Meet Six Figure Success Secrets Author... Allison Barnett!
6-figure coach allison barnett author realtor six figure success secrets spiritual Sep 04, 2023Interview with Six Figure Success Secrets vol. 1 Author Allison Barnett!
Please tell us, who are you and what work do you do?
Hi! I’m Allison Barnett, a multi six-figure earner, a Spiritual Entrepreneur and an Intuitive Realtor. Most of my work incorporates the spiritual gifts and amplifies the success rate for my clients. As a realtor, I focus is on energy and manifestation, helping clients maneuver the real estate market with faster results, top sales, and a sprinkle of magic. That led to mentoring and coaching realtors and other business owners, using channeled guidance to help remove money blocks and open new opportunities for my clients to achieve their six, seven and eight figures. Honestly, I just have fun with a little bit of hustle.
What advice do you have for those on their entrepreneurial l journey?
My advice is to just start! Put on some blinders, believe in yourself and your vision so much that nothing else matters, and go for it!
What's the #1 thing you've learned since becoming financially successful?
Oooohhh… the one thing I have learned since becoming financially successful is that there is always another level, another hiccup, another achievement, another person to pave the way for, and another person to look up to.
Congratulations on being a featured author in SIX FIGURE SUCCESS SECRETS Vol. 1! What's been your favorite part of being a in this project?
Thank you! My favorite part of being in this book was being asked! Often we forget how far we’ve come until someone else says, ‘hey…you are amazing and need to share your story!’ I’m still climbing the hill and learning every day, but having a chance to see how far I’ve come and be a part of this amazing collaborative…well, it’s honestly pretty special to me.
How do you feel this book will help readers?
While I would love to say that I handed over the holy grail, so the moment people read this book, they will instantly make six figures, the truth is that this book shows that anyone can be a six figure success story if they want to be. There are tips and tricks that help, but if we can do it, so can the readers. And that is where the magic really is.
Was there a part of your story that was difficult to share?
Honestly, this was a challenge for me to write, in general. Reading it now, I feel like there was so much more to share, while at the same time wondering how I am even in this book! I mean, seriously, I’ve almost lost it all more times than I can count… and yet, here I am, sharing six figure success secrets. But that is the biggest takeaway for me and the reader. We are all six figure successes, if we choose to be and dive down the rabbit hole of focus and faith.
Is there a piece of advice you wish everyone could know?
Yes! Get out of your own way! Stop listening to everyone else. Don’t swap sad stories. You were born to succeed and if you are reading this, you already know it is possible.
How can readers get in touch with you?
Readers can get in touch with me at HTTP:// or choose any social media platform and message me!
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