Meet Alex Arbaugh... Strategic Growth Systems Coach
Jun 04, 2021
Hi! I'm Alex Arbaugh! I spent a decade in the corporate world working in IT and helping to develop strategies and systems for growth. I developed systems to be able to see huge (million dollar plus) growth without adding a ton of overhead in either headcount or systems.
As the story goes, I went from working 80+ hour weeks to having a child and realizing I wanted to be around for her life, and now - her baby sister as well. So I know take the corporate based growth strategies and have adapted them for entrepreneurs! I am inspired by other female entrepreneurs who are growing their businesses, reaching their dreams, and living lives they love EVERY DAY!
I have 2 amazing daughters, an awesome husband, we have 4 dogs and a saltwater reef tank! My garden is my happy space outside of my amazing community in my group on facebook.
What kind of work do you do?
I help inspiring female entrepreneurs to grow their businesses using corporate based growth strategies adapted for entrepreneurs.
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
I knew that I wanted to start my own business when I thought about missing all of my girls' milestones. I love working, I love developing and tweaking growth strategies - now I get to do it for awesome entrepreneurs!
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
I had a hard time narrowing down exactly what I wanted to do. I came from IT so I fell into websites and integration. I didn't love it though. So I got an awesome coach who advised I do exactly what I was doing and LOVING in my corporate life! Developing growth strategies!
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
Yes. Its not easy being an entrepreneur. But, I am both awesome and experienced at what I'm doing. I also know that what I am doing is not just for me but for my family!
What have you learned since beginning?
OWN YOUR AUTHORITY! There are so many times that imposter syndrome or self doubt creeps in. Know how to breathe it in, feel it, then breathe it out and let it go!
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
Feel your feelings then decide how you want to feel. When you try to just power through things without dealing with them, it holds you back in your business more than you would normally realize to be possible.
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
Don't be afraid to try things to figure out what you really love to do! And also, OWN YOUR AUTHORITY!
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
I had a client begin making 25% more after just one call with me. :)
Which book(s) would you recommend to help with success and personal development?
I'm a sucker for Denise Duffield Thomas - any of her three. I'm also reading How to Make Friends and Influence People right now and LOVING IT!
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
I make sure to have at least 30 quiet minutes to myself every day and I work in chunks - not all at once.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
Facebook is my sm Home! My friends, connections and group are where its at!
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
the cold DM with hey you need my service and to join my group but I clearly didn't look at your profile at all...Don't do it. Please.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
gsuite is my best friend. Google docs for quick ideas and content creation on the go, my emails, my calendar. I love it. Basic but true.
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
You have skills, if you want to start your own business DO IT!
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I just started my own group on facebook ( which I'm super excited about! It will have weekly quick trainings, tips, and inspiration for growth focused entrepreneurs! I am also in the midst of developing a group program!
What has being successful taught you?
I am a badass. Its also taught me to own what I'm good at and use it to help other women to grow their businesses!
What are some fun facts about you?
We are crazy dog people...we had six dogs when our second daughter was born. I am also gardening obsessed (growth is my jam, baby, yeah! - Austin Powers anyone??). I love my flowers and veggies and babying my garden!
Connect with Alex:
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