole of Google search results. Using a strategy, you can launch your podcast for-profit and attract warm leads who want to join your program. With my 5-Step Program to Launch with Ease, you can pick the podcast launch that works best for your company. As a bonus, I'm offering a LIVE launch community for 5 weeks in December 2022, so it's ready by 1st January 2023. I’m also offering a 90-Minute 1:1 Podcast Strategy Session to get you set up with EASE! I’m taking the excuses out of podcasting.
LIMITED TIME: ONLY $338.50 ($777 originally) with Code: HappyPodcasting


READY to GROW and MONETIZE your Podcast: Is your podcast in need of some CPR? Sadly, 80% of podcasts never make money and 60% are PodFad before they ever get off the ground. Don't let this happen to you. We can rescue your podcast with a little C.P.R. that's CLARITY on your purpose, understanding your PEOPLE, and creating converting content that brings REVENUE to your company. A podcast can be a powerful tool for converting strangers into leads. It's not necessary to be a slave to the algorithm if you set up the right strategies and capitalize on the ways to maximize your profits.  Let's revamp your show and create a magnetic marketing funnel that can be done in just two hours per week. For the Holiday Season, I am offering 50% off my Podcast CRP Accelerator  Monthly 1:1 Intensive. 

LIMITED TIME: $777.50 ($1,555 originally) with Code: HappyPodcasting   

What’s the message you want to get out to people this Holiday Season?

You don't need to give up the holiday cheer or let your business go the wayside during the holiday season. It is possible to have your cake and eat it too. If you create a business that doesn't require you to show up every day, you can enjoy every memory made this holiday. This season, be intentional about your actions. What actually moves your business forward? Is there anything you could give up to spend more time with your family and friends? Remember that you didn't start your business so that you could work more, you started it so that you could have more freedom. The end of the year is a great time to look back on the year, take some time for yourself, and evaluate what isn't working in your business. It might be time to change your strategy so you don't create more of what you don't want. 


Where can we find you?



Feed Your Business With Love Podcast

Podcasting for Your Soul Podcast

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