Are you a Child Care Speaker and/or Coach?

childcare speaker coaching earn more Oct 18, 2023

Blog from Cristina Richmond:

The field of Early Childhood Education is VITAL to the future of our world, yet we do not want to pay the people leading the charge in the industry!

My friend, Evelyn Knight is offering a training program to help you understand your worth! The work you do as speakers, consultants and coaches is very important and necessary. Bottom line… You need to stop working for free. No other industry expects speakers or business consultants to work for free. The field of Early Childhood Education is VITAL to the future of our world, yet we do not want to pay the people leading the charge in the industry!

Excerpt from Knight:

Get Paid to Speak and Train: Unlocking the Power of Your Intellectual Property

"Hello to all the passionate speakers and trainers out there! Have you ever felt that your hard work and dedication to your craft should be rewarded? Do you believe that your intellectual property, cultivated through hours of research, practice, and real-world experience, has value? If so, you're in the right place.

I have the honor of meeting several presenters and speakers across the world on a monthly basis. Recently, I was shocked to find out how many speakers and trainers do not get paid for the presentations they create for conventions. I understand that there are other forms of compensation when presenting for many venues, but there comes a time when you must understand how to monetize your speaking engagements to the highest degree possible." - Evelyn Knight


If this resonates with you, check out the information below and visit:

There will also be a bonus training sent out to all registered attendees on Money Mindset! You really can’t afford to miss this!! She is going to help you learn how to get PAID to speak and train! Stop giving your hard work away for free! Your intellectual property is the result of hard work! You deserve to get paid for it. You are not selfish for wanting to get paid for your hard work.

The program will show you how to: Set your prices based on Content Create a contract Understand the expenses and budgeting for public speaking Where to find speaking engagements Market yourself Turn yourself into a true brand Understand the mental game of speaking And more!

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