Meet Alea Marie... The New Age Coach
Aug 09, 2019
I had the chance to interview the lovely, kind-hearted, visionary & soulful Alea Marie this week and I'm excited to share her wisdom with you!
From Alea:
Hello! My name is Alea Marie and I'm Made Strong with MS, I’m a wife, and mother of two beautiful boys. I enjoy everything creative, woo, and learning everything under the sun! I'm an open book, love exploring, love nature, and having fun!
The Following is Our Interview, my questions in BOLD her answers follow.
What kind of work do you do?
I am a Passion Architect. I teach women how to build the f*ck out of their dreams though shadow work and using their intuition. We dive deep, gently take down the walls we’ve built inside ourselves and use those same stones to rebuild your infrastructure - to be virtually indestructible. You’ll learn that only you have the ability to remove stones from your temples, when you choose. I primarily do Shadow Work but also do other healing modalities including journaling, meditation, and grounding practices. I help women heal from past trauma by learning their triggers, integrating the trigger, and going forward into the future as a new version of self. I help women reconnect with their intuition and how to love all of themselves. Because we are powerful!
What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?
I worked a corporate job for 9 years and it killed my mind body and spirit. I vowed never to work for another place that would dictate how I could stand and what nail polish I could wear.
Now, I get to dance in my office, listen to my music while I work, make my own hours, help women find themselves, and best part I get to be home with my kiddos!
What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?
Oh many many things. First I tried out almost every MLM and DS company thinking that was a fit until I realized, I don’t want to sell anyone else’s vision or dream. I want to share mine and build up other women in THEIR dreams! So the biggest struggle was learning all the marketing, branding, and building a website - until I learned I didn’t even need any of those! Alignment was also another thing as well.
Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?
If I had a dollar for every time I thought of quitting, giving up, eating a tub of ice cream, running away, taking a drive and never coming back - I’d be a millionaire!! What kept me going is the mindset that nothing is permanent. We constantly evolve, grow, push boundaries, and I take that stress and reevaluate where it’s coming from and how I can change what I’m doing now to feel more aligned. So, if you feel like quitting, give yourself permission to quit. Do it. Allow yourself to quit. Then come in with another mindset, I DO have the option to quit, but I CHOOSE to stay. And there in lies your power. The confidence.
What have you learned since beginning?
I’ve learned so much in the last year it makes my head spin and I’m so grateful!
>I’ve learned to let go and let flow.
>I’ve learned that you need to set boundaries not only for other people but for yourself as well. You’re an entrepreneur, not a saint. You don’t need to work 24/7 to make things happen. Allow yourself the grace to step away for a day or two - your business will not crumble.
>I’ve learned that in order to show up, you need to go all in. Show up as your 6 figure self. Show up to serve your community. Show up even to say “hey I don’t feel like showing up, but I’m here today! And I’m telling you I will be taking two days off!”
> I’ve learned that to truly change the world, you must start with yourself. And as an entrepreneur it’s all about that inner belief, improvement, and that in itself is a spiritual experience.
What’s the best advice you’ve received?
It’s all in the mindset. You can accomplish anything with the right mindset. And don’t act out of scarcity!
Also, the universe HAS YOUR BACK!
What advice would you give someone just starting out?
You’ve got this. If you falter know it does not define you! It’s how you stand back up again and again and again that defines you and your resilience!!
What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?
Is there a book you’d recommend to help with success and personal development?
First I would say I LOVE The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
EntreLeadership by Dave Ramsey
And You’re a Badass at Making Money by Jen Sincero
Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?
Yup! Adopted from Marie Forleo, the 3 things to get yourself in the mindset to start your day.
It’s called Create Before Consume
Before you do anything that’s a time suck - tv, news, social media - you must create something before.
Here’s how, when you wake up in the morn:
1.) Check in with your breath for a count of 10 mindful breaths.
2.) write in a journal. Do so without restriction. Create a fantasy! Write a story! Write a list! Just explore on paper.
3.) get your body moving! Dance, go for a walk, play with your kids or pets! Just MOVE.
Then, you may enter the social media realm as you’ve already checked in with yourself.
How has social media played a factor in your success?
Oh it’s HUGE!! I love FB groups and going live and it allows people to actually see me and relate to me. It also allows me to take my work on the road from wherever without being pinned down.
What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?
Posting just to post. You must have either a call to action, teach something, or offer a service. You also must have your ICA (Ideal Client Avatar) down oat before posting, otherwise it’s all for not.
What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?
FB live!
Is there something you wish everyone knew?
That you seriously have the power within you to DO ANYTHING.
What’s coming up for you in the next few months?
I’ve got several courses coming, a couple masterminds, a book, Launching YouTube, and my 1:1 Healing prices will be doubling in September. Exciting times!
What has being successful taught you?
Never give the fuck up! Keeeep going! And if you need to step back to realign, that’s fine, that’s recalibration not quitting!
Also, failure IS part of the process! You’ve got to get over your fear of it! It’s gonna happen! It’s how you choose to rise from it and transform from it that makes ALL the difference.
What are some fun facts about you?
I’m a nerd, I love all things sci-fi, Keanu Reeves included, the Raven is my spirit animal, and I make music and soap in my hobby hours! I also wanted to be an astronaut when I was little.
Connect with Alea: website and to contact me via FB
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