Before I Die By Melissa Marie Watson

chronic pain death insight spirituality Apr 29, 2022

Why Me?


I have struggled with an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder for many years: muscle aches, chronic pain, joint pain, skin sensitivity, rashes, migraines - the list goes on. I remember so many frustrating days and nights. Why me? This is not an easy thing to talk about - it is vulnerable. But it is critical for the telling of my story. So let’s dive in. 


Making Space to Heal


I now realize my being sick had a purpose – it pushed me to adjust my health and to slow down so I could heal on a much deeper level. Illness is our body’s way of telling us something, and we must listen. 


In October 2019, I discovered The Law of Attraction. That is when I realized I wanted a whole different life - and I could have it - if only I started working on my mindset and my beliefs. 


In January 2020 I started radically adjusting my life. I made huge sweeping changes in the way I think, the way I live, the way I am. I completely switched my diet. I made note of my negative thoughts and limiting beliefs, the way I viewed the world and myself in it, and I set out to revamp my whole perspective on self and life. I started meditating, practicing yoga, mindfulness, gratitude, positive affirmations, journaling and Reiki. I had truly discovered self-care and I was making up for lost time. I was allowing myself the necessary time to relieve stress and  heal from trauma. I was making space for my body, mind, and soul to heal.


Facing Mortality


Those changes prepared me to survive Covid. While I had dealt with inflammation before, I never felt it move swiftly throughout my entire insides like a black fog covering my body. I never felt each and every inch of myself, my muscles, organs, and yes, even every inch of my skin on fire. It felt like this was something my body may not be able to handle with my weakened immune system, and it forced me to face my mortality. 


This made me think about everything I wanted to do before I die. I realized I had regret. Regret for all I had not done. I wanted to help people on a large scale through my own vision, my own business. I wanted to become a published author and a working actress. I wanted to get fully aligned with my higher self and live each day with gratitude and in the moment. I was so far from living up to my highest potential. I prayed to get better and promised to DO better if I had a second chance. 


Here is what I learned:


Life is short. Blah, blah, blah. People always say that. But, really. If there is something you want to do, do it now. Plan it now. Start it now. The time is now. The time is ALWAYS now. Risk schmisk. There is no risk. The only risk is in not doing the things you desire. The only risk is in wasting any precious, limited time on this Earth. The only risk is remaining stuck. The only risk is hesitating. The only risk is half-living. The only risk is death in life. The only risk is giving up on yourself. The only risk is hating your life and doing nothing to change it. The only risk is ignoring your  dreams. The only risk is sleep walking. The only risk is half feeling, half doing, waiting for the days to pass, losing the sparkle in your eye. The only risk is forgetting your childhood self. The only risk is not going for it. 


Did you want to wear that special dress - wear it. Did you want to travel to Italy. Book it. Did you want to start a business – start on that now. I am telling you that is just about the essence of being human and living life. It is just about the point. Doing, doing, doing – not just any doing, but doing the things your soul is craving. Go snorkeling, ask out that girl, call your mom, adopt the dog, climb the mountain, write that book, audition for the play, paint that portrait, buy the tiny house, go back to school. Do it, do it, do it. Become aligned with your higher self and your higher purpose.


You are not too old. You are not too dumb. You are not too average. You are not too inexperienced. You are good enough. Smart enough. Talented enough. You are ready. You are ENOUGH. Tomorrow doesn’t exist. Later is a flimsy idea. Now. There is only now. Now. NOW. NOW. The time is NOW! Your idea isn’t stupid, it isn’t far fetched, it isn’t silly, it isn’t too hard. It is gold. It is your way. Your flow. Your purpose. Do it. Then, do the next one, and the next one, and the next one. Do ALL the things. Then, listen to your heart sing, as you live in your purpose and bask in your desires. 


I am.


A Transformation


Since I got Covid, I have written three new children’s books and submitted four books to twenty-two publishers. (Stay tuned, it will happen at the right time). I got two agents to pursue a career as an actress. 


I started my business, Envisioned Life Institute LLC where I empower women as a trauma-healing, life purpose embodiment coach and a Reiki practitioner. I created two courses: one on self-care to heal from trauma and one on creating space for your passions and dreams to take action on them. I even found myself in a relationship with a really special, good human. 


Even more important, I learned to believe in myself and gained a tremendous amount of self-confidence in my abilities. I learned to forgive myself, to give credit to myself for what I’d done and to have patience with myself. I learned to create space and time to heal. Most importantly I learned to love myself. I cultivated a deep sense of self-worth. 


Life is good. Life is beautiful when you start to create your own magic. So, go upward and onward. Discover your highest self, your purpose, your passion. Then act. Do it now. All you have to do is take the first step. If you can imagine it, then you can do it. So get to it. Create your own magic and share it with the world!


Melissa Marie Watson is a trauma-healing and life purpose embodiment coach, Reiki practitioner, course creator, soap-maker, actress, and soon-to-be published author. You can follow her on FB or IG @envisionedlifeinstitute and FB @melissamariewatson1

You can also check out her courses here:

Before I Die: Create Space for Your Passions & Dreams AND Take Action

Become a Self-Care Pro, Get Unstuck, Become Empowered on Your Healing Journey

View her website:

Get her FREE Self-Care Resource Guide HERE!

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